
03:42 PM | 30-07-2019

How to loose weight?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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9 Answers

09:53 AM | 31-07-2019

Don't compromise on your breakfast.
Eat regular meals and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.Drink plenty of water.
Eat high fibre foods and use a smaller plate.
Don't stock junk foods and carbonated drinks.
Cut down on alcohol and foods rich in sugar and fats and also spices should be in limit.
Plan your meals (take small and frequent meals) and include all the food groups and remember moderation is the key rule.
Do perform yoga and exercise as it is beneficial for your key purpose.

09:53 AM | 31-07-2019

Namaste Starscreme

Lose weight by learning to listen to your body and not your mind. It is as simple as that.

Be Happy Be Healthy Always

Swati Dhariwal

Nature Cure Practitioner

06:28 PM | 31-07-2019

Get up early in the morning, don't sleep for long in the morning. 
Go outside and do some exercise and yoga in the fresh air.
Cook oil free.
Avoid spicy,deep fried and packaged food items.
Avoid white sugar.
Take stairs instead of lift.
Don't skip your breakfast. 
Take small meals at some intervals of time.Dont eat much at a single time,divide it into multiple times.
Increase your water intake.
Have home made fresh fruit juices.

09:54 AM | 31-07-2019

Hi there , 

Start your day with any physical exercises daily such as jogging , walking , swimming , cycling etc..; practice yoga and pranayama on daily basis . 
Cut down extra calories and focus on the diet with high fibers such as fruits and green vegetables . Consume more unsaturated fats like nuts than saturated fats and avoid oily junk fried foods . 

09:53 AM | 31-07-2019

Hi there , 

Loosing weight is not difficult if you check on the following ; 
- including fresh fruits and green vegetables in your diet .
- Avoid saturated fat and artificial trans fats .
- Avoid oily junk foods and oily fried stuffs .
- Practice daily workout and other physical exercises. 
- yogasana , pranayama and meditation .

09:52 AM | 31-07-2019

Lead a healthy whole food plant based diet with focus on raw till dinner and you can lose weight which your body gained due to inefficiencies and toxic load. Work out in a gym or join yoga, expose to the sun and lead a happy and mentally stress free lifestyle 


If you have any doubts reach us with more detailed questions 

09:01 PM | 12-08-2019

Our weight management program starts next weekend. Click this link for details:  Guided online weight loss program - Lose weight naturally, by syncing with the Laws of Nature! 

11:17 AM | 01-08-2019

Dear User,

Suggest you:

  1. Follow the thread to a similar query, click here
  2. In our Body Wisdom section, we have some health journeys related to weight loss. You may want to read these here.
  3. Also, we have a Weight Management program coming up soon. You may consider joining the same.

Team Wellcure

05:45 PM | 01-08-2019


A few points I would like to suggest-

  1. Eat only when hungry.
  2. Chew your food thoroughly. Eat your liquids and drink your solids.
  3. Avoid electronic gadgets while eating
  4. Eat in a peaceful environment.
  5. Avoidance of all packaged items, animal foods, dairy,sugary foods.
  6. Increase consumption of raw vegetables and fruits.
  7. Sound sleep and proper elimination.
  8. No one item ,pill or food can help you loose weight except a complete holistic approach.
  9. In case you are still unable to loose weight kindly get your complete body analysis to find out if there is some underlying health issues.
  10. Exposure to sunshine for Vitamin D.

Wish you good Health Always!

Thank you,



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