
10:38 AM | 02-08-2019

I'm 28 years old, my personality used to be very bubbly and happy. Nowadays my skin looks dull and have very dark dark circles, and I don't look healthy like used to be. I'm working for 9 hours in front of computers, I changed my diet, going for workout but still not getting any results. I feel stressed and dull don't kno why. Please look into my problem and assist me with a solution. Thanks.

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9 Answers

01:42 PM | 03-08-2019


Looks like you are spending way too much of time in front of the computers. Well if that’s what you have to do and if you don’t have any other choice, then just do certain things to make life better even otherwise. Every half an hour leave your table, walk around a bit, take a water break, look out of the window at green trees or plants, drink in the natural beauty. And try to squat a couple of times to stretch your muscles and joints. This is to keep your mind and body relaxed all through the day. The points that follow are for you to follow every day ....

1 Learn pranayam and yoga for relaxing your mind, improving your flexibility and activating your lymphatic system.

2 Get good sun exposure either in the early hours of the morning or a couple of hours before sunset. 

3 Get in touch with Mother Earth. Do some gardening with your hands or atleast walk barefoot on sand or mud. Sit in parks or lie on the ground or lawns and relax.

4 Keep an eye on your bowel movement. See to it that your bowels are always functioning normally. Eliminate larger quantities than what you eat.

5 Rest and relax well. Sleep in the earlier part of the night and sleep through the night. Wake up before or with the sun.

6 Be well hydrated. Consume lot of juicy fruits veggies and greens to hydrate yourself well.

8 Be happy always. Don’t let life’s negativities to bog you down. Always be positive.

Follow these principles and as you go on eliminating toxins and discarding all damaged unhealthy tissues you will start seeing a great change in your overall health. 

If you need any assistance during the cleansing or healing crises do not hesitate to get in touch

Be Happy Be Healthy Always 

Swati Dhariwal 

Nature Cure Practitioner 

01:43 PM | 03-08-2019

Our external appearance whether it's our skin or nails or complexion or eyes,all are the reflections of our internal health. 
Working 9 hours on computers is too long.This not  only affects your eyes but your entire body.
Try to get up early in the morning and go out in a garden or a place where trees are present and exercise or do yoga in this natural environment, this will fill your body with fresh oxygen and will energize you. You should practice meditation also.
Don't work late night. Sleep early. Wrong sleeping pattern disturbs the normal body functions. 
Eat healthy. Don't eat street foods,packaged foods,deep fried foods. 
Have fiber rich diet, include salads,vegetables, fresh fruits ,sprouts, nuts,berries, in your meals.
Use spectacles or glasses while working on computers that can prevent you from harmful rays.

10:27 PM | 17-09-2019

Very clear Answer


01:44 PM | 03-08-2019

Hey ,  please don't stress over this . Every problem has a solution . Be affirmative .

If you have to work in front of computer for 9 hours a day , make sure you reduce your screen time for rest of your day.  
 And do add these little things in your routine :- 

💟 Have lukewarm water and lemon first thing in the morning 
💟 Have atleast 10 almonds ( soaked in night ) .
💟Avoid excess of unhealthy carbs in your diet like bakery stuff , fast food and oily things .
💟Have a plate full of fruits with seeds as breakfast . 
💟  For dinner , try to have boiled vegetables nd soups . 
💟 Before going to bed wash your face properly , and apply night cream or if your skin is not oily you can use coconut oil or aloevera gel. Gently massage your face with it. 
💟 You said you do workout , try adding some yoga asans in it. Like Sarvanga asan , hala asan , Surya namaskar. These will boost up your blood circulation and your skin will start to Glow like before 😇
💟 Do 5 cycles of om chanting twice a day . 

Don't stress over it .
Stay active stay healthy 💟
Dr. Bhuvneshwari


11:58 PM | 02-08-2019

Glad that you are making an effort and have linked skin and mood issues to food intake.

Can you please tell what is the diet you follow now?

I had the same issue but I feel now my skin issues and definitely, mood has improved a lot.

You can read my health journey here

Syncing with nature made me illness free

All parts of the body are intimately connected. The same blood flows everywhere to nourish various body parts. Once the quality of blood improves you will see overall improvement.

You need to undergo a good detox by changing to living foods, quality sleep, sunshine exposure, rest and recreation and an active lifestyle.

01:43 PM | 03-08-2019



त्वचा हमारे शरीर का सहज ज़रिया है शरीर (elimination)निष्कासन की प्रक्रिया में लगा है।

सुबह ख़ाली पेट आधा खीरा ५ पुदीने या करी पत्ते के साथ पिस कर उसमें १०० ml पानी मिला कर पिएँ।

जूस को मुँह में रख कर एक बार सहज स्वाँस लें फिर घूँट अंदर लें।

२ घंटे बाद कोई bhi एक तरीक़े का फल नाश्ते में लें।फल को ठीक से चबा कर खाएँ, कोई नमक या चाट मसला या चीनी, दूध मिक्स ना करें। 

सलाद दोपहर १ बजे बिना नमक के खाएँ तो अच्छा होगा क्योंकि नमक सलाद के गुणों को कम कर देता है।

रात के खाने में इस अनुपात से खाना खाएँ २ कटोरी सब्ज़ी के साथ १ कटोरी चावल या १ रोटी लें, ८ बजे के बाद कुछ ना खाएँ, १२ घंटे का (gap) अंतराल रखें ८ बजे रात से ८ बजे सुबह तक कुछ नहीं खाना है, 

खीरा+एलोवेरा का पल्प का पेस्ट चेहरे पर २० मिनट के लिए लगाएँ।

चेहरे को गुलाब जल + बेसन और हल्दी से साफ़ करें, साबुन या कोई भी क्रीम का प्रयोग बंद कर दें।


10:28 AM | 09-09-2019

its a result of stress n nutritional deficiency.
you should listen music  eat healthy food .
you should avoid negative company n thoughts .
do meditation n exercise daily n do creative work which can give you a flow.
Avoid spicy oily pickles starchy food instead of it eat papaya guava banana fresh juice salads dates n nuts .
avoid chemical products .
wear comfortable clothes.
adopt natural lifestyle.

11:35 AM | 08-09-2019

Namaste Ji,

Dark circles can affect both men and women. Now there are many reasons for dark circles to appear under your eyes; from stress, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, a disturbed lifestyle, hereditary and many more.

Not drinking adequate water is also one of the major cause. And rubbing eyes continuously, crying.. also leads to dark circle...& so does seeing mobile till late hours, watching TV for a longer period.

We can overcome this in a certain period of time by eating more seasonal and water content fruits like watermelon, grapes, pears, muskmelon. These will increase water content in the body which is cooling.

Washing face from ice, apple, aloe vera gel, rubbing with potato slice or tomato also gives positive result.

At night before going to bed, put almond oil on dark circles and sleep.

Deep sleep of 8 hours is mandatory.

Try all this for 48 days and see the improvement.


11:36 AM | 08-09-2019

Hello, life shows on your face when you conserve your energy. The energy  you have cannot be increased or decreased.  You are born with certain amount of energy. How are you use it depends on the activities your body chooses to perform. Digestion occupies about 85% of the energy and rest of it for bodily activities used up for voluntary and involuntary actions, energy for thinking etc. so if you think that you are stressed in the office, also working out to make yourself energised which in fact is draining you, how do you think you will feel energised? Did you know that body recognises only raw and natural food that is available in nature that which you can chew and digest ? They are fruits vegetables leafy greens nuts and seeds majorly. Anything that you cannot chew is not your food,  anything that does not belong to these categories and have been processed and altered in form by human beings is also not your food. 

Anything that you consume that is not your food and does not belong to this category will only drain your energy hoping to process it and will usually remain unprocessed and undigested in the body. Anything undigested only adds to the toxic accumulation also called toxaemia in the body. All diseases , all problems are due to toxic overload in the body. The solution that you should be looking for is , how to minimise the toxic overload so that your body does not spend a lot of energy in unnecessary activities, and still gets all your organs working to its efficiency.

  • To start off with start your day with a 500 ML of cucumber juice.
  • Have only fruits for breakfast and nothing else.
  • Carry vegetable salads with leafy greens for your lunch.
  • Avoid all kinds of animal products which are acidic and a drain  in your system-dairy eggs meat fish
  • Avoid sugar, refined oils, refined flour, fried food sugar laden foods and anything containing dairy.
  • Instead of the gym spend some time In yoga and Pranayam.
  • If possible try to expose yourself for 30 minutes in the morning sun before you leave to the office
  • Although you have a stressful job try to help find happiness inside yourself stay happy live in gratitude and show compassion to all the living beings.
  • Avoid coffee tea and green tea as they are stimulants and will further cause a dip in your energy.

Adopt the above changes in your lifestyle in the next couple of months you will find that you might get cold cough fever and other forms of elimination that will bring all the toxins from your body outside.  at that time have patience and let the body drain it. 


Avoid all forms of medication which are again going to create a toxic overload/vicious cycle in your system. If the symptoms are severe,  stay on juices for the entire day and rest. That is going to flush the toxins outside your system.

Overtime your face is going to start to glow and you will feel much better and energetic even during and after your office hours.


Thanks and let us know if you have any questions

Be blessed
Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)

11:30 AM | 08-09-2019


आपको योग एवं प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा का उपचार लेना चाहिए - 

  1. पेट व माथे पर मिट्टी की पट्टी ,
  2. पूरे शरीर की मालिश व वाष्प स्नान,
  3.  मिट्टी स्नान,
  4. जलनेति, वमन धौति, त्राटक,
  5. प्राणायाम- अनुलोम विलोम, भ्रामरी,
  6. ध्यान
  7. योग निद्रा
  8. सूर्य नमस्कार
  9. जुस - अनार, संतरा !
  10. पर्याप्त मात्रा में हरी व पत्तेदार सब्जियों का सेवन !
  11. पर्याप्त मात्रा में जल का सेवन!
  12. खुलकर हंसे, प्रसन्न रहें!

देर रात तक न जगे ! 

डॉ. राजेश कुमार

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