
10:18 AM | 02-08-2019

I am having tinitus.. Any cure

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1 Answer

04:44 PM | 02-08-2019


Worry not, it is not a disease, but rather a symptom of some other underlying health condition. Considering yoga for tinnitus relief can be of help.

Some of the major causes of tinnitus are as follows:

1. Stress
2. A stiff neck or stiff jaws
3. Joint disorders in the jaws
4. Low blood circulation in the brain
5. Accumulation of earwax
6. High levels of cholesterol in the blood
7. Cardiac ailments
8. Infection in the ear, nose or throat
9. Stiffening of the middle bone in the ear
10. Allergies

Join some yoga center and from yoga gurus and expert learn few asanas like;

Adho Mukha Svanasana

This will surely help you to overcome Tinnitus.

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