
01:24 PM | 03-08-2019

Hi, can anyone suggest any natural remedy for Conjunctivitis? Thank you

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9 Answers

06:32 PM | 04-08-2019


1 Keep washing your eyes in regular intervals with fresh cold water.

2 You may keep a wet pack on your eyes for 15 to 20 mts.

3 You may wash your eyes with cold water with a pinch of salt diluted in it.

4 Eat lots of fruits and veggies that too only of you are hungry.

5 Keep away from all electronic gadgets and give your eyes enough rest. That includes television too.

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 

Nature Cure Practitioner 


11:06 PM | 04-08-2019

Thank you.


12:40 PM | 06-08-2019

Cucumber pack on eyes for 20min twice a day atleast for a week will give you tremendous results for providing soothing and cooling effect to eyes which can suppress the symptoms like pain, redness, itching etc.but the root cause should be analysed to treat the affected organ.
Mainly inflammation of eyes and other problems related to eyes are connected directly to the liver functioning.So make sure you detoxify your liver and as the liver started getting healthier the root cause can be treated.

Dr. Ruchika Sharma

05:28 PM | 05-08-2019

Hi Deepti, 

Avoid using computers ,mobiles,laptops and tv.
Use glasses to prevent your eyes from harmful rays while seeing mobile. 
Protect your eyes from pollution and dust.
Wash your eyes with cold water at some small intervals. 
Put cucumber slices on your eyes.
Use gulab jala in your eyes.
Eat green leafy vegetables, beans,sprouts. 

12:41 PM | 06-08-2019

To relieve the discomfort associated with viral,bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis compresses can be applied either a warm or cold compresses.
Rinse your eyes at regular intervals.
Avoid triggers like prevent yourself from allergens like dust,dirt etc.
Get lots of sleep and give appropriate rest to your eyes.
Hydrate well to speed up your recovery.
Even use your eye cosmetics wisely and throw away all the cosmetics that you have used earlier.

12:40 PM | 06-08-2019

       You can use crepe jasmine flower soaked water to wash your eyes and place the flower upon your eyes before sleep.
     This will surely help you.
         Thank you.

12:40 PM | 06-08-2019

* During this time eyes require rest
* Eye wash with saline water every 3 hours
* Keep a soft cotton cloth next to you for wiping the secretions
* Apply water cloth for 20 mins.  3 times a day

Thank you
Dr. Vini Gala

05:28 PM | 05-08-2019


Conjunctivitis may occur due to a viral or bacterial infection.

Eyes should be washed with clean water and wiped by clean towel to protect them from infections. Use of dirty cloth pieces, handkerchiefs or towels for cleaning eyes should be avoided.

Take easily digestible and light foods.

Take 2 cup of hot water and 3 teaspoonful of honey. Mix well. Wash your eyes twice daily.

Including immunity boosting foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and salads.


06:32 PM | 04-08-2019

Like any part of the body conjunctivitis is also an inflammation of the eye. Where there is filth, bacteria and virus comes to eat it. Why does eyes accumulate toxins you might ask. Lack of sleep, lots of screen time , stress, general lifestyle issues that can lead to accumulation in any part of the body and for you it can be eyes. Suppression of smaller eye issues via meds / drops, feeding ok caffeine to stay awake, riding without riding glasses,  ignoring signs of redness in the eyes, ignoring watery eyes etc can make your eyes vulnerable to attacks. Preventing this from happening in future is to make sure the above is taken care of positively. 

Wash the eyes in a small glass in fresh water by blinking several times inside the water. Use separate glass and water for both eyes. 

Grate cucumber and keep it in between 2 layers of washed cotton cloth and tie it on the eyes for few hrs and sleep. Grated potato , cucumber and carrot can be used. Wash the eyes and give a 2 hr gap between diff vegetables. Any one veg also can be used. Continue this washing , resting and applying for 2-3 days continuously and it will help. 

While on this healing method, only fruits and juices without any cooked must be taken. No sugar diary jaggery or anything else to be consumed. 

Be blessed 

11:06 PM | 04-08-2019

Thank you.


06:32 PM | 04-08-2019



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11:06 PM | 04-08-2019

Thank you.


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