Watermelon, the classic summer fruit is nature’s gift to keep our body hydrated and cool during summer months. This recipe combines watermelon juice with flavourful, cooling and fragrant mint leaves to create a perfect summer cooler! When you cut a watermelon, which does not turn out to be that sweet or juicy, simply churn in blender and make a juice. Tastes a lot better. Incase you are in a hurry, put in blender along with seeds, and sieve later.
Serve the chilled juice and enjoy!
Eating Guide:
Food group: Fruits (raw)
Best time to eat: mornings as part of the first meal. Can be eaten as afternoon drink too.
Remember to eat melons alone, not mixed with any other fruit or food group. Watermelons have very high water content and digest very quickly.
Image courtesy for title pic: www.healthymummy.com
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