This article is an important one to understand the organism'sunique (and different) reactions to similar stimuli. I have received this question, lately: “I have been using computers for 10 years now! I use it almost 12-15 hours a day, even in a dark room. My eyes are best in its health. No vision loss! Your explanation of listening to the voice of the organism does not seem to apply for me! Can you explain, please?” The originality of the Voice of the Organism Before going to the explanation, let me remind the correlation of the voice of the organism. For an analysis of the voice of the organism, we need to understand the thumb-rule of ‘GOOD FEELING' Vs ‘BAD FEELING'. We need to reach to the SOURCE of the feeling, first. The source is the STIMULUS, if the stimulus is a natural one then the response is absolutely natural. The decision would be very easy, in this case. We can opt to carry on with the ‘good feelin
This title is a biased one! Pure Nature Cure (PNC) is known to be a MATERIALISTIC science. The proposal of PNC is always matters first! Let's debate... When we talk about MIND & MATTER and ask the perennial question: “WHAT MATTERS THE MOST?”: we see prejudice in the proposal, which is, as if tilted towards the MATTER, in the question itself! :) But on a serious note, the fact beneath is much deeper… The other day a very respected mentor and a friend professor, in an online workshop on health and professional excellence, was proposing that “The food change is not very important. Our mind governs our body and not the other way around!” He was giving some empirical support to the proposed fact where people overcome their bodily ailments with their mind power, miraculously. I did not oppose it, because this proposal was phenomenally motivating and inspiring the crowd. A few years back, I too, used to think in the same li
Walk to Freedom
Inside an average home, we take around a thousand steps a day to move about, which is a good 0.76 kilometre. A walk to the neighbourhood shop, say 500 metres away, will approximately take 650 steps to go one way and will be a trip total of around 1300 steps. Walking happens this simply! In our lifetime we connect to mother Earth with our feet, sharing our worries and thoughts with her and getting gently nourished back; making it truly a WALK TO FREEDOM. In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks - John Muir It is the biggest joy to watch our children take their first ‘baby' steps. The little falls that they ignore and their natural taking to standing up and trying to walk, truly define us as the most unique species that evolved – one that would walk on this planet. A simple walk is a body ability that is a superb exercise in itself and is loaded with benefits. Yet we often discount the greatness of walking despite its simplicity and low in
This Is How Your Body Tells You That Something is Wrong
Do you know that the body talks to you through signals which we may name as pain or diseases? But these are just the body's mechanisms to expel toxins and get back to balance. Our body is always striving to give us the best possible health. As explained in this article, we need to focus on seven different areas to achieve holistic health. As per Natural Living, our body has only one goal - to maintain the balance within and reward us with optimum health. It has a wonderful self healing mechanism. It always works for our good health. All illnesses and symptoms are body's mechanisms to maintain this balance. An illness is just body's signal to us that it needs our support. If you are ill, don't worry but instead, be assured that body is functioning right & hence is able to send out a signal. Fever, cough, cold, rashes, headache, pain, acne, nausea, etc., anything that you experience is body's signal to you. Understand the signal & take the right a
Sitting is the new smoking
Sitting is a factor in the lives of all of us. A part of our lives is spent sitting down. So, how we sit is very important. Do we sit in the proper posture or do we slouch? What effect can this have on our health and how do we correct it? This article takes a closer look. Sitting and slouching Sitting continuously for many hours can have many health hazards. Some of us are required to sit more than others, hence we either profit or lose according to how we sit at our work, during leisure, while eating etc. depending upon the length of time sitting is demanded of us. Whether we rest or not when sitting, depends upon how we sit and what we sit upon. To do the best quality work when sitting also depends upon how we sit and what we sit upon. Many persons sit to ‘‘slouch''. They are either too poor in health or too tired to stand. For these, we can offer no better suggestion than to strive to improve the general state of health by hygienic ways so that
Assistive Measures to Improve Circulation
People suffering from chronic diseases like hypertension, heart diseases, obesity, arthritis etc. are sometimes unable to do simple exercises as it often causes pain and leaves them breathless. But movement is extremely important to aid the circulation of sluggish blood and lymph fluids and remove toxins. This article discusses some measures on how circulation could be improved. When a person is in a chronic state of health, the blood is thickened with toxins and flows sluggishly and unevenly. Similarly the circulation of lymphatic fluids is also compromised. In such a state, exercising can be painful and not very effective. Listed below are 3 simple methods of improving body fluid circulation which anyone can do from the comfort of their home. 1. DRY BRUSHING: Why dry brushing? We're all aware of brushing our hair and teeth but do you know that brushing the largest organ in our body i.e. the skin, can not only help in skin exfoliation, reducing cellu
The Secret of Glowing, Youthful Skin – Part 2
In Part 1 of this series on skin health, we understood the role of the skin and what skin indicates about our health. In this blog, let's look at lifestyle correction factors so that the skin can be restored to a natural, blemish-free, glowing health. Factors which affect skin health Denatured foods- Our diet should consist mainly of wholesome, natural foods. Dairy, non-veg, processed foods, excess intake of grains, refined oils, sugar and salt tire the body as these foods are hard to digest and cause problems in the elimination of digestive waste. Hence these should be reduced greatly or eliminated. Some common skin breakout triggers reported are sugar, dairy, wheat, alcohol, smoking, coffee, tea, chocolate and carbonated beverages. These are acidic foods and cause an imbalance in the acid-alkaline balance in the body. They are also dehydrating foods as they take away water from the body for digestion leaving skin look haggard and dry. When these are replaced with h
Processed foods – Are they our natural food?
We all know that processed foods are not good for us. However, still, many of us choose to consume them regularly. That's because either we are not completely aware of the health problems associated with it, or we don't have access to better and natural alternatives, or both. Read this post to know why are they bad for you and how can you eliminate them from your life. They are convenient, readily available, and are backed by a brand name that you have grown up with. Especially, when you have a busy lifestyle and a family to raise, it's easier to feed hungry tummies, with something readily available – than preparing everything from scratch in your kitchen. Yes, we are talking about “processed foods”. Here, in today's guide, we shine a spotlight on the adverse effects of processed foods, and why your body needs wholesome natural foods and handy tips to include more healthy foods in your diet. First things first, What are Processed Foods?
Yes, humbly, I want to make it loud and clear: Unmindful and superstitious use of TONA/ENEMA has to be stopped to help the body to retain and maintain the real independent health. TONA is the smaller version of ENEMA, often recommended as remedies even by many Nature Cure practitioners to get rid of the problem of incidental-constipation, during the ACUTE conditions! Pure Nature Cure is not about remedies. We need to dive deeper into the Physics of VITALITY, to understand the dialectics of the incidental-constipation. The vitality is the energy with innate intelligence! Most of the rules of observatory-physics can be applied to explain the functioning of vitality. Energy is the capacity to work. Work is directly proportional to the force. Force is directly proportional to the pressure. According to Gay-Lussac's law about the relation between the pressure and temperature of gases, the pressure is directly proportional to the temperature. Tem
FOOD and VITALITY - again and again
In his autobiographical book, ‘The story of my experiments with TRUTH', Mr MK Gandhi shared his experience ofeating meat. He shares: “…I asked my friend the reason and he explained it thus: 'We areweak people because we do not eat meat. The English are able to rule over us because they are meat-eaters. You know how hardy I am, and how great a runner too. It is because I am a meat-eater. Meat-eaters do not have boils or tumours and even if they sometimes happen to have any, these heal quickly. Our teachers and other distinguished people who eat meat are no fools. They know its virtues. You should do likewise. There is nothing like trying. Try, and see what strength it gives….” Mr Gandhi continues… “…All this had its due effect on me. I was beaten. It began to grow on me that meat-eating was good, that it would make me strong and daring, and that, if the whole country took to meat-eating, the English could be overc
FOOD and VITALITY - the vital understanding
Recently, I came across this advertisement! It says “We make a dead person, alive”! I shall not even waste time ridiculing this advertisement. I shall come straight to the point of the foundation! What is the foundation of this thought process of claiming to make a dead person, alive? The seed is the misconceptions about the VITALITY! Unless we understand the aspect of vitality well, we would suffer from a lot of superstitions related to our health and happiness altogether. Wherever we see a life, we experience the existence of VITALITY. Seeing the life around us might trigger the assumptions of vitality-enhancement as - lives usually look similar. But technically, the vitality cannot be interchangeable due to the non-compatible uniqueness. The vitality of the individual is unique to that individual only. If the vitality would have been increased through external enhancements, mankind would have averted death by now! Averting death is det
How Can You Manage Blood Pressure By Nature Cure
Blood Pressure - the name itself sounds like a life sentence. Once on the pill always on the pill. And the number of people suffering from it is just too high. So how can one tackle high and low blood pressures using nature cure? Let's try to understand what is blood pressure? Blood pressure is a measurement used in medicine. In the body, the arteries carry blood away from the heart. As blood travels through the arteries, It presses against the walls of the arteries. Blood pressure measures how hard the blood is pushing against the walls of the arteries. The first is the systolic Pressure. It is the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. It is measured in millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). The top, systolic, number is the pressure when the heart beats. The bottom, diastolic, number is the pressure when the heart rests between beats. Normal blood pressure is around 120/80 mm Hg. The body self-regulates blood pressure The blood pressure may differ in different parts
This article is dedicated to and inspired by Herbert McGolfin Shelton's Natural Hygienic theories and the concept of STRUCTURE GOVERNS FUNCTIONS. Shelton was an American Naturopath who used to say, "Hygienic care is the only rational and radical care that has ever been administered to the sick in any age of the world in any place." [This is a line from his book, ‘Food Combining Made Easy'] Let me start with a few facts, picked up from Medical analyses. The percentage of water in our body – A grown-up healthy adult would have an average of 60-70% water in the body. [An infant would have approx. 80% water in the body.] In healthy conditions, Our muscles and kidneys contain more than 75% of water. Our brain and heart contain more than 70% of water. Our lung contains more than 80% of water. Even, the bones contain more than 30% of water. The healthy stool contains more than 75% of water. Other eliminations like sweat,
PSYsolution Series 1: ARTICLE 15 of 15: MIND MATTERS
MIND OR MATTER? The debate, “Which is more important, Mind or Matter?” is a perennial debate! The Mind is invisible; whereas, Matter is visible. If we perceive this aspect, neutrally and naturally, we shall find that the wellness of the human organism can be primarily correlated to the matters. Improvement of matters, bodily matters, brings wellness back to the individual substantially, even without the involvement of the mind. It means, if an individual suffers from some bodily ailments and changes the food intake in-sync with nature, the problem gets improved substantially, for most of the cases. On the other hand, in similar cases, if the food is not changed but thought-wise, the individual conserves a lot of vitality, the possibilities of improvement are rare! Having said, the primary importance of Matters, we must acknowledge the ultimate importance of Mind. Because, for the sustainability of the opted change in food (the matter), the involvement o
THE RAW STORY - WHY TO EAT RAW? The raw materials needed by each and every organism are R-A-W: Radiation-Air-Water. For the solar galaxy, the primary natural radiation is the Sunlight, then the Air and the Water. Organisms are of two types – Autotrophs and Heterotrophs. Autotrophs, the plants, can produce their food by integrating R-A-W with the help of soil. Heterotrophs, we, can absorb direct R-A-W but also need solid food. We depend upon the autotrophs for the solid foods. We disintegrate solid foodinto the qualities of R-A-W. Then we reintegrate the disintegrated R-A-W into our body cells. The R-A-W undergoes at least 3-steps, Integration by autotrophs, Disintegration and Reintegration by our body to form our body cells. Our VITALITY executes the last two steps. Image credit:LoggaWigglervia Pixabay.com Let us take an example of a mango. It is an integrated (1) form of R-A-W by a mango tree. Then when we consume it, we disintegrate (2) and rei
The Conscious Consistent Conservation of Vitality is the basis of Nature Cure. A majority of our activities happen beyond our conscious level in a programmatic way while a few activities we do consciously. Our conscious choices need to sync with our beyond conscious activity-wise, to reduce conflicts and attain a better state of Conservation of Vitality. The conscious activities that we choose to do can be termed as Physical Activities. Image credit: StockSnap via Pixabay.com For example, we eat, walk, play, dance, conduct meetings, talk, choose to listen etc. all the activities we perform with our conscious decisions. The beyond conscious activities that we perform are termed as Physiological Activities. For example, we feel hunger, we digest, excrete, feel tired, sleep, we sense sexual drives etc. These happen in an autonomous way beyond our conscious choices. Apart from these two activities, Psychological Activities are also an important aspect. In
PSYsolution Series 1: ARTICLE 4 of 15: Infection: Nature’s explanation
Let us suppose you have organized a party at your home and invited me. I went there, enjoyed a lot. Meanwhile, another friend of mine saw me at the party from outside. He considered me as the host of the party. Based on that single assumption he builds a lot of stories and spread to the world! The major portion of the medicinal fraternity is confused with this Invitee Vs Host confusion. Pathogens, without much of rationales, are considered as the host, whereas they are the invitee in a diseased body. Let us dive deeper to know the reality, rationally! Definition of Infection: The invasion and multiplication of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. By now if you have noticed, the word ORGANISMS is used in Nature Cure repeatedly! Yes, Nature Cure is not limited to the Human Being but the science of Nature Cure is equally applicable to all organisms. The meaning of Organism as per Google: AN INDIVIDUAL ANIMAL, PLANT, OR SINGLE-CELLED LIF
The Art of Natural Childcare
Key Principles from 'The Hygienic Care of Children' ~ A Book By Herbert M Shelton In a world where commercial interests often overshadow the well-being of children, it's essential to prioritize their interests above all else. "The Hygienic Care of Children" by Herbert M. Shelton provides invaluable guidance on fostering the natural care of children. Every birth is a perfect regeneration of nature Every newborn child is a fresh effort of nature to produce a perfect man or woman. Nothing in this world is more beautiful and lovely than a healthy, well-developed, happy, and contented child. By embracing natural hygiene practices, placing our kids' interests first and commercial interests last, and understanding key aspects such as conception, breastfeeding, diet, sleep, and emotional support, we can pave the way for a generation of vibrant and flourishing children. Ensuring Healthy & Natural Births: The first requirement for a healthy,
Natural Nutrition Secrets: FREE Email Video Course
SIGN UP FOR FREE COURSE NOW You know the importance of healthy eating but often aren't able to follow it. We understand your quest for health and this is where your search ends! We have crafted a unique, short email course that addresses the most common health and nutrition concerns decodes them for you, and gives you solutions on how to overcome them. The Natural Nutrition Secrets short email video course gives you clarity on natural nutrition. And it is free! The course content is backed by 20+ years of holistic nutrition experience and the credentials of Dr. Gauri Rokkam, who has synthesized the science of Nature cure with modern Nutrition. This course is an offshoot of the amazing Holistic Nutrition & Healing E-learning Course by Dr. Gauri Rokkam, which has changed lives because it teaches you how to live healthy forever. SIGN UP FOR FREE COURSE NOW https://elearning.wellcure.com/pl/277146 The key topics covered in this course
(Free Download) IMMUNITY BUILDING GUIDE: Natural Methods, Recipes and Practical Tips
The ebook contains - Nature's wisdom of enhancing immunity. Learn the cause of Virus infections Know how immunity functions & self-healing powers of the body Easy, immunity-boosting recipes Natural ways to boost immunity Practical tips, home remedies, drinks & teas Meal plan for eating healthy daily Special care tips for Kids & Elderly Simple therapies to detox Lifestyle to stay safe and healthy Click here to Download the free ebook (only till 30 Nov 2020) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YsUDGnZsbpuRf1FivnwJXeR7Y-cBjtnX/view?usp=sharing Other Natural Health ebooks by Wellcure - 1. 30 Day 30 Healthy Recipes Inculcate healthy eating in the whole family Immunity boosting recipes,all-natural plant-based ingredients 30+ whole plant-based, oil, sugar, dairy-free, gluten-free recipes Dairy sub
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