Hey! A month ago I met with a road accident, and got injured pretty badly, my face got scars of that accident and got hurt on my chin as well, but even after one month my chin has become too hard like a stone but it doesn't pain much. And I think it has shifted a little from its place " jst a little" but it isn't paining though. I USE flamer ( pain reliever tube ). What else do you guys suggest I should be doing? I would love to hear some really good advice, thanks!
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Read moreNamaste Ansha
Sorry to hear about your accident.
The scars and hardening will take some time to heal.
1 The best way to go about it is do not apply anything chemical bass to it, to begin with.
2 Apply a wet pack on the hardened spot every day for atleast 30 mts.
3 If you can get Multani mitti, please soak it overnight and apply that on your scars and hardened part. After it dries completely, wash it and apply a bit of cold pressed coconut oil on the face. The mud works wonders.
4 Keep splashing cold water on your face two or three tones a day and just pat it dry.
5 Get some sun exposure on your face on a daily basis. You may sit in the early morning sun with your eyes closed and face turned towards the sun. (You may as well get a full body exposure too for overall health) stay there as long as you feel comfortable.
6 Stay on a complete fruit and vegetables based diet atleast for a week. No cooked food or any processed, packaged food, no dairy, no meat etc. only fruits mostly and lesser of vegetables. This will help your body clear away scar cells or damaged cells faster. One week is just a tentative suggestion. See how you are progressing and go ahead accordingly.
7 Do some deep breathing and pranayam to relax your face muscles.
Be happy be healthy always
Swati Dhariwal
Nature Cure Practitioner
Have you tried physiotherapy ? When you are at home wet the Center of a rectangular cloth and tie it to your chin while the knots are on ur head. Keep the wet touching the skin. In few days to a month, the area will soften and blood flow will improve.
Internally, do a lot of veg juicing and have plenty of fruits as your main meals and avoid cooked for lunch . You should be ok. Look up some facial exercises and start doing that . Gently massage the face with coconut oil towards the right direction to move it back to its place . Avoid medicines. It will delay and suppress healing .Be blessed
Ansha Srivastava
11:51 PM | 13-08-2019
No I haven't tried any physiotherapy for it yet, but which exercise should I do To dissolve my hard chin, also I tried the hot water and dipped the cloth a d pressed it against my chin and doing it now as well,
I would want to know the kind of facial exercise that can be done for chin to back at its place
Thankyou Mam for the blessing!
Smitha Hemadri
05:35 AM | 14-08-2019
Physiotherapist works.. try it. Those are a set of exercises only. Not medication
Hello Ansha. Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you feel better soon.
Your body is coping with the impact - scars, discomfort, pain are all part of the process. Body is capable of coping, you just have to ensure you support it.
The answer to your healing lies in enzymes. Enzymes are a bio active compounds that enable the functioning of every single cell in our body. They are catalysts of all chemical reactions in the body, they enable metabolism. Your body is in repair phase right now. To repair well, it needs all cells to do their work and hence enzymes become all the more important.
Some enzymes the body makes on its own. The rest come from the foods you eat. Raw foods are enzyme rich - fruits, veggies, sprouts, nuts, seeds. Enzymes are heat sensitive, they are best preserved at our body temperature ie 98.6 F / 36 C. Therefore cooked foods are of help only when they are lightly steamed. Non veg, dairy, processed foods, packaged foods take away from the enzymes reserve of body rather than adding to them.
To cut a long story short, have a lot of fruits, fruit juices, fruit smoothies, veggie salads, veggie juices, sprouts, soaked nuts & seeds, coconut water, lemon water, soups and sabjis made from lightly steamed veggies, etc.
Do ensure you get adequate sleep and keep stress levels in control. Inadequate sleep and stress are enzyme thieves.
Ansha Srivastava
11:52 PM | 13-08-2019
Thankyou so much, This was very informative I will try and bring it in my regime now!
Replyनमस्ते आशा जी,
शरीर में अम्ल (acid)की अधिकता के कारण कोई भी चोट जल्दी ठीक नहीं हो पता है।
नारियल पानी सुबह ख़ाली पेट पीएँ और थोड़ा चेहरे पर लगाएँ। दर्द वाले जगह पर धनिया + खीरा और एलोवेरा का पल्प का पेस्ट लगाएँ 20 मिनट के लिए। दिन में दो बार नारियल तेल में कपूर मिला कर उस तेल से घड़ी की सीधी दिशा (clockwise) में
और घड़ी की उलटी दिशा (anti clockwise)में मालिश करें। नरम हाथों से बिल्कुल भी प्रेशर नहीं देना है। फल, सब्ज़ी सलाद, सब्ज़ी के जूस को मुख्य आहार बना लें सुबह ख़ाली पेट आधा खीरा 5 पुदीने या करी पत्ते के साथ पिस कर उसमें 100ml पानी मिला कर पिएँ।
जूस को मुँह में रख कर एक बार सहज स्वाँस लें फिर घूँट अंदर लें।
2 घंटे बाद कोई bhi एक तरीक़े का फल नाश्ते में लें।फल को ठीक से चबा कर खाएँ, कोई नमक या चाट मसला या चीनी, दूध मिक्स ना करें।
दोपहर 12 बजे पालक 10 पत्ते + पुदीना 10 पत्ते पीस कर 100ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ।
सलाद दोपहर 1बजे बिना नमक के खाएँ तो अच्छा होगा क्योंकि नमक सलाद के गुणों को कम कर देता है।
रात के खाने में इस अनुपात से खाना खाएँ 2 कटोरी सब्ज़ी के साथ 1कटोरी चावल या 1रोटी लें। 8 बजे के बाद कुछ ना खाएँ। 12घंटे का (gap) अंतराल रखें 8 बजे रात से 8 बजे सुबह कुछ नहीं लेना है।
Ansha Srivastava
11:56 PM | 13-08-2019
Namaste Mam!
Thankyou soo Much, For the lovely advice, and the information I was unaware of and the way you scheduled everything in a time chart is a amazing and made it way easier for me to follow up on it!
I will surely do it!
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Ansha Srivastava
11:47 PM | 13-08-2019
Thankyou so much, I'll try and do this!