
10:10 AM | 24-12-2018

My daughter is not able to sleep well for the past 3 nights because her nose goes dry due to her cold. Both she and I are not sleeping well. What can I do for relief?

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4 Answers

10:20 AM | 24-12-2018

When I did salt water nasal drops, I noticed my child would get very upset.  So I stopped doing it. I then would go to steaming. And it really helps in our case. During congestion, cold and coughs I also make sure, the child sleeps early, and sleeps in complete darkness even when mornings arrive. Keeping eyculayptus oil drops on the pillow or on cotton around him at night, also works wonders for me and him both.

10:19 AM | 24-12-2018

Have ginger & honey mixed with lemon, 3-4 times a day.

There is no better option for congestion and dry nose other than steaming.  You could buy a small steamer. Put some eucalyptus oil. Make sure you do this 3-4 times during the day.

Just before sleeping massage her well with warm mustard oil with some tempered garlic in it.  Soles, chest, nose and head.

10:18 AM | 24-12-2018

Put paan patta rubbed with mustard oil warmed over tava fumes and apply on chest overnight.

10:17 AM | 24-12-2018

For me water steam with salt works best ... boil water put salt put in a patila cover head and breathe .... surely works ... food wise am sure juices and fruits will help.  Pls keep her very high on fruits it will hydrate her from inside. No dairy milk and non veg during this time also helps, as these are very heavy to digest, and can add to mucous creation. Focus on increasing her raw through fruits, homemade juices, smoothies, vegetable juices, raw mixed with cooked food. All this will ensure the body is able to work on cleansing and throwing the toxins out well.

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