
11:55 AM | 23-05-2019

Hi! I have observed in most of the recipes on Wellcure, vegetables are steamed instead of being pressure cooked. Is pressure cooking harmful? How about stir frying?

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3 Answers

01:07 PM | 15-03-2019

Cooking openly in a vessel and steaming it is much healthier than pressure cooking. Steamed veggies are next best to having raw foods. Steaming means we expose the veggies to steam and they get cooked vs cooking under pressure. Pressure cooking is so much a part of Indian cooking system where things like Opos and other pressure cooking has come into picture to make life simple. Steaming under moderately low temperatures in a vessel with lid covered is best. When you cook it in the right containers, they take longer to cook and retain some of the essential nutrients too. The amount of loss of positive food factors like vitamins organic minerals etc differs with diff styles of cooking. The following are the methods in the order of their goodness. 

1) baking in a closed oven with a cover over the vessel. Baking can happen in an oven or a mud based oven etc  

2) steaming in a closed receptacle 

3) boiling with minimum of water needed, the escape of vapour being controlled by a closed lid like a pressure cooker without a whistle 

These are called conservative methods of cooking 

Roasting and frying with grease is not recommended. You can however use sprinkles of water and keep closing a lid to cook the veg in less water thereby appearing it to look like fried. But using oil ghee etc is definitely not ok from a health perspective 

Cooking in the type of container also matters. Prefer steel , cast iron, soapstone, clay, glass bakeware can be used. 

Hope this helps 

11:31 AM | 15-03-2019

Hi! Yes, cooking vegetables at high temperatures for long should be avoided for two reasons:

  • it reduces the nutritional benefits of veggies
  • it also destroys the natural enzymes present in veggies. These enzymes are required for digestion

Plus our cooking methods mostly use oil, which again is an unhealthy addition to our food intake.

What are the options? Best is to steam veggies. Steaming helps retain max nutrition as well as colour and feel of the veggies. Then is stir-frying - that is, sauteeing the veggies at a flame for minimal time. Some veggies could be blanched as well.

11:48 AM | 15-03-2019

Hi. Vegetables are live foods with enzymes that help in digesting these vegetables and also other foods we eat. These enzymes are very sensitive to heat. If they get destroyed by our high heat cooking methods, body has to work harder on digesting foods as it will have to make enzymes on its own or use from the earlier reserve of enzymes it got from foods. Hence, raw retains the enzymes best. If we cook, we should try to apply as less heat & pressure as possible. Therefore, pressure cooking veggies is not advisable.......Try to always cook in steam or low flame or reduce the duration of cooking. Don't heat and re-heat your veggies every now & then......Just go back to basics. If you have elders in your home, check with them how they used to cook veggies earlier. If you are one yourself, you would know :-). 

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