
09:03 AM | 12-10-2020

Hi Please suggest which cooking oil should be used for cooking

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5 Answers

10:39 AM | 14-10-2020


When it comes to cooking, it can be done with oil or without oil. 
Oil free cooking is beneficial in certain health conditions like obesity, diabetes, etc. Many healthy recipes are available on wellcure for oil free cooking.
But, if you want to use oil for cooking then you may use cold pressed oil for cooking.
Never use refined oils for cooking as they are not good for the health at all and may result in various health problems. 

Thank you

12:36 PM | 19-10-2020

कारण - ऑयल कर देता हैैैै स्पॉइल। ऑयल की जगह पर सब्जियोंं में काजू, बादम, अखरोट, कोकोनट पीसकर मिलाएं इससेे स्वाद तो बढ़ेगा ही साथ ही सब्जियोंं का पोषक तत्व बनाा रहेगा। कोई भी ऑयल यूज करने से सब्जियोंं का पोषक तत्व खत्म हो जाता है। मसालों को पहलेे ही ड्राई रोज करके पाउडर कर ले। किसी भी सब्जी को बनाते वक्त इन्हीं भुने मसालों का यूज करें। सब्जी पक जाने केेे बाद गैस बंद करके नेचुरल साइट के लिए फ्रेश नारियल का यूज करें। जोो कि सब्जी में स्वाद पोषक तत्वों को बढ़ाएगा।
ऑयल से लगी हुई कढ़ाई की साफ करने  साबुन और जुने की जरूरत पड़तीी है पेट में यह सभी चीजें हम नहीं डाल सकते हैं इसलिए खानाा को इस प्रकार सेेे बनाए  कि उसका पोोषक
 तत्व बना रहे और वह हाजमा  करने में आसान रहे। उसका निष्कासन ठीक प्रकार से हो पाए। बिना ऑयल के खाने से इंटरनल हाइजीन मेंटेन करना आसान रहता है।



प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)


10:39 AM | 14-10-2020

The more you get involved in the idea of advertisement the more we get trapped in thinking about the health benefits of the oil. Do we seriously need oil in cooking? There are so many recipes which are healthy and oil does not have any major role to play in it.

Consuming cold-pressed oil is a good replacement, but it is advisable to use it in the start itself just to get used to the idea of cooking with minimal oil. Coconut, sesame and mustard oil are healthy and beneficial for health.

Thank you, hopefully these suggestions will help. 

09:38 AM | 13-10-2020


Thanks for sharing your query with us! Here's an article you could go through to know more about cooking oil. Learn about the different kinds of oil and how to get healthy fat in your diet - Do you need eat oil to get oil?

Hope this helps!

Team Wellcure


09:30 AM | 13-10-2020

Firstly oil is not mandatory for cooking. Search Youtube for "cooking without oil" and you will get numerous suggestions. However since we have got used to cooking with oil, our tastes have developed accordingly. The best oil for cooking is cold-pressed coconut oil. Second is cold-pressed mustard oil.

The worst is refined oil. The sooner one gets rid of it the better. Do not fall for advertisement depicting refined or double refined, low cholesterol, heart-friendly or good for bones, etc.

The other oil considered good is olive oil. If you live in a place where Olives are grown then it is good or else avoid it.

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