
04:32 PM | 17-03-2021

Hello! I am Taran, 39 years old. Want to reduce fat from thighs and waist with effective diet plan & exercise, as I put on weight after delivery. Pls suggest.

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2 Answers

02:06 PM | 22-03-2021

Hello Taran,

It is common to gain weight after delivery and it can be maintained. It only becomes difficult to lose weight if we don't make some changes in our daily habits and continue to load our body with wrong foods. So, it is essential to make some lifestyle changes and dietary changes. 

Diet to follow- 

  • Have a variety of fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits and vegetables. 
  • Eat sprouts, salads, and dry fruits. 
  • Have pulses, nuts, and beans.
  • Take antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries, amla, orange, or lemon. 
  • Drink plenty of water during the day, approximately 8 to 10 glasses of water to be hydrated. 

Diet to avoid- 

  • Avoid processed, packaged, and preserved foods. 
  • Avoid dairy products and animal foods as they are not meant for our human digestive system and lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. 
  • Avoid tea and coffee. 
  • Avoid carbonated drinks. 


Exercising and yoga are very essential for good blood circulation in the body.

  • Perform 12 sets of suryanamaskar daily. 
  • Do pranayam regularly, specially anulom-vilom and kapalbhati pranayam. 
  • Do plank for 5 minutes. 
  • Take sunrays daily in the morning as it will provide the body with Vitamin D which is essential for the good health of bones, teeth, and muscles. 


Sleeping pattern is very important for a good circadian rhythm which affects hormonal balance and hence the functioning of the whole body.

Hence, it is very important to have proper sleep. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8hours daily. 

Thank you 

05:23 PM | 17-03-2021

Dear Taran,

We do understand your concern about your weight gain. 

Nature Cure believes that the root cause of most diseases/health conditions is Toxaemia- the accumulation of toxins within the body.  While some toxins are an output of metabolism, others are added due to unnatural lifestyle- wrong food habits, lack of rest, and stress. Typically in a wrong lifestyle, we tend to carry excess weight in the form of toxins and excess fat that the body was not able to process. Adopting a natural lifestyle will help you cleanse your body from within and weight loss comes as a pleasant side-effect of this process.

Should you need help in doing so you could register yourself for Wellcure's Weight Loss program and get a personal consultation from our Natural Health Care coach. This is a month-long program designed to help lose weight holistically. People who have used the same have not only lost weight successfully, they have felt and overall improved quality of life as well.

In the meanwhile, please read stories on losing weight naturally here. All these experiences are based on following a natural lifestyle, whole plant-based foods, high intake of raw foods.

Hope this helps!

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