
06:56 PM | 17-01-2022

My sister is 19 years old.. From sometime she is having very irregular periods.. She doesn't get periods sometimes and sometimes her bleeding doesn't stop.. Got her thyroid and pcod tested.. But everything looks normal as of now.. What might be the reason for this and what is the solution? Please advice.. Thanks in advance...

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1 Answer

06:19 PM | 20-04-2024

Namaste Maitri,
Thank you for sharing your concern with us. There can be many reasons behind Irregular periods and inconsistent blood flow such as stress, sudden weight gain or weight loss, hormonal imbalance, excessive exercise or wrong eating patterns. But by adopting a nature-synced diet & lifestyle u can get your regular period back naturally.
You can start with the initial action steps:
1. Apply a wet pack twice a day on an empty stomach is very beneficial for clearing up uterine congestion and improving bowel functions.
2. Diet plays a significant role in the regular menstrual cycle. Avoid refined carbohydrates, sugars, coffee, tea, tobacco, oil, fried or spicy food.
3. Hot foot baths followed by a cold compress to the lower abdomen and inner surfaces of the thighs help to relieve uterine congestion and tension.

If you need more detailed guidance and handholding you can explore our Natural Health Coaching Program which can help in making the transition, step by step. Our Natural Health Coach will look into the routine comprehensively and give you an action plan. She/he will guide you to correct your daughter's existing routine & make it in line with Natural Laws. Please let us know if you are keen to explore.

For queries regarding the program you can contact our teammates: 9238611952 (Sanjana), 9411817885 (Neha)

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