
02:12 PM | 04-05-2024

Hi We had sex before day period (we had safe sex co**). But period didn't happen yet 7days crossed Is there anything chances of pregnancy I have stomach bloating Lite cramps low belly But still period isn't started

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1 Answer

02:13 PM | 04-05-2024

Namaste Sony,
Thank you for sharing your query with us. Your symptoms can be divided into two parts:
With a delayed period, bloating and cramps, the two main causes are Pregnancy and Pre-menstrual syndrome. You can consider a delay of 10 days because the mensuration cycle is affected by many reasons like changes in eating habits, physical activity or starting some new medicines. If you don't get periods after 3-4 days then you can go for a pregnancy test.

Wishing you a good health

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