
11:29 AM | 12-04-2024

Hi, I have fatty liver Conditon and scalp psoriasis only in my hair

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1 Answer

12:14 PM | 12-04-2024

Namaste Aparna,
We understand that it must be challenging for you to deal with this. Fatty liver and Psoriasis are both connected. Our body needs to store fat to provide insulation as well as energy. However, when there is excessive fat it starts getting deposited in different organs and starts affecting their functioning. When there is excessive accumulation of fats in the liver, it is called a fatty liver. Now, the liver is responsible for detoxification of the body and because of loaded fat, it is not doing it effectively. The skin has the largest surface area organ and one of the channels of elimination of toxins. The state of our skin truly reflects the state of our health. Having a skin issue such as psoriasis means there is a lot of toxic waste in the body that it is unable to eliminate.

You can reverse both conditions Naturally, You can follow these steps:
1. The affected area should be bathed twice in hot water containing Epsom salts. The skin should be kept clean by daily friction or a sponge.
2. Please follow a clean diet: avoid Tea, coffee, all kinds of dairy products, processed food items, fried foods, colas and other drinks.
3. If you can and your body allows biological, please do a minimum 3-day juice fasting. it helps your body to do internal cleansing.

If you need more guidance and support you can our 1-Month Fat to Fit Liver Naturally Group Coaching program starting on 27th April| 6:30pm with Dr Prashanthi Atluri (MBBS, MD) and Asha Shivaram (Natural health Coach). Both will help you to overcome these conditions.

Remember, the body is highly intelligent. It is always in self-correction and Survival mode. You just have to provide the right environment to do so.

For queries regarding the program you can contact our teammates: 9238611952 (Sanjana), 9411817885 (Neha)

Wishing you good health

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