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'Heart Health' - 3109 Results

12:25 PM | 22-06-2020

Hi, I am 21 years old. Last year I was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis. Should I do sun salutation?

10:59 AM | 22-06-2020

My daughter is 17 years old and has been diagnosed with stone in gall bladder. The doctor has suggested for the removal of gall bladder which we do not want to opt for. She also has borderline hypothyroidism. Also she suffers from profuse sweating especially in hands and feet. We do not want allopathy treatment. Please advise. Thanks

10:49 AM | 19-06-2020

What should we eat or not eat in order to cure our tb fast?

09:43 AM | 17-06-2020

शादी के बाद मेरे पिरीयड्ज़ बहुत इरेग्युलर हो गए है ओर मुझको pcod की प्रॉब्लम भी नहीं है में 27 साल की हूँ मुझको कोई सुझाव दें पिरीयड्ज़ रेगुलर कैसे कर सकती हूँ

02:00 PM | 08-06-2020

How much protein is required if you are doing heavy exercise? My brother stared doing workout at home to loose weight during this lockdown. Now after loosing weight he is building muscles. But from watching YouTube videos, he started taking lentils twice a day. Lentils are proteins and I have read its hard to digest. Kindly tell me is it ok to take lentils twice a day for him?

10:47 AM | 08-06-2020

Hi! My sister in law is 26 years old. Recently she got to know that she is suffering from gall bladder stones, total 4 and the bigger one is 5. 5 mm. Is there any natural remedy to remove those stones?

10:41 AM | 08-06-2020

In kumbhak pranayam where do we fill oxygen, in lungs or in stomach and why? And plz tell me is kumbhak is good for white hair problem?

12:01 PM | 04-06-2020

Hi, My son is 15 years old. He has fatty liver. We r noticing that from the last 6 months , he has coin sized mucus in his poop. But this happens only once a month or twice. Is this worrisome or normal. No other symptom, else everything is normal. Please guide asap

10:16 AM | 03-06-2020

What should be done for a leaky gut?

10:07 AM | 30-05-2020

Hello,Can anyone suggest me natural way to overcome nausea in 2. 5 month pregnancy? My cousin is facing problem, Dr. Has asked for complete bed rest. Please advise.

08:42 PM | 27-05-2020

Pranayam should be done before running or after running?

09:48 AM | 25-05-2020

How to deal with nerve weakness naturally?

01:49 PM | 19-05-2020

How to cure dizziness, off balance and shivering of both hands naturally?

12:33 PM | 14-05-2020

While eating food sometimes the food gets stuck in my throat Please advice.

12:15 PM | 13-05-2020

I am taking DIP diet of Dr Biswroop roy Chaudhary from last one year, my uric acid increases (8. 0). What to do?

11:54 AM | 12-05-2020

I have severe ring finger pain and also elbow pain. Pls suggest us home remedies for relief...

12:47 PM | 11-05-2020

What is the reason for coughing ,increased gas and acidity, loss of weight, without any cause?

12:44 PM | 11-05-2020

Hi I have frequent urination in day time, sugar and bp are normal and I don't take any medicines. What is the cause and remedy of this problem?

12:23 PM | 11-05-2020

Hi! Kya naak me sarso oil dalna chahiye ya nahi. I have seen on internet ki dalna chahiye.

12:03 PM | 11-05-2020

Hello! Regarding Bartholin cysts I have a doubt madam. Is there any link between Bartholine cyst and menstrual cycle regularity?

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