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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

09:49 AM | 23-10-2019

My neck bone and back of my head bone has automatically grown bigger in size and it is visible. By touching, it feel like it is in upper part of mountain shape. No pain is feeling while I am touching it. What is the issue?

01:50 PM | 22-10-2019

Can you give some natural ways to whiten my teeth along with remedy for facial hairs?

10:46 AM | 22-10-2019

How can i end up losing weight? Trying all natural remedies? Can you please suggest something?

09:01 AM | 21-10-2019

My finger is swollen, maybe some bacterial infection. Can you kindly recommend some remedy?

09:39 PM | 19-10-2019

I am suffering from Negative Thoughts, Vivid Dreams, Insomnia, Generalised Anxiety from years. I am 22 years old. Please Help.

01:19 PM | 18-10-2019

I am having tennis elbow from the last two weeks. How it can be cured?

10:30 AM | 17-10-2019

Multiple cysts in body. I don't know what is it. But it is there in my body. How to finish them all? Please suggest me something.

09:53 AM | 17-10-2019

How to get rid of dandruff?

02:49 PM | 16-10-2019

My weight is 80 kgs n my height is 5. 1 feet and I am not able to lose weight easily. How can I lose weight faster?

02:47 PM | 16-10-2019

I want to gain weight. What can I do?

10:05 AM | 16-10-2019

I am suffering with severe cough. What is home based treatment?

10:04 AM | 16-10-2019

I am suffering from migrain how can i overcome it?

10:04 AM | 16-10-2019

My nerves get swollen and lot of pain during that period and fear thereafter. What are reasons and remedies for this?

10:15 AM | 15-10-2019

My grandfather is suffering from migraines. Which is the best medicine? She is 13 yrs old.

10:13 AM | 14-10-2019

I'm a 26 years old have pain in my chest when touched no cough and frequent burping. What to do?

10:13 AM | 14-10-2019

As I commute daily Delhi to Gurgaon, and due to standing long hours in the buses and metros, I am feeling pain in my lower legs and ankles. So can you kindly suggest some natural remedies?

10:12 AM | 14-10-2019

I'm basically vegetarian and I want to increase my body weight. So can anyone suggest me a better food?

10:11 AM | 14-10-2019

I am 25 years old female , height is 5'4, and weight is 32, I want to increase my weight. Can you please suggest?

10:10 AM | 14-10-2019

I have chronic constipation. I can't be fresh without taking laxative. What to do?

10:09 AM | 14-10-2019

Iam suffering from gastric problem. When I consume my lunch I feel a burning sensation in my stomach and some sounds are producing in my stomach. Whenever I go for exams my stomach is producing unwanted sounds and I feel so ashamed that everyone listens it. I want to completely cure this gastric problem. Whatever food I consume gas is produced in my stomach and I feel so uncomfortable. I think i had piles too. External piles,but no bleeding,just a small growth. Can you please help me?

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