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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

10:54 AM | 01-07-2022

How can I detox for a day naturally

11:21 PM | 11-12-2018

I am on a detox diet for the last one month to improve my gastric. I am having some acne on my chin, can yoy explain why? I am alsi taking ginger piwder at night with water. Thanks

11:27 AM | 12-04-2021

How to remove ama dosha and reduce weight for kapha dosha body type?

09:13 PM | 27-09-2021

Hi my name is flora I have hypothyroidism and pcod health issues and overweight recently my thyroid levels decrease and I continue using thyroid tablet and I having irregular period taking meprate tablets mensus coming if I didn't take tablet mensus will not I tried so many diet vrk diet and intermittent fasting diet I am doing now I want to free from medication and I want to healthy and I want to weight loss sir

09:34 AM | 02-12-2019

I have to reduce my weight up to 10 kgs. What to do?

06:35 PM | 20-08-2020

Diagnosed with Low Hb and Vitamin B12 deficiency. What would be the natural method to restore the balance?

09:28 PM | 31-12-2019

How can i gain my weight?. What are the healthy foods should be consumed

05:23 PM | 06-01-2020

How to gain weight with simple diet?

10:45 AM | 03-10-2019

From last few months I have blood pressure for which medicine has been taken by me. Other than that feeling heaviness in body sometimes. My weight is 92 kg. What to do?

11:14 AM | 12-08-2019

I m 23 year old. I am very weak. Plz give me any suggestion how can i gain my weight?

09:53 AM | 17-07-2019

Hi. What weight should one gain after delivery?

11:13 AM | 14-09-2019

Hi Myself syed, i want to lose my weight, are there any tips? Thanks.

09:57 AM | 23-12-2019

I am 56 yrs with 100 kg weight. What should I do to reduce my weight to around 60 kgs?

11:37 AM | 15-09-2019

I have thyorid problem. I want to reduce my weight. Plz suggest

03:57 PM | 14-08-2019

Natural way to reduce the weight

02:04 PM | 15-10-2019

I seriously want too lose weight but my problem is that in small span of time I start feeling hungry. As a result I keep on eating. Please tell me what to do?

11:14 AM | 12-08-2019

I'm 23 yr old I want to increase my weight?

10:29 AM | 02-08-2019

I am underweight,I want to gain my weight so how should I gain weight?

08:16 PM | 12-08-2020

My brother is 30 yr old he Feels lazy the whole day Burping problem since long. If he drinks only water he burps after that too. Sometimes he eats too much food sometimes too less like a kid. He looks weak but his weight is normal. He has habit of smoking whenever he gets stressed. His eye color is littel yellowish. Does that have any connection with liver? He has quit milk, tea but indirectly he takes milk unhealthy way via ice cream etc Kindly give advise

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