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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

10:52 AM | 07-05-2020

Hi sir/ madam this is Shiv from Vishakapatnam. I am suffering with huge hair loss , I used so many. Home remedies, no use please give me any cure for that

11:58 AM | 06-05-2020

I am 20 years old. I have arthritis below waist from last 3 months. I can't even walk without help of others. I tried all medications but no effect what should I do?

11:44 AM | 06-05-2020

Hi, can anyone help with burning of soles in summer season. Don't know how to cure. Would be highly grateful.

10:57 AM | 05-05-2020

Sir mujhe sukhi khasi ho rahi hai. Please let me know how can I treat the same?

02:31 PM | 04-05-2020

I have PCOS & what is the initial home therapy?

02:28 PM | 04-05-2020

I am suffering from UTI for last 2 months. Taking medicine regularly still not fully cured. My age is 48 years(male). I am able to control but not feeling comfortable. Always feel a urine sensation and irritation kindly suggest what to do?

02:20 PM | 04-05-2020

My wife has high density of white hair and high and uneven skin hair growth. Her natural glow is fading day by day. Any natural remedies for her?

02:00 PM | 04-05-2020

Hi, I am 23 and I want to get rid of pits on my face. I have tried many things but none of them worked. Kindly suggest me something natural!

11:25 AM | 04-05-2020

Hi sir! My name is Emran and I am from Kashmir. My issue is that i feel little pain under my left rib cage and left lower back side. I was diagnosed with 0. 3 mm kidney stone 2 years ago. I take medicine for that but from last some months i feel this pain on my left side. Pls advise!

11:20 AM | 04-05-2020

How to reduce too much burping?

04:34 PM | 01-05-2020

Hi! My name is Mithun. I have burning sensation in my body for 3 months now and lower back pain for 2 years. I got complete check up one. My cholesterol is 198 and vitamin d is deficient. Rest all is normal. Please help me out.

08:17 PM | 29-04-2020

Hi, madam. I am Ravi, age 49, suffered from severe cough, cold, during Jan 2020. Consulted a lung specialist and got cured, and now after i have my meals phlegm comes out, even after having fruits, there is itching in the throat , feel better after having warm water. Please suggest a remedy, I have no other health issue like BP or Sugar.

12:36 PM | 28-04-2020

I’m 23. And I want to increase my height and weight. And I even want a cure for vitiligo which is there on my face.

11:22 AM | 28-04-2020

How to become mentally tough, to face different challenges?

08:19 AM | 27-04-2020

How we can get rid of cold and cough forever?

11:27 AM | 22-04-2020

What to do for premature hair graying?

09:51 AM | 21-04-2020

Hi there! My name is Brijesh. I am 30 yrs old. I've been suffering from hair loss from past few years. I have tried allopathy and homeopathy too but it didn't work out for me. Now I have lost almost all hair in the mid portion of my head. How can I stop my hair loss and what should I do for regrowth. Please suggest me any effective remedy. Thank you!!

09:28 AM | 21-04-2020

I am suffering from dry cough and allergic pharyngitis, post nasal drop from 4 months. Tried all medicine and natural cures like mulethi,ginger,tulsi,pepper, cinnamon, turmeric etc but nothing works. How to cure my cough?

11:26 AM | 20-04-2020

Hi! Please help me with the treatment of migraine as I am having left side head pain and it's very painful.

03:12 PM | 18-04-2020

Hi! I am Monica. I am 28 years old. I have 3 daughters who are 8 and 2 year old twins. My weight is 85 kgs. I wake up with pain in bones and muscles in my body. Also, when I sleep after eating at night, I get pain in left breast bone and I also have gastric pain. Also, I have a lot of pain in the upper back heavily for the last one month. I sleep on floor. Sometimes i breathe very fast. I have rib pain too. I think negative and am always scared.

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