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'Diabetes' - 420 Results

10:03 PM | 16-08-2019

I am 30 years old and I diagnosed diabetes 2 weeks before around fasting blood sugar 300+ and today my fasting blood sugar 138 and Ha b1c is 16. 9 so how can I cure my diabetes and reversal of diabetes possible or not and if possible then how can I cure?

10:37 AM | 02-08-2019

Hi I am 38 years old male haveing pancreatitis and taking the enzymes orally. Due to this I am suffering from diabetes type 3C. I have loss weight around 20 kg for last 3 years. In 2016 I am 80 kg but now I am only 60 kg. Kindly suggest me Diet so that I can control my sugar level and help to gain the weight

09:55 AM | 21-08-2019

07:54 AM | 17-08-2019

I am type 1 diabetes and ckd stage 3 creatine is 2 urea is 41 hbaic 6. 8 can it be cured no appetite age is 48 since 30 years diabetes. I have digestion problem.

11:23 AM | 12-08-2019

I am suffering from lots of chronic and health issues like high Diabetes ,high BP, high cholesterol, fatty liver constipation, piles , gastric , nasal polyps ,thyroid bronchitis, Obesity 121kg , bulging disc, sciatica pain etc. Right now treatment is going on for diabetes, blood pressure , constipation and piles but no relief. Tried allopathic , ayurvedic and homeopathy treatment but no relief from pain and diseases. Please help me out in above mention problems , I'll be grateful to you

02:03 PM | 13-08-2019

What is the cause of pain in foot (paw), I am diabetic. Are there remedies for curing diabetes?

11:34 AM | 12-08-2019

My aunt is a diabetic patient and need to undergo cataract operation but it has been a long time that her diabetes is not under control. Please suggest how to control diabetic to undergo the cataract operation.

11:11 AM | 12-08-2019

Please give an advice for type 2 diabetes.. Lowering of sugar?

12:30 AM | 27-02-2019

Hi my sister has been diagnosed with diabetes currently at 200. She does not want to take medications and she is afraid fruits have sugar. Can she still eat fruits of any kind? Please advise

03:01 PM | 18-06-2019

What should be the diet plan for Diabetes both type 1 and type 2 for natural healing?

Natural Cure
04:35 PM | 07-05-2019

11:15 AM | 17-04-2019

My uncle has diabetes. His sugar levels are very high, 300+. Can he take jaggery based sweets? I have seen lots of recipes on wellcure.

09:44 AM | 11-01-2019

Pls suggest any home remedy for dry coughing... Running 8th month of pregnancy n have gestational diabetes.

03:40 PM | 18-12-2018

My husband has diabetes (type 2) for last 10 years and hypertensive for last 20 years. He gets mouth ulcers frequently. This is a problem since childhood but now aggravated. How can i take special care for diet to keep him and his heart healthy?

10:49 AM | 19-04-2021

I have multiple issues in my body as and am fed up with allopathic and want to try nature cure, please guide.

11:29 AM | 12-04-2021

I have rheumatoid arthritis, multiple joints pain, swelling in my nerves, stiffness in my whole body. What can I do?

04:30 PM | 17-03-2021

I am cirrhotic and diabetic 55 years old. I am non alcoholic. I am under treatment from ILBS Delhi. How can I get a healthy life?

04:29 PM | 17-03-2021

How to reduce cholesterol?

Natural Cure
04:41 PM | 17-03-2021

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