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'Heart health' - 4032 Results

11:02 AM | 17-03-2022

Hi, I have been operated for a brain tumor about a pea sized on 26th October 2021. Post that I am on anti-epileptic medicine. Each time I start medicine my metabolism is badly affected and my periods get scanty. I generally gain weight also though by diet I have been able to control it so from 77 kg it has just reached 80kg this time my height is 5ft2”. Please advice.

08:05 PM | 24-04-2024

I m having systemic scleroderma symptomatic raynauds phenomenon and sunsensitivity. I have acne which are increasing or decreasing according to stress level. I m having severe PMS symptoms ,severe depression during that period but not PCOD. Plz guide me

07:23 PM | 23-04-2024

Breast Soreness and Heaviness Cure?

06:28 PM | 23-04-2024

How to reduce myopia. I have -2. 5 in right eye and -1. 75 in left eye

06:17 PM | 23-04-2024

Hi, I am diagnosed with papillary carcinoma cancer with Hashimoto thyroid. My thyroid gland is completely removed and I am 23 years old. Do I be able to reverse it?

05:58 PM | 23-04-2024

I am facing several issues hypothyroid, high cholesterol and gut issues like ibs diarrhea. I take hypo thyroid medicine for one year now. I tried ayurveda and homeopathy but nothing worked. Only allopathic medicine got the level under control.

05:51 PM | 23-04-2024

Can you please suggest psoriasis diet?

11:08 AM | 04-03-2022

I have Hashimoto’s and the antibodies are not reducing with medication. I am not taking Thyroxine. What should I do to help the situation?

03:50 PM | 03-03-2022

Hi, I am suffering from vertigo and dizziness since 2018. I have C1-C2 cervical disc atlantoaxial instability which was caused by neck injury in the past. I have consulted many doctors but nothing is working. Excercise of neck make it worse. Doctor is suggesting some surgery. Please suggest any treatment.

03:49 PM | 03-03-2022

Hi, my mother is 70 years and she has early onset of Alzheimer's disease. Please let me know how can I get support from you to reverse her condition. She is physically fit.

03:37 PM | 03-03-2022

I tried water fasting a few times. The maximum hours I can sustain is 24. After 24hrs I started having severe headache. How can I overcome this and what is cause of the headache?

02:54 PM | 03-03-2022

I have stone in my gall bladder since May 2021. The size is 19mm. Please suggest some cure or remedy.

03:25 PM | 03-03-2022

Hello Experts, my 1. 5 year old son is suffering from Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis). He has severely dry skin, skin rashes and itching. When he was 4 months old we 1st noticed his rashes. We tried allopathy treatment but not happy with results and don't want to take steroids. Now giving Homeopathy treatment. The results are somewhat better & he is healing but not 100% satisfactory. The problem is reoccurring. Can you please suggest a natural way to heal Eczema skin condition for 1. 5 old baby?

03:23 PM | 03-03-2022

Does a 16 mm stone in gallbladder is need to be operated?

06:56 PM | 17-01-2022

My sister is 19 years old.. From sometime she is having very irregular periods.. She doesn't get periods sometimes and sometimes her bleeding doesn't stop.. Got her thyroid and pcod tested.. But everything looks normal as of now.. What might be the reason for this and what is the solution? Please advice.. Thanks in advance...

02:56 PM | 03-03-2022

Hello! My son is having kid's asthama. According to doctors whenever he laughs he starts coughing and since schools have started they have games class in that he ran and 3 days back he had an asthama attack. This was the first time and we were not having any medicine or inhaler. That night was so difficult for us. I want to how he can live a normal life like others. He is having skin issues also.

Natural Cure
11:06 AM | 19-04-2024

11:33 PM | 20-01-2022

Natural cure for plantar fascitiis?

11:07 PM | 18-04-2024

Hi All, My friends mom has done cataract eye operation in both eyes. She often gets eye redness plus pain in both the eyes. She is taking proper medication from hospital. She also takes steriods for this reason in the form or eyes drops. Eye redishess and pain is often repeated , can any one tell the causes and remedies. Or when it will settle. Any ideas on this....

10:10 PM | 18-04-2024

I have ear pain past 3 months i visited ent and she noticed problem in my nose after completing her medication the problem still persists and when I do head down bending exercise I feel thoughtless Pls guide

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