
02:25 PM | 03-01-2019

I have regular heel pain these days. What should I do?

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3 Answers

03:45 PM | 03-01-2019

Pl get your Uric acid, B12 and Calcium levels checked. If not normal, do the needful to lower or enrich to normal levels with needful changes in diet and lifestyle. 

I had similar thing sometime back to find that I had low B12 and Calcium levels.

Some people also get them due to local Uric acid or Calcium deposits. Also change your footwear to more comfortable ones.

01:21 PM | 03-01-2019

Hi! My MIL suffered from the same problem for a long period of time. She tried different things. On ething that really worked for her was changing her foot wear. You may want to consider a comfortable, cushoined footwear. Also try soaking your feet in hot water and a heel massage for better circulation.

01:19 PM | 03-01-2019

Heel pain indicates the time and space needed is not enough.
All symptoms are indicators.
Our nerves end on our heels. When rest is lacking, when deactivation is not regular the acids produced in the nerves do not have the space to clear. So they irritate the nerve leading to pain.
You are providing the material for the clearance of acid, not the time and space.
So he needs to focus on how many hours of sleep he is getting.
Before sleeping he needs to stretch. Rotate his ankles. Massage the soles with ginger juice and rose water. On waking too and once he is back from work he needs to stretch and breathe. Lie down once with feet up.
This should support the body.

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