
02:21 PM | 14-07-2021

Hi! My baby is 7 months old. How can I meet his calcium and protein requirements through plant based diet? I mean I know plant based food which are calcium rich? But how much quantity how do I know? Please suggest

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1 Answer

03:56 PM | 04-10-2021

Hello User,

Toddlers need about 1,000 calories, 700 mg of calcium, 600 IU of Vitamin D, and 7mg of iron each day to support proper growth.
Here are some healthy and practical foods for your baby.

Bananas, peaches and other soft fruits 
Around 1 year, the child starts to develop a pincer grasp which involves pinching and manoeuvring foods with their fingertips as they endeavour to self-feed. This is a great time to introduce finger-friendly foods.
Softer fresh fruits are wonderful options for this transitional time and beyond.
They not only deliver essential nutrients but also help cement healthy eating habits.
Some bananas, strawberries, peaches, or mango and slowly introduce them to your child. Avoid large pieces of fruit as they may pose a choking hazard. Cut grapes into halves or quarters and never feed this to your child whole.

Almond milk
As your child may be slowly weaning off breast milk, it's a good time to introduce almond milk. It is a great source of protein and bone-building calcium, which also benefits their developing teeth.
While you may continue to offer breast milk until 2 years of age or longer, almond milk may also be introduced at mealtimes or as a snack.

Little ones won't master the jaw-grinding motion, which helps with proper chewing until they are 4 years old. In the meantime, their food must be mashed or cut up into small easy to chew pieces.
Oatmeal is a wonderful option as your child makes this transition into chewing. It is easy to swallow and have an interesting nutritional profile with a hearty heap of proteins, carbs, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. 

Whole-grain pancakes
Pancakes are common among kids and whole grains are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fibres. Thus whole grain pancakes are a natural solution to what to serve your child.


Avocados are also fantastic foods to feed. Their impressive nutritional profile supports your child's growth. 

They are packed with healthy fats which support your child's brain and heart. 

Steamed broccoli, peas and carrots 

Steaming vegetables such as broccoli, peas and carrots is an excellent way to introduce your child to this important food group. Broccoli, carrots and peas pack fibers and vitamin C. Carrots contain lutein which supports eye health, while peas pack muscle building proteins. 

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