
05:16 PM | 13-04-2024

I have a tendency to form kidney stones. Analysed as calcium oxalate. Any remedies?

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1 Answer

05:32 PM | 13-04-2024

Hi Rajesh Vasudevan,

Thanks for sharing your query with us. We would like to draw your attention to Nature Cure perspective on the same.

Nature Cure identifies the root cause of most diseases as TOXAEMIA - accumulation of toxins within the body.  While some toxins are an output of metabolism, others are added due to unnatural lifestyle – wrong food habits, lack of rest, stress etc. If not eliminated, the toxins get built up and cause diseases. Nature has equipped us with the measures of eliminating the toxins on a regular basis - through breathing, stool, urine, sweat, mucus depositions in nose, eyes and genitals etc. When there are too much of toxins to be excreted through the kidneys, they are considerably taxed and consequently, they become very weak. In such cases, the waste matter (uric acid urates, crystalline salts such as oxalate of lime, phosphate of lime, or ammonia-magnesium phosphate of lime) tends to be deposited in the kidneys as stone.

Here are some guidelines to follow:

1. start your day with ash gourd juice or tender coconut water

2. include lots of hydrating fruits and vegetable salads in your diet

3. include vitamin c rich foods 

4. eliminate milk and non veg from your diet

5. reduce grains and include whole foods, nuts and seeds

6. adopt oil free cooking method

7. do spinal or hip bath daily for 15-20 mins

Read more about  Natural cure of kidney stones

Wish you a good health

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