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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

11:47 AM | 16-07-2020

I am facing toenail infection can you suggest me some remedies for infection and is that a serious issue?

12:07 PM | 13-07-2020

Hello! I am 24 yrs old. I have seen tremors in my hands when my hands are at rest or while holding something. The intensity increases as I get frighten, panic or tensed. What should I do? Is it due to any weakness? I even have hair fall and I am underweight. I want to get rid of it. Please help!

11:59 AM | 13-07-2020

My mother is feeling pain in the chest and back during eating or drinking at one particular point in the middle. She is 55 yrs old. Please enlighten what is the issue and what can be done? Is it because of gastric issues?

01:21 PM | 06-07-2020

How to treat covid 19 naturally? Also, what should one do when they get initial symptoms for covid 19?

12:21 PM | 06-07-2020

Sometimes I feel sudden sharp pain in the heart. For 1 sec. And suddenly it disappears,is it risky?

11:28 AM | 06-07-2020

Sir I am suffering from varicose veins problem on the right side of my body. There are many blockage points and cause itching. Pl guide me.

11:23 AM | 06-07-2020

How to treat varicose veins?

12:53 PM | 03-07-2020

Kumbhak is good in summer or not?

12:23 PM | 03-07-2020

I'm a TB patient. What food should I eat?

12:01 PM | 02-07-2020

I am 35 yr old women. From past 3 months I am having slight discomfort in my left chest. Sometimes its like cramp & sometimes I have dull pain (but the pain is on & off). Due to pandemic situation I am unable to visit cardio dr. No thyriod, hemoglobin level normal. Pls suggest.

03:12 PM | 01-07-2020

Hello all, What can we do best in cervical. Mother in law is having severe pain of cervical. Chakkr bhi aate hain. Thoda bhi heavy nahi utha pate. Utha liya to chakkr ane lag jate hai.

03:00 PM | 01-07-2020

Hello, my name is pankaj and I am 23 yr old, I gets pain in my eyes easily while I am doing study or watching TV, in a half hour of studying started feeling of stress in my eyes, I checked up of my eyes from doctor and reports came normal. I am preparing for competition exam, but I can't do my study for long time due to this problem, so please suggest me something for rid from this problem.

01:44 PM | 01-07-2020

Having left sided rib pain in front and back. Having cervical disc degeneration problem. Help me!

12:26 PM | 30-06-2020

Sir/ma'am,I have a problem of h. Pylori and am still having issues with my tummy which is now affecting my eyesight seeing is blur sometimes, pls. Help!

12:09 PM | 29-06-2020

Hi all, I'm suffering with azoospermia and am trying to find if it can healed naturally. I have done the tests as required and the hormonal levels are within the range with no other issues. Please advise if anyone have overcome this situation. TIA

12:42 PM | 26-06-2020

Prostate moderately enlarged causing severe dicomfort. 70 years. Kindly advlce!

12:25 PM | 22-06-2020

Hi, I am 21 years old. Last year I was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis. Should I do sun salutation?

10:59 AM | 22-06-2020

My daughter is 17 years old and has been diagnosed with stone in gall bladder. The doctor has suggested for the removal of gall bladder which we do not want to opt for. She also has borderline hypothyroidism. Also she suffers from profuse sweating especially in hands and feet. We do not want allopathy treatment. Please advise. Thanks

10:49 AM | 19-06-2020

What should we eat or not eat in order to cure our tb fast?

09:43 AM | 17-06-2020

शादी के बाद मेरे पिरीयड्ज़ बहुत इरेग्युलर हो गए है ओर मुझको pcod की प्रॉब्लम भी नहीं है में 27 साल की हूँ मुझको कोई सुझाव दें पिरीयड्ज़ रेगुलर कैसे कर सकती हूँ

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