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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

01:09 PM | 17-07-2020

Hi, This is shiny, 28 yrs old, Married since 1 1/2 yrs. I am overweight & have hormonal imbalance, h/ o of pcod, Irregular menstrual cycle.. I am trying to conceive. Need my body to get detoxified & conceive naturally. I started getting pressure of having baby from my relatives & in laws side. But m blessed to have a loving husband protecting me from all d stuffs... I really need the remedy asap. To conceive naturally

11:47 AM | 16-07-2020

I am facing toenail infection can you suggest me some remedies for infection and is that a serious issue?

10:47 AM | 15-07-2020

I want glowing skin & lustrous hair, what can i do?

10:11 AM | 14-07-2020

I want to regain my lost hair. Please suggest.

12:32 PM | 13-07-2020

I have itching and rashes all over my body. What should I do?

11:56 AM | 13-07-2020

I am suffering from allergy and post nasal drip from past 10 months I have taken English medicine for allergic cough. The cough has stopped but post nasal drip has not yet stopped. Its really very irritating. Please suggest best way to cure my problem.

10:36 AM | 08-07-2020

Why my first part of poop is so hard and it cuts anal area as it passes out. How to get rid of that?

11:26 AM | 06-07-2020

I am 60 years old. I have so much gas problem & in-digestion problem. Pls help.

01:56 PM | 01-07-2020

My friend is suffering from depression. What diet he should take?

09:56 PM | 29-06-2020

Hello, I am Suffering from headaches & migraine from last 4 years please suggest remedies to cure this problem? Thank you

12:07 PM | 29-06-2020

Hello all, I am 29 year old,had been diagnosed with PCOD and trying to conceive from past 3 years. Recently my doctor told me that the egg quality of mine is not good. I am already maintaining a healthy lifestyle with yoga. Any suggestions for some natural way to improve egg quality or some diet plan that can help me out????

12:42 PM | 26-06-2020

Prostate moderately enlarged causing severe dicomfort. 70 years. Kindly advlce!

12:52 PM | 24-06-2020

My blood flow is very less during periods although they are regular. Also I am taking probiotics for constipation. Why is my metabolism not good? Eating 2 chapati is also not getting digested. And my sleep quality is very bad

09:43 AM | 17-06-2020

शादी के बाद मेरे पिरीयड्ज़ बहुत इरेग्युलर हो गए है ओर मुझको pcod की प्रॉब्लम भी नहीं है में 27 साल की हूँ मुझको कोई सुझाव दें पिरीयड्ज़ रेगुलर कैसे कर सकती हूँ

09:38 AM | 12-06-2020

How do I remove the marks of scars on my body? It will be of great help since my college starts soon.

09:30 AM | 12-06-2020

Hi! I am facing Pimples (Pustule) problem since last 5 years I have tried many medication, took dermatologist treatment also ayurvedic medicines also. But my situation is getting worse day by day. Please help me I have pimples all over my face.

09:11 PM | 11-06-2020

I have irregular menses problem due to pcod. How to solve pcod problem?

10:39 AM | 08-06-2020

I am suffering from ibd (crohn's) from last four years. Now I am suffering from indigestion & loose stool. How could I improve my digestion?

11:50 AM | 04-06-2020

My friend is feeling low these days. He was cheerful, happy person before. Since few months his relationship with his father is not going well and this is affecting him mentally. He hasn't shared what the actual problem is, as it may be personal. His graph of being happy is going down day by day. He said he is not feeling good at work place too. He gets emotional and cries on little things. Kindly help me understand what's wrong with him and is there any way I can help him?

12:14 PM | 01-06-2020

My son is 13yr old his having too much dandruff what do for it? Please can you tell me sir/ madam

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