I'm suffering from knee pain. Can you suggest me some remedy?
Nikita Mishra
11:37 AM | 01-12-2020
Hello Karthik, Pain in any part of the body indicates that the toxins are accumulated in the body. People are moving towards the modern lifestyle and the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle is the main reason behind the toxin accumulation in the body. A proper lifestyle and eating habits are necessary for maintaining the circadian rhythm and hence to be healthy. Here are some changes that you should adopt to lead a healthy life. Things to follow- Apply hot mustard oil on the joints and back and give a massage of 15-20min. Drink sufficient water to flush out the toxins out of your body. Have meals at the appropriate time. Never skip your meals. Diet to follow- Start your day with a glass of warm water. Have only plant-based natural raw foods in your diet. Have whole grains like barley, millets, oats. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices like beetroot juice, apple juice. Have fresh fruits and vegetables. Include salads, nuts, sprouts, beans in your diet. Foods to avoid- Avoid refined grains and refined oil. Cook oil-free. Avoid packaged and processed foods. Avoid dairy foods like milk, butter, cheese, paneer, etc. Avoid animal products. Avoid sugars and sugary foods. Exercise and yoga Exercising is very important for the normal functioning of every part of the body. Take a walk of 30 min regularly early in the morning. Perform 12 sets of suryanamaskar daily. Do hala asana, bhujanga asana, sarvanga asana. Do pranayams like anulom-vilom, kapalbhati. Sleep Take 8-10 hours of sleep daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am. Read books before sleeping for a good quality of sleep. Thank you
My weight is 43 kg. How to increase my weight to 50 kg, please help.
Nikita Mishra
03:07 PM | 26-11-2020
Hello, Difficulty in gaining weight is directly related to what we eat. The food that you are eating is not getting absorbed may also be the reason for the inability to gain weight. So, firstly, it is very important that your digestive system is working properly and your bowels are getting cleared regularly. Diet to follow- Consume almond milk or soy milk. Eat peanut butter. Soak raisins overnight and have it in the morning. Eat dry fruits. Have sprouts, nuts, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables in your meals. Drink water only when you are thirsty. Also, do some physical activity like yoga or any other exercise to keep your metabolism active, so that, the food gets absorbed and the digestive system remains healthy. Things to avoid Avoid dairy products and animal foods as they may disturb your digestive system. Avoid processed foods, packaged foods, and all the junk foods. Physical activity It is very to be physically active for a good metabolism. So, do exercise or yoga and pranayam regularly. Practice suryanamaskar daily. Do bhujanga asana, trikona asana, gomukha asana and padahasta asana regularly. Practice pranayam regularly for 15-20min. Take sunrays in the morning for atleast 20min. Sleep Sleeping properly is also important for a healthy body and mind. For getting good quality sleep, avoid using electronic devices 1 hour before sleeping, sleep in a dark room, the room should be quiet and clean. Read some book before sleeping. Thank you
Hi, I am 28 yrs old and a have daughter who is going to be 3 yrs old. I want to lose weight as my weight is 65 kg but want my weight to be 55 kg. Please help me with the home remedy.
Nikita Mishra
12:08 PM | 24-11-2020
Hello Ridhika, Accumulation of excess fat in a part of the body is the result of a sedentary lifestyle and wrong food intake like eating deep-fried foods, having a high fatty diet, etc. So, to get rid of the excess weight, the extra fat has to be removed. For this, the following tips will be helpful. Diet to follow- Start the day with a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice in it. This will help to improve the metabolism and also to flush the toxins out of the body. Soak cumin seeds overnight. Boil the water in the morning, add a slice of ginger and honey to it and then strain it and drink. This drink will be helpful to remove the extra fat. Always have natural plant-based raw foods. Include salads, sprouts, nuts, beans to your diet. Have fresh green leafy vegetables. Have whole grains like barley, millets, oats, etc instead of refined grains. Have freshly prepared homemade fruit juices. Have a good amount of water throughout your day to be hydrated. Foods to avoid Avoid spices and spicy foods. Avoid sugar, maida, wheat, white bread. Avoid all the packaged food items, deep-fried foods, processed foods. Avoid tea and coffee. Avoid dairy food items. Exercise Exercise is equally important as diet as it will help to improve the blood circulation and metabolism of the body and also will help to burn the excess fat. Start your morning with a walk or jogging of 30min. Do plank for 5minutes. Perform yoga like suryanamaskar, kapalbhati, pashchimottan asana. Do pranayam regularly, specially bhastrika and kapalbhati pranayam. Sleep Sometimes lack of sleep may also result in weight gain. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8hours daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am. Thank you
Hi Team, even though we know that all fruits and vegetables heal any diseases including chronic illnesses. But Allopathic doctors say avoid sour things, in fact sour fruits are big healers many people say that. As I am having Vitiligo is it recommended to have Citrus fruits like Orange,Lemon and Pineapple, Papaya etc? What should be avoided to heal or reverse these kind of Chronic illnesses. Suggestions and advice needed here. Thanks and Regards.
12:09 PM | 24-11-2020
हेलो, कारण - प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा पद्धति के अनुसार किसी भी क्रॉनिक डिजीज में एसिड कम करके एल्कलाइन की मात्रा को बढ़ाना आवश्यक है। सििट्रस फ्रूट में एसिड की मात्रा अधिक होता है और शरीर में भी एसिड एल्कलाइन की तुलना में अधिक रहता है। इसलिए सिट्रस फ्रूट्सस मना करतेे हैं मगर शरीर की आंतरिक सफाई हो जाने केे बाद सिट्रस फ्रूट भी लियाा जा सकता। सफेद दाग एक ऐसा विकार होना, जिसमें शरीर की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली (Immune System) खुद रंग उत्पादन करने वाली कोशिकाओं (Melanocytes) को नष्ट कर देती है। शरीर मेंं अम्ल की अधिकता से ऐसा होताा है। पाचन तंत्र स्वस्थ ना तो अम्ल की अधिकता हो जाती है। शरीर में स्वास्थ्य की कमी होने पर एसिड को कम कर एल्कलाइन की मात्रा बढ़ाना आवश्यक होता है। इसलिए सिट्रस फ्रूट ना ले करके कम सिट्रस फ्रूट ले। एक वक्त पर एक तरीके का ही फल खाए। तरबूज, केला, खरबूजा, अमरूद, शरीफा, पानी फल, नारियल को फल में ले। जीवन शैली- 1. सुबह खाली पेट हर्बल जूस लें। जैसे कि नारियल पानी, दुर्वा ग्रास का जूस, बेलपत्र का जूस, खीरे का जूस, सफेद पेठ का जूस बनाना स्टेम का जूस। 2. सूर्य के रोशनी शरीर में लेट कर लगाएं। सिर और आंख को सूती कपड़ा से ढक लें। ऐसा 20 मिनट करें। सूर्य उदय के एक घंटे बाद का धूप या सूर्य अस्त के एक घंटे 1 का धूप बहुत अच्छा होता मगर धूप यदि सिर और आंख को ढक कर लें तो किसी भी वक़्त धूप ले सकते हैं। सफेद दाग जहां पर है वहां पर खीरा और नीम का पेस्ट लगाएं। 20 मिनट बाद इसे सादे पानी से साफ कर लें। 3. नाश्ते में केवल मौसम के फल केवल एक प्रकार के लें। 4. दोपहर में सलाद बिना नमक नीबू के लें। सलाद को अकेले पूर्ण खुराक के रूप में लें। उसके साथ या बाद में पका हुए भोजन को ग्रहण ना करें। सलाद का पाचन समय 5 घंटा है तो पांच घंटे के बाद रात का भोजन लें। रात के भोजन में 70% सब्जी डालें और 30% अनाज या millet लें। पका हुआ भोजन 35 साल से ऊपर के सभी व्यक्ति को दिन में केवल एक बार पका हुआ भोजन का सेवन करना चाहिए। यदि स्वास्थ में किसी प्रकार का कमी हो तो एक वक़्त का पका हुआ भोजन भी नहीं लेना उत्तम होता है। ये जीवन शैली में अनिवार्य रूप से उतारने से स्वास्थ उत्तम होता है। 5. पानी को या जूस को मुंह में घूंट भर कर रखे फिर घूंट को अंदर लें इससे आपका मुंह का लार जूस में मिल कर सुपाच्य प्रोटीन का निर्माण करता है जो कि शरीर की जरूरत है। फल या सलाद को खूब चबा कर खाएं। ऐसा करने से शरीर को इन के पोषक तत्व ठीक प्रकार से मिल पाते हैं। फल और सलाद ठीक प्रकार से चबाने से हमारा लार उसके साथ मिलकर के कई विटामिन और कई मिनरल्स खुद से क्रिएट करता है जो कि हमारे शरीर का अहम घटक है। 6. हफ्ते में एक दिन उपवास करने से शरीर को मौका मिल जाता है स्वता ही पूरे शरीर की आंतरिक सफाई का जो कि शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए अहम भूमिका निभाता है। उपवास का मतलब यह है कि आपका 2 बार का भोजन ना लें जैसे सुबह का नाश्ता दोपहर का खाना ना लेकर सीधा शाम को ले या हो सके तो पूरे दिन का उपवास रखें शाम को भी कुछ ना ले। प्यास लगने पर पानी घूंट भर कर रखें फिर अंदर गट करें। पानी पेट भरने के लिए ना पीएं केवल प्यास बुझाने के लिए, मुंह में घूंट भरते ही दो से तीन घूंट आपके प्यास को बुझा देगा। 7. उपवास के अगले दिन किसी प्राकृतिक चिकित्सक के देख रेख में टोना लें। जिससे आँत की प्रदाह को शांत किया जा सके। एनिमा किट मँगा लें। यह किट ऑनलाइन मिल जाएगा। इससे 200ml पानी गुदाद्वार से अंदर डालें और प्रेशर आने पर मल त्याग करें। ऐसा दिन में दो बार करना है अगले 21 दिनों के लिए। ये करना है ताकि शरीर में मोजुद विषाणु निष्कासित हो जाये। इसके बाद हफ़्ते में केवल एक बार लेना है उपवास के अगले दिन। टोना का फ़ायदा तभी होगा जब आहार शुद्धि करेंगे। धन्यवाद। रूबी, प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)
I'm 45 yrs, my weight is 76 kg. Daily I exercise and walking is regular but my weight is not reducing. Pls suggest
Nikita Mishra
12:20 PM | 24-11-2020
Hello Shubha, Weight gain results due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activities, and high fatty diet. For reducing the weight, it is necessary to remove the excess fats from the body, and along with this following a natural lifestyle and correct eating habits is also important. Diet Start the day with a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice in it. This will help to improve the metabolism and also to flush the toxins out of the body. Drink green tea twice a day, one in the morning on an empty stomach and the other at night before sleeping. Soak the cumin seeds in a glass of water overnight. In the morning, boil the water and add a slice of ginger to it. Strain the water and drink it. This water will be beneficial for reducing fat. Always eat only plant-based natural foods. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices with fibers. Have sprouts, nuts, and beans. Eat fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits and vegetables. Exercise Daily exercising and yoga are also important to improve the metabolism and also to improve blood circulation. Start the day with a short morning walk or jogging for at least 30min. Do 12 sets of suryanamaskar daily. Practice pranayam regularly, like bhastrika, kapalbhati and anulom-vilom pranayam. Take sunrays early in the morning regularly for 15-20min. Sleep Sleeping patterns and quality of sleep also matter. Sometimes lack of sleep may also result in weight gain. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am. Thank you
My son is 11 years old. He has sweating problem all over palms and feet. Pls suggest some remedy.
Nikita Mishra
10:05 AM | 25-11-2020
Hello Netra, Sweat glands act as the body's natural thermostat. When they suddenly go into overdrive, you get sweaty palms and feet. While this can be socially embarrassing, the good news is that excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis can be controlled. Here are some tips that will help to cure hyperhidrosis- Tomato juice Beyond the cancer-fighting benefits, tomato juice also shrinks your pores and can reduce chronic sweat. Eating a tomato-rich diet or simply drinking a glass of tomato juice each day will help you control excessive sweating. If tomatoes aren't your thing, try applying tomato juice to your feet and palms and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before rinsing off. Green and black tea Green tea contains magnesium and Vitamin B, which constrict your sweat glands and keep you calm. If you sweat too much, try swapping out your morning green tea to get on these sweat blocking benefits. If you experience constant underarm sweating, green tea has astringent properties that can reduce sweating when applied directly to your skin. Potato Consuming too much sodium will cause your body to retain more water. Potassium-rich foods like potatoes and broccoli reverse this process to help push water out of the body. Because of this response, potatoes are known to absorb excess water and help relieve sweating. Simply rub potato slice on your feet and palms for a few minutes daily to experience the benefits. Lemon The acid in lemon makes it a perfect candidate to naturally reduce excessive sweating. Rub a half lemon on your feet and palms to experience the benefits. Diet Make sure to have only plant based natural foods. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices. Include whole grains in your diet like millets, oats and barley. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Have fresh, seasonal and locally available fruits and vegetables. Yoga Performing yoga regularly keeps your body fit and your metabolism right. So, try to give at least 45 minutes for yoga and pranayam. Do pranayam regularly for 15-20min, specially anulom-vilom and bhastrika pranayam. Perform tada asana, trikona asana, gomukha asana and padahasta asana. Thank you
Is it possible to shrink solid ovarian cyst size in natural way? And which foods will do harm for ovarian cyst problem.
Nikita Mishra
11:09 AM | 13-11-2020
Hello, Cysts development in the ovaries is a condition known as Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It is a hormonal disorder which is common in women of reproductive age. Women suffering from PCOS may have prolonged menstrual periods or infrequent periods. The exact cause of PCOS is not known. However, Obese women and women having a family history of PCOS are more prone to this disorder. Diet to follow- Eating processed and preserved foods may contribute to inflammation and insulin resistance. So, avoid processed, preserved and packaged foods. Add fruits, legumes and vegetables in your diet. Eat nuts, sprouts and soaked raisins in the morning. Add iron-rich foods like broccoli, spinach to your diet. Have magnesium-rich foods like almonds, cashews and bananas. Include turmeric and cinnamon in your diet. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and cinnamon has positive effects on insulin resistance. Avoid caffeine. Avoid carbonated drinks. Say no to alcohol, tobacco. Avoid dairy products and animal products. Exercise Doing yoga is very beneficial for PCOS. Perform bhujanga asana, vriksha asana and padahasta asana. Do pranayam regularly specially anulom-vilom pranayam. Take sunrays regularly in the morning for at least 20min. Sleep Sleeping pattern is very essential for a healthy hormonal balance. Hence, take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. Thank you
I am a 52 years male suffering from USA. And I am using CPAP Machine. I want to get rid of the same. Please advice/ guide
Nikita Mishra
03:18 PM | 13-11-2020
Hello Sushil, I think you are suffering from OSA that is obstructive sleep apnea. It is a common disorder which is characterized by repetitive episodes of nocturnal breathing cessation due to upper airway collapse. Sleep apnea can cause a number of health problems besides leaving you more tired in the morning. If left untreated, this sleeping condition can trigger mental issues, lead to poor immune function, contribute to memory loss, increase risk of heart failure. Traditional treatment for sleep apnea includes wearing a CPAP mask at night. Though effective, some people may find it uncomfortable. Some home remedies may offer the same benefits. Here are some tips to reduce sleep apnea symptoms - Maintain an appropriate weight It is better to reduce weight if you are obese. Obesity, specifically in the upper body, can increase the risk of airway obstruction and narrow nasal passages. Maintaining a healthy weight can keep your airways clear and reduce sleep apnea symptoms. In some cases, reducing weight can eliminate sleep apnea. However, if you regain the weight, it's possible for the condition to return. Yoga Regular exercise or yoga can increase your energy level, strengthen your heart and reduce sleep apnea symptoms. Yoga can specifically improve your respiratory strength and encourage oxygen flow. Sleep apnea is associated with decreased oxygen saturation in your blood. Yoga can improve your oxygen levels and hence can reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. Alter sleep position Though a small change, altering your sleep position can reduce sleep apnea symptoms and improve your night's rest. Sleeping on your back - called the supine position - can worsen symptoms. For some adults, sleeping on the side can help breathing return to normal. Use humidifier Humidifiers are devices that add moisture to the air. Dry air can irritate the body and the respiratory system. Using a humidifier can open your airways, decrease congestion and encourage clearer breathing. Avoid alcohol and smoking Lifestyle changes can improve your health and encourage better sleeping habits. Considering quitting alcohol and smoking to reduce sleep apnea complications. Diet Have only plant based natural foods. Say no to dairy products and animal foods. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices. Have fresh, seasonal and locally available fruits and vegetables. Thank you
Hi. I am concerned about the present condition of my eyes. I want to improve my eye sight. Kindly help.
Nikita Mishra
03:15 PM | 02-11-2020
Hello Varsha, Weak eyesight indicates a lack of proper nutrition and an incorrect lifestyle. For improving eyesight, a proper nutritional diet is very important and along with that adoption of good habits is also essential. Diet Eat only plant-based natural foods. Have lemon juice or amla or orange juice early in the morning as they are rich in Vitamin C. Eat fresh green leafy vegetables as it will promote eye health and health of the retina. Eat fresh fruits, sprouts, salads, nuts, and beans in your diet. Avoid processed, packaged, oily, and spicy foods. Avoid dairy products and animal foods. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Exercises for eye Sit in sukhasana. Move your eyes to the left and right side without moving your neck. Then, move the eyeballs to upper and down without any neck movement. Take a pen and keep it in front of your eyes. Move the pen near and far from your eyes and keep your eyesight at one. Avoid excessive use of electronic devices like mobiles, laptops, tv, computers, tablets, etc. Take the early morning sun rays daily for at least 20min. Sleep Sleeping gives relief from the stress. Hence, taking proper sleep is very important. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am. Thank you
Try very hard to lose weight but unable to lose especially facing difficulty in losing visceral fat. Pls suggest.
Nikita Mishra
01:23 PM | 29-10-2020
Hello Sheetal, Weight gain results due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activities, and high fatty diet. For reducing the weight, it is necessary to remove the excess fats from the body, and along with this following a natural lifestyle and correct eating habits is also important. Diet Start the day with a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice in it. This will help to improve the metabolism and also to flush the toxins out of the body. Drink green tea twice a day, one in the morning on an empty stomach and the other at night before sleeping. Soak the cumin seeds in a glass of water overnight. In the morning, boil the water and add a slice of ginger to it. Strain the water and drink it. This water will be beneficial for reducing fat. Always eat only plant-based natural foods. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices with fibers. Have sprouts, nuts, and beans. Eat fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits and vegetables. Exercise Daily exercising and yoga are also important to improve the metabolism and also to improve blood circulation. Start the day with a short morning walk or jogging for at least 30min. Do 12 sets of suryanamaskar daily. Practice pranayam regularly, like bhastrika, kapalbhati and anulom-vilom pranayam. Take sunrays early in the morning regularly for 15-20min. Sleep Sleeping patterns and quality of sleep also matter. Sometimes lack of sleep may also result in weight gain. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am. Thank you
I m suffering from obesity since 2 years please suggest some home remedies?
Nikita Mishra
03:12 PM | 22-10-2020
Hello Dinesh, Weight gain results due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activities, and high fatty diet. For reducing the weight, it is necessary to remove the excess fats from the body, and along with this following a natural lifestyle and correct eating habits is also important. Diet Start the day with a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice in it. This will help to improve the metabolism and also to flush the toxins out of the body. Drink green tea twice a day, one in the morning on an empty stomach and the other at night before sleeping. Soak the cumin seeds in a glass of water overnight. In the morning, boil the water and add a slice of ginger to it. Strain the water and drink it. This water will be beneficial for reducing fat. Always eat only plant-based natural foods. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices with fibers. Have sprouts, nuts, and beans. Eat fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits and vegetables. Exercise Daily exercising and yoga are also important to improve the metabolism and also to improve blood circulation. Start the day with a short morning walk or jogging for at least 30min. Do 12 sets of suryanamaskar daily. Practice pranayam regularly, like bhastrika, kapalbhati and anulom-vilom pranayam. Take sunrays early in the morning regularly for 15-20min. Sleep Sleeping patterns and quality of sleep also matter. Sometimes lack of sleep may also result in weight gain. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am. Thank you
My mother has been diagnosed with lymph node tuberculosis. She gets a fever of 100 degrees and reduced weight. There is a lot of weakness. What kind of precautions we should take in diet, medications? How to curb the medication's side effects? Are we supposed to take food supplements also? Kindly guide.
Nikita Mishra
09:20 AM | 21-10-2020
Hello, Lymph node tuberculosis is one of the most common extrapulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis. It usually causes painful swelling of one or more lymph nodes. More often, the disease localised to the anterior or posterior cervical chains or supraclavicular. Here are some of the steps which should be followed to cure it naturally. Diet to follow Have one amla daily. This will help to build immunity and has antioxidants. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices. Drink almond milk. Eat soaked nuts and dry fruits in the morning on an empty stomach. Have sprouts in your breakfast. Have fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits and vegetables. Include whole grains like barley, millets, oats, etc in your diet. Foods to avoid- Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Say no to tea, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks. Avoid dairy products and animal foods. Avoid processed, packaged, preserved, oily and spicy foods. Exercise Start the day with a short morning walk of at least 30min. Perform pranayam regularly specially anulom-vilom, kapalbhati and bhastrika pranayam. Walk barefoot on grass early in the morning. Take early morning sun rays daily for at least 20min. Sleep Sleeping pattern is important for maintaining the circadian rhythm and hormonal balance. When we sleep, our body repairs the cells and secretes proteins that build our immunity. Hence, have a proper sleep of at least 7-8hours daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am. Thank you
Kindly suggest some natural remedy as I am having a stabbing pain in my vagina and anus and stomach. The pain is more in the morning. Dr has said I have senitel tag. Sometimes when I fart I poop also.
Nikita Mishra
10:00 AM | 21-10-2020
Hello Antonette, The reason for pain anywhere in the body is the accumulation of toxins which also leads to inflammation along with the pain. Excessive consumption of fatty, spicy foods and following an incorrect lifestyle for a long time is the reason for the accumulation of toxins in the body. By making some changes in the diet and lifestyle, the problem can be cured and a healthy body can be achieved. Diet to follow- Start the day with a glass of water with some fresh lemon juice in it. Lemon has antioxidant properties and it will help to flush the toxins out of the body. Include garlic in the foods while cooking as it has antibacterial properties and is good for the health. Add turmeric to the foods. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Drink coconut water. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices with fibres. Have fresh, seasonal and locally available fruits and vegetables in your diet. Have sprouts, nuts and beans in your diet. Foods to avoid Avoid processed and packaged foods. Avoid dairy products and animal foods. Avoid tea and other caffeinated drinks. Say no to carbonated drinks and alcohol. Exercise Exercising is extremely important for an improved metabolism and blood circulation. Start the day with a short morning walk of atleast 30min. Do gomukha asana, trikona asana, gomukha asana and paschimottan asana. Take early morning sunrays regularly for 15-20min. Sleep A night of good quality sleep is important for a healthy body as it reduces stress and maintains the circadian rhythm. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. Thank you
I am 52 year old female. I have diabetes with 6. 7 HbA1c. I am 152cms and 79kg. I want to reduce my weight. I do surya namaskar and a few core exercises. Please suggest me how to reduce my weight.
Nikita Mishra
10:20 AM | 14-10-2020
Hello, Diabetes is a lifestyle disorder and can be corrected in a natural way. In diabetes, our body is not able to break the sugar or use the sugar in a proper way. But, by making some changes in lifestyle and habits, it can be cured naturally. Weight gain results due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activities, and high fatty diet which are also the reason for diabetes. For reducing the weight, it is necessary to remove the excess fats from the body, and along with this following a natural lifestyle and correct eating habits is also important. Reasons for diabetes Sedentary lifestyle Family history Wrong eating habits. Hormonal imbalance Obesity Diet- Have only plant-based natural foods. Include sprouts, salads, beans, nuts, dry fruits in your diet. Have coconut water and fresh homemade fruit juices. Avoid dairy foods and also avoid animal products. Cook oil-free or use cold-pressed oil. Avoid tea and coffee. Include whole grains like barley, millets, oats in your diet. Avoid sugars, chocolates, carbonated drinks. Exercise Doing some physical activity is very important to cure diabetes. Walk around 2,500 steps in the morning and the same in the evening. According to WHO, we should walk 8000 steps daily. Daily work may contribute to around 3000 steps and to complete them to 8000, walk 2,500 steps in the morning and evening. Perform yoga specially bhujanga asana, gomukha asana, trikona asana. Perform pranayam like kapalbhati, anulom-vilom. Sleep Sleep always plays a vital role in the overall health of the body and mind. Take proper sleep of at least 7-8hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am Read books before sleeping to improve the quality of sleep. Thank you
My father in law, 82, has UTI and diabetes. He's under treatment but his pus cells are still increasing. What can be done? Please suggest.
Nikita Mishra
10:41 AM | 14-10-2020
Hello Neelima, The reason for any kind of infection is the accumulation of toxins in our body. Accumulation of toxins results in the reaction of the body's immune system which leads to infection. Pus cells indicate a severe infection in the body. Urinary tract infection may result due to following reasons - Urinating in unhygienic conditions. Unclean undergarments. Not maintaining the cleanliness of genitals. Not drinking enough water. Controlling the urge to urinate. Diabetes is a lifestyle disorder and can be corrected in a natural way. In diabetes, our body is not able to break the sugar or use the sugar in a proper way. But, by making some changes in lifestyle and habits, it can be cured naturally. Some tips Take some neem leaves and boil them in water. Also, rotate fitkari (alum) in this water. Then, use it to wash the private area after urinating every time. Maintain personal hygiene. Whenever you have an urge to urinate, never try to control it. Diet Start the day with 3 to 4 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. This will help to flush the toxins out of the body. Eat sprouts, nuts, beans in your diet. Have salads, fresh fruits, and green leafy vegetables. Drink coconut water. Drink plenty of water during the day to eliminate the toxins out of the body. Avoid sugars and sugary foods. Avoid processed, packaged, preserved, oily and spicy foods. Avoid dairy products and animal foods as they are not good for the digestive system and may result in increased inflammation. Yoga and pranayam Yoga and pranayam are very effective for any kind of health issue. Do 12 sets of suryanamaskar daily. Do paschimottan asana, trikona asana, gomukha asana and padahasta asana. Practice pranayam regularly, specially anulom-vilom and bhastrika pranayam. Sleep Sleeping is equally important as our diet for a healthy body and mind. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. Avoid using electronic gadgets at least 1 hour before sleeping to improve the quality of sleep. Thank you
Which Fruits and Vegetables and Grains need to be avoided for Vitiligo? Many doctors or most of the people say you need to avoid Citric fruits, Wheat, White Rice etc. Vitamin C is very much needed for body but in case of Vitiligo not sure. Most people say avoid lemon and other fruits?. What's the scientific reason behind this?
Nikita Mishra
10:21 AM | 08-10-2020
Hello Rajkumar, Vitiligo is a skin condition in which a certain part of the body lose pigments and turn white. It is believed that vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder and a strong immune system can prevent the spread of the depigmentation. So, a healthy diet is recommended in vitiligo for Boosting the immune system. Diet to follow- Fruits - Apricots, figs and ripe mangoes should be eaten in vitiligo to improve the health status. Vegetables - Have a plant-based natural diet including spinach, beetroot, Carrot, potato, cabbage, radish, cauliflower, bitter guards, red chilli and green beans. Make sure that you include all these veggies in your diet as long as you don't have any problem like allergies from them. Proteins - For proteins have kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils and mushrooms. Whole grains - Have oats, brown rice, quinoa, corn, barley, millets, etc. Beverages - You can have coconut water and freshly prepared homemade fruit juices and vegetable juices. Foods that may create problems and need to be avoided - Alcohol Blueberries Citrus fruits Coffee Curd Animal products like fish Gooseberries Grapes Pomegranate Tomatoes Pears. Along with the diet, lifestyle and sleeping patterns are also important. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. Don't use any electronic appliances atleast 1 hour before sleeping. Instead, read books before sleeping. This will to improve the quality of sleep. Thank you
What is intermittent fasting for weight loss and the right method (step wise) to be followed?
Nikita Mishra
12:46 PM | 06-10-2020
Hello Harvinder, For losing weight, lifestyle and habits have to be changed. It can not be achieved just by intermittent fasting. Weight loss becomes difficult when we don't know the correct method and follow the wrong method for losing weight. The most important thing for achieving weight loss is determination. If you are determined for losing those extra pounds then you will surely achieve it. Diet plays an important role in weight loss or weight gain. Along with the diet, exercise is also equally important. Diet Start the day with a glass of warm water with fresh lemon juice in it. This will help to increase the metabolism of the body. Have only plant-based natural diet. Have your dinner at around 7 pm and don't eat anything until 8 am of the next day morning. This is also a type of intermittent fasting which is effective in weight loss. Include proteins in your diet. Have sprouts, nuts, beans and dry fruits. Drink coconut water. Cook oil-free. Avoid packaged, processed and oily foods. Eat fresh, seasonal and locally available fruits and vegetables. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to be hydrated. Exercise Along with the diet, exercising is also necessary for weight loss. Start the day with jogging for atleast 20min. After that do plank for about 5minutes. Then, practice yoga asanas like bhujanga asana, trikona asana, chakra asana, paschimottan asana and padahasta asana. Do suryanamaskar daily. Practice kapalbhati pranayam and anulom-vilom pranayam regularly. Sleep Sleeping is also essential for a healthy body. Sometimes lack if sleep also leads to weight gain. So, it is important to have good quality sleep daily. Hence, take proper sleep of atleast 7-8hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. Thank you
Have terrible pain in the right ear. Also Itching in the inside in both the ears. Pl advise what to do on urgent basis. Thank you.
Nikita Mishra
10:35 AM | 05-10-2020
Hello Rutu, Ears are full of sensitive neurological fibres. As a result, they are subjected to itching also. Itching in ears may also result due to an underlying medical condition. By knowing the cause of pain and itching, we can determine the way to get relief. Reasons that may result in itching Insufficient wax production. Ear canal dermatitis. Outer ear infection. Psoriasis. Possible reasons for ear pain Tight headwaters. Poorly fitting headphones. Sleeping on a hard surface. Ear piercing. Grinding teeth. Foreign particles in the ears. How to manage earache Use cold or warm compresses - Use ice packs or warm compresses like a heating pad or damp washcloth to relieve the pain. Place the ice or warm compress on the ear and alternate between warm and cold after10 to 15 minutes. Use olive oil - Putting a few drops of warmed olive oil in the ear will help to relieve the pain. Sleeping position - Some sleeping positions can aggravate the ear pain whereas some may help to relieve the pain. Sleep by facing your ear (ear which is aching) upward instead of facing it downward towards the pillow. This will help to get relief from the pain. What can be done for itching? Put 4 to 5 drops of fresh aloe vera gel in the ears and leave it and allow it to rest there for several seconds before tipping it out. Apply some ginger juice around the outer ear canal. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for soothing earaches and it will also be helpful in getting relief from itchy ears. Make sure you don't put it directly into the ears. Tilt your head to one side and put few drops of warm oil. You can use coconut oil, olive oil or tea tree oil. Soak the crushed garlic for some time in warm olive oil or sesame oil. Strain the garlic after some time and apply the oil in the ear canal. Thank you
Hi! I am 34 years old female. Kindly suggest the ways to recover Vit D and B12 deficiency as I am facing severe joint pains. My RA test is negative but ESR is increased. Thanks much
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
10:57 PM | 22-09-2020
Hello Pooja, We can understand that the pain of rheumatoid arthritis can be excruciating, in your case though the levels do not confirm the pain is of same nature. and the reason behind it can be because there is an inflammation process happening in the body. If we are getting exposed to junk, and our lifestyle is sedentary, the body goes under defence mechanism and start inflammation. When our immunity is vulnerable, we become our own enemy and tend to get these signs of inflammation like pain, swelling, redness in joints. In rheumatoid arthritis, every joint becomes painful hence we have to make sure that our body is getting a good amount of diet and exercise together. A good diet and exercise can surely be helpful. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients that get absorbed easily. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water which will help in flushing out all the toxins. Antioxidants rich food like berries, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, mosumbi will help to treat the inflammation. Take one teaspoon of gond with one glass of warm water in the morning. This will help in muscle repair and make the joints stronger by hastening the process. Copper minerals help in treating inflammation to its best, store drinking water in a copper vessel to get the best of it. Exercise: Pranayam helps in detoxifying the body. Practicing it early morning in an area that has good sunlight will help in improving blood circulation. Suryanamaskar, daily 12 sets will help in increasing the blood circulation of your body. Tell her to do slowly, perhaps under expert guidance, without putting much pressure on the joint prone area. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it. But with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleeping with the help of music to stay positive. In a room take a bowl of water and add two-three drops of orange or lavender essential oil. This will help in soothing you and the aroma will relax you and keep you away from any kind of disease. Use a 15-minute relaxation technique before sleep by hearing a piece of soothing music and deep breathing will help in relaxing your mind. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem. Sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. During sleep, our body goes into a repair mechanism where it heals itself. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you. Thank you.
Hi! I am facing anal fissure problem from one year. Can I take beetroot in salad or juice as I have quite low platelet count?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
11:06 PM | 22-09-2020
Hello Pooja, Regular consumption of fatty diet and highly spiced food, toxins are the primary cause of piles, our sedentary lifestyle also plays a role in this picture. What needs to be taken care of now is the fact that a major change in lifestyle and diet will be the cure of the problem. In anal fissure with the consumption of this kind of food, what is disturbing is from the oesophagus to rectum everything is disturbed. The toxins are in the body, call it stomach ulcers or fissures they relate to the same cause. With a healthy change in the diet and your routine, we can readily deal with all the issues related to the problem of piles. What makes a major difference is by changing lifestyles, that we are not only curing the disease at this stage but also preventing future relapses. You can definitely go ahead with beetroot and can also use the following guidelines for your health. Eat: Starting your day with something light in nature and easy to digest is what your breakfast should be. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. The next thing is including a fibre-rich food item which helps in adding bulk to the stools, for example having apples, bananas, nuts, etc. which have a good amount of fiber in them. Let us understand some things which you can apply for dealing with burning sensation: 1. Aloe vera gel: Application of naturally extracted aloe gel helps in the treatment of the wounds caused by piles. 2. Take a teaspoon of coconut oil and add two-three drops of tea tree oil, apply on the wound. These two things will help in treating the piles. Exercise: Sitting in the position of Vajraasana will help in the treatment of piles. After your meals practice, this poses for better digestion and easy stools. A brisk walk in early morning sun from 30-45 minutes, helps in treating your body to its level best. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it, but with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleep with the help of music to stay positive. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem, sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you Thank you.
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