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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

10:45 AM | 14-03-2022

When is next 10 day detox program starting?

01:04 PM | 12-03-2022

Is there any cure for muscle knots in naturopathy?

03:38 PM | 03-03-2022

I am taking a vegan diet. My weight has decreased to 43 kg. My age is 31. I have to increase my weight. Please suggest which program I should join on well cure?

12:39 PM | 22-11-2021

Can Pityriasis versicolor be corrected with nature cure theory?

05:40 PM | 11-11-2021

I am going through IVF. Age is 37. Have been diagnosed with low AMH and low vitamin d. Doctor says poor ovarian reserve. As per doc can’t conceive naturally as my right Fallopian tube is blocked after last miscarriage d&c three years back and since then couldn’t conceive naturally. I want to reverse this situation of low eggs and conceive. Can I benefit from any program?

03:03 PM | 10-11-2021

Hi Team, My daughter is 2. 8 years old. She is not liking to eat rice. She is lean and hyperactive. Currently she is not taking milk and curd also. She always asking us to carry her. Please provide any suggestions. Her body gets heat while feeding wheat. Any alternative food ideas for replace rice

05:41 PM | 18-10-2021

Goodevening. My husband is 40yrs old. We all had covid in April this year. Still having headaches, anxiety and fatigue. Are these post covid symptoms? Had many aloepathy and homeopathy but in vain. Plz help.

05:37 PM | 18-10-2021

Hi i am 54 years and my weight is 73. I am trying to reduce but it is not possible. Kindly guide me to reduce weight.

05:36 PM | 18-10-2021

How to lose weight naturally?

05:35 PM | 18-10-2021

Hello! I'm 52 year old male. HPV related squamous cell in throat. Diagnosed a year ago, and tried holistic. (Cannabis oil, turmeric, moranga, other vitamins and supplements) Would rather stay away from conventional treatments.... Looking for help.

11:35 AM | 12-10-2021

Good evening,I am 38 years old, from few days I am having burning in esophagus and not feeling hungry, pls guide!

04:02 PM | 04-10-2021

My husband who is 34 years is identified with fuch's because of which he is having early cataract and doc suggested hom to get surgery done... Is ther anything else we can do or any remedies are available?

04:01 PM | 04-10-2021

In my CBC blood test report lympocyte, monocyte,plcc,plcr,mtv are high/low from average limits ,globulin is high and ldl cholestrol is 109. How all these affect my body and can I control all these naturally in limits? I am taking thyrox 88 medicine every morning.

09:11 PM | 30-09-2021

Pls suggest natural remedies for piles?

12:08 PM | 24-09-2021

Hi, any remedies fr dark circles under eyes??

02:37 PM | 22-09-2021

I am 25 years skinny guy and I have lost my strength and stamina due to various intoxication now I want to gain my weight and strength so can I take Ayurveda weight gain powder? Does it have any side effects?

09:01 PM | 17-09-2021

Age 45 Male, HbA1c is 8 please suggest natural remedy.

05:09 PM | 13-09-2021

My daughter is 12 yrs old. She is obese. Kindly suggest some solution

05:36 PM | 06-09-2021

My mother suffers from ulcer problem for more than 15 years. How to overcome it?

06:02 PM | 31-08-2021

I am suffering from fissure from past 1 year. Please tell me some remedies to heal it. I have tried various medicines but they don't seem to work.

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