Tell me 10 natural health hacks that I can do to keep myself healthy in my busy life schedule. I know exercise and eating right food can do that but are there any easier options available apart from these?
Anchal Kapur
11:21 PM | 07-12-2018
There is no shortcut to good health dear 😊. Try this. 1. Let ur first meal of the day be fruits. 2. Carry healthy snacks to work. Make a snack bar at office - nuts, makhana, chana, dry fruits. 3. Every 2 hours, take a break, stretch, close ur eyes and relax. 4. Always keep a fruit in your bag. Whenever you feel hungry, have the fruit. Replace tea/coffee with fruit. 5. Carry a box of salad for lunch. 6. Take stairs instead of lift to get your body moving. 7. Don’t take stress. When stressed, take a break and divert ur mind. 8. Spend 10 minutes in the early morning or evening sun. You may schedule an official call during that time and take it with the sun!! 9. Keep lemons, knife and squeezer in office. Have 1-2 lemons everyday. 10. When on the road, stop for few minutes to have coconut water.
Is there a way to cook my favourite dish 'aloo matar' in a healthy way?
10:50 AM | 17-11-2018
The most simple way of doing same is by steaming. Steaming helps to retain the nutritional value. Steam potato, peas and tomatoes. In your cooking pan, add little water and roast onion. Then add steamed tomatoes and prepare gravy. Add your required species and add steamed potatoes and peas. Garnish same with coriander leaves and enjoy your healthy way of favourite Aloo Matar. Hope it turns out good.
Hi, It's like air is trapped (heaviness) between my chest and stomach. Sometimes when I drink water I have to push out some air with mouth. I think its indigestion or bloating... But after that it leads to gas and sleeping problem. I am fed up because I have been eating right, I am an occasional drinker and smoker (once a week at max - 1 beer or 2-3 puffs)... I walk 14km to stay healthy.
Nikita Mishra
04:13 PM | 26-04-2021
Hello Shivam, Digestion is one of the basic functions of the body. It gets affected by the type of food that we load inside our bodies. Indigestion and other digestion related health issues are due to the intake of wrong foods for a long time. Consuming wrong foods makes it difficult for our digestive system to digest it which results in the accumulation of toxins in the body and ultimately in several health issues like gas, acidity, etc. Along with the right kind of food, a correct lifestyle is also essential as it also affects the metabolism of our body. Here are some of the tips which I hope will help you to cure your health problem in a natural way. Diet Drink 3 to 4 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. This will help to flush the toxins out of the body. Eat sprouts in your breakfast as they are easy to digest and absorb. Also, they are rich in nutrients. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices with fibres. Fibres will add bulk to the stool and will also aid in the movement of the stool in the gut. Have Vitamin C rich foods like blueberries, amla, lemon, orange, etc. Eat fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Have soaked raisins and other dry fruits to get the easily absorbable nutrients. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Have ajwain with rock salt after meals. Exercise Daily exercising will help to improve the metabolism and digestive functions. Start the day with a short morning walk. Do plank for 5min. Practice bhujanga asana, trikona asana, gomukha asana and padahasta asana. Do pranayam regularly, specially anulom-vilom and bhastrika pranayam. Sleep A proper is essential for a healthy body and mind. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8hours daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am. Thank you
I am 55, suffering from severe constipation. I am on very healthy diet like we take vegetable juices, raw vegetables and fruits in lunch and in dinner we take very less oily food. I don't take milk and tea also only once. I do exercise and walk daily. Still constipation. Please advise.
Nikita Mishra
08:56 AM | 10-03-2021
Hello, Constipation is a common problem nowadays which results due to improper lifestyle and wrong eating habits. Chronic constipation leads to many health problems like hemorrhoids, Crohn's disease, etc. Hence, the root cause is constipation which can be cured by following a correct lifestyle and correct eating habits. Diet to follow- Drink 3 to 4 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. This will help to flush the toxins out of the body. Have Vitamin C rich foods like blueberries, orange, etc. Eat soaked raisins on an empty stomach in the morning. Have sprouts, nuts, beans, and salads. Eat fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits and vegetables. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices with fibers. This will add bulk to the stool and will aid in the movement of the stool. Drink plenty of water during the day. Have your dinner 3 to 4 hours before your sleeping time. Foods to avoid- Avoid dairy products and animal foods. Avoid processed, packaged, oily, and spicy foods. Avoid refined oils and refined grains. Avoid tea, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks. Avoid carbonated drinks. Exercise Start the day with a brisk morning walk of at least 30min. Do 12 sets of suryanamaskar daily in the morning. Perform pranayam, specially anulom-vilom and bhastrika pranayam. Take sunrays early in the morning. Take short walks after every meal. Sleep A proper sleeping pattern is very important for a healthy digestive system. Hence, take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. Thank you
I have kind of white spot on my face what to do guide me for healthy diet for glowing skin
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
07:20 PM | 18-08-2020
Hello Mozma, The reason we suffer from skin problemsis due to our chronic high-fat diet which is getting influenced by the external environment. Instead of just local application why don't you take a step towards holistic measure which will not only deal with getting good skin and hairhere are some guidelines which you can try. Here are a few tips which will help you. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients that get absorbed easily. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. The ideal diet would be to depend on fruits and raw vegetable intake and refrain from something which is oil-based. Have fruit salad in the afternoon time and vegetable salad as evening snack this will be light on your stomach. A diet rich in Vitamin C will help in dealing with skin problems by reducing all skin problems. Sources like lemons, oranges, mosumbi will help. Face packs which you can use to improve your skin and remove wite spot: 1. Massage the area with one tablespoon aloe vera gel and one tablespoon coconut oil. 2. One tablespoon of flaxseeds blend with half beetroot will make sure to reduce spots. 3. Wash your face in the morning with neem powder and one teaspoon of turmeric. Massage this paste on face for 5 minutes and wash, this mixture is best for an antibacterial reaction. Exercise: Pranayam helps in detoxifying the body, practising it early morning in an area which has good sunlight will help in improving blood circulation. Suryanamaskar, daily 12 sets will help in increasing the blood circulation of your body. A brisk walk in early morning sun from 30-45 minutes, helps in treating your body to its level best. Sun is a great source of Vitamin D that is why walking in the Sun and connecting with the sun also help in activating our cells and rejuvenates us for the whole day. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it, but with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleep with the help of music to stay positive. Use a 15-minute relaxation technique before sleep, by hearing a piece of soothing music and deep breathing will help in relaxing your mind. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem. Sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. During sleep, our body goes into a repair mechanism where it heals itself. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you Thank you.
Hello. I'm very weak since childhood now I am 20. I continue to be weak and weight is 48 height 5'7". I want to know the diet for getting healthier and finding solution for constipation too. Can you help me?
05:27 PM | 15-10-2019
हेलो, कारण - आँत में अधिक अम्ल (acid) से प्रदाह (inflammation) उत्पन्न होता है जिसके कारण मल सुख जाता है और क़ब्ज़ की समस्या हो जाती है। रस और फ़ाइबर भोजन के कमी ऐसा होता है। शरीर में fluid कमी के कारण कमज़ोरी आती है। रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता के कमी के कारण बार बार बीमार होते हैं। समाधान - कच्चे सब्ज़ी का जूस लें ख़ाली पेट लें। कच्ची भिंडी, बथुआ, पानी में भिगोए हुए अलसी (flexssed) सलाद में मिला कर बिना नमक के खाएँ। पेट पर गिली पट्टी रखें। खीरे का पेस्ट रखें। 20मिनट तक रख साफ़ कर लें। ताड़ासन, कटिचक्रआसन, तिर्यकताड़ासन, पवनमुक्तासन करें। किसी प्राकृतिक चिकित्सक के देख रेख में टोना लें। जिससे आँत की प्रदाह को शांत किया जा सके। एनिमा किट मँगा लें। यह किट ऑनलाइन मिल जाएगा। इससे 200ml पानी गुदाद्वार से अंदर डालें और प्रेशर आने पर मल त्याग करें। ऐसा दिन में दो बार करना है अगले 21 दिनों के लिए। ये करना है ताकि शरीर में मोजुद विषाणु निष्कासित हो जाये। इसके बाद हफ़्ते में केवल एक बार लेना है उपवास के अगले दिन। टोना का फ़ायदा तभी होगा जब आहार शुद्धि करेंगे। 10% कच्चे हरे पत्ते और सब्ज़ी का जूस बिना नमक निम्बू के लेना है।30% कच्चे सब्ज़ी का सलाद बिना नमक निम्बू के लेना है।10% ताज़ा नारियल सलाद में मिला कर लेना है। 20% फल को लें। पके हुए खाने को केवल एक बार खाएँ नमक भी केवल एक बार पके हुए खाने लें। पके हुए खाने में सब्ज़ी भाँप में पके हों और तेल घी रहित होना चाहिए सब्ज़ी की मात्रा 20% और millet या अनाज की मात्रा 10% हो। 1 आकाश तत्व- एक खाने से दूसरे खाने के बीच में विराम दें। रोज़ाना 15 घंटे का उपवास करें जैसे रात का भोजन 7 बजे तक कर लिया और सुबह का नाश्ता 9 बजे लें। 2 वायु तत्व- लंबा गहरा स्वाँस अंदर भरें और रुकें फिर पूरे तरीक़े से स्वाँस को ख़ाली करें रुकें फिर स्वाँस अंदर भरें ये एक चक्र हुआ। ऐसे 10 चक्र एक टाइम पर करना है। ये दिन में चार बार करें।I दौड़ लगाएँ। सूर्य नमस्कार 5 बार करें। 3 अग्नि तत्व- सूरर्य उदय के एक घंटे बाद या सूर्य अस्त के एक घंटे पहले का धूप शरीर को ज़रूर लगाएँ। सर और आँख को किसी सूती कपड़े से ढक कर। जब भी लेंटे अपना दायाँ भाग ऊपर करके लेटें ताकि आपकी सूर्य नाड़ी सक्रिय रहे। 4 जल तत्व- खाना खाने से एक घंटे पहले नाभि के ऊपर गीला सूती कपड़ा लपेट कर रखें और खाना के 2 घंटे बाद भी ऐसा करना है। नीम के पत्ते का पेस्ट अपने नाभि पर रखें। 20मिनट तक रख कर साफ़ कर लें। मेरुदंड स्नान के लिए अगर टब ना हो तो एक मोटा तौलिया गीला कर लें बिना निचोरे उसको बिछा लें और अपने मेरुदंड को उस स्थान पर रखें। खाना खाने से एक घंटे पहले नाभि के ऊपर गीला सूती कपड़ा लपेट कर रखें या खाना के 2 घंटे बाद भी ऐसा कर सकते हैं। मेरुदंड (स्पाइन) सीधा करके बैठें। हमेशा इस बात ध्यान रखें और हफ़्ते में 3 दिन मेरुदंड का स्नान करें। पेट पर खीरा का पेस्ट 20 मिनट लगाएँ। फिर साफ़ कर लें। पैरों को 20 मिनट के लिए सादे पानी से भरे किसी बाल्टी या टब में डूबो कर रखें। 5. पृथ्वी तत्व- कच्चे सब्ज़ी का जूस आपका मुख्य भोजन है। सुबह ख़ाली पेट इनमे से कोई भी हरा जूस लें।पेठे (ashguard ) का जूस लें और नारियल पानी भी ले सकते हैं। बेल का पत्ता 8 से 10 पीस कर 100ml पानी में मिला कर छान कर पीएँ। खीरा 1/2 भाग + धनिया पत्ती (10 ग्राम) पीस लें, 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। दुब घास 25 ग्राम पीस कर छान कर 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। ये जूस सुबह नाश्ते से एक घंटे पहले लें। नाश्ते में फल लें। दोपहर के खाने से एक घंटा पहले हरा जूस लें। खाने में सलाद नमक सेंधा ही प्रयोग करें। नमक की पके हुए खाने में भी बहुत कम लें। सब्ज़ी पकने बाद उसमें नमक डालें। नमक पका कर या अधिक खाने से शरीर में (fluid) की कमी हो जाती। सलाद दोपहर 1बजे बिना नमक के खाएँ तो अच्छा होगा क्योंकि नमक सलाद के गुणों को कम कर देता है। सलाद में हरे पत्तेदार सब्ज़ी को डालें और नारियल पीस कर मिलाएँ। कच्चा पपीता 50 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। कभी सीताफल ( yellow pumpkin)50 ग्राम ऐसे ही डालें। कभी सफ़ेद पेठा (ashgurad) 30 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। ऐसे ही ज़ूकीनी 50 ग्राम डालें।कद्दूकस करके डालें।कभी काजू बादाम अखरोट मूँगफली भिगोए हुए पीस कर मिलाएँ। लाल, हरा, पीला शिमला मिर्च 1/4 हिस्सा हर एक का मिलाएँ। शाम 5 बजे नारियल पानी लें। रात के खाने में इस अनुपात से खाना खाएँ 2 कटोरी सब्ज़ी के साथ 1कटोरी चावल या 1रोटी लें। रात 8 बजे के बाद कुछ ना खाएँ, 12 घंटे का (gap) अंतराल रखें। 8बजे रात से 8 बजे सुबह तक कुछ नहीं खाना है। एक नियम हमेशा याद रखें ठोस(solid) खाने को चबा कर तरल (liquid) बना कर खाएँ। तरल को मुँह में घूँट घूँट पीएँ। खाना ज़मीन पर बैठ कर खाएँ। खाते वक़्त ना तो बात करें और ना ही TV और mobile को देखें।ठोस भोजन के तुरंत बाद या बीच बीच में जूस या पानी ना लें। भोजन हो जाने के एक घंटे बाद तरल पदार्थ ले सकते हैं। जानवरों से उपलब्ध होने वाले भोजन वर्जित हैं। तेल, मसाला, और गेहूँ से परहेज़ करेंगे तो अच्छा होगा। चीनी के जगह गुड़ लें। हफ़्ते में एक दिन उपवास करें। शाम तक केवल पानी लें, प्यास लगे तो ही पीएँ। शाम 5 बजे नारियल पानी और रात 8 बजे सलाद लें। धन्यवाद। रूबी, प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)
Hi i am 23 year old and i have digestion snd gasotrics problem i goes toilet minimum 8-9 times a day. So plz tell me that how can i improve my health
Prof Dr Srikrishan Sha...
07:46 PM | 17-08-2019
My experience tells me it is Nabhi imbalance. You must try to balance your Nabhi by practicing Nasapadangushthasan and halasan Regularly Sit in vajarasana atleast half an hour twice a day Apply ice around Nabhi twice a day Half litre coconut water intake during the day
Actually i m was facing problem of pcod. Iam getting my periods regularly. I want some health tips in such things.
05:55 PM | 17-08-2019
नमस्ते निष्कासन ठीक प्रकार से और सही माध्यम से ना हो तो शरीर ग़लत माध्यम से शरीर में पनप रहे विषाक्त कणों को निकालता है क्योंकि शरीर का एक लक्ष्य है अनचाहे विषाणुओं को शरीर से निकाल बाहर करना है। सूर्य उदय के एक घंटे बाद या सूर्य अस्त के एक घंटे पहले का धूप शरीर को ज़रूर लगाएँ। सर और आँख को किसी सूती कपड़े से ढक कर। जब भी लेंटे अपना दायाँ भाग ऊपर करके लेटें ताकि आपका सूर्य नाड़ी सक्रिय रहे। आहार शुद्धि और सही स्वाँस लेने के तरीक़े से हम इस बीमारी पर नियंत्रण पा सकते हैं। गहरा स्वाँस अंदर भरें, रुकें फिर पूरा स्वाँस ख़ाली कर के रुकें, और फिर सहज साँस लें तो एक चक्र पूरा होता है। ऐसे 10 चक्र करें, मेरुदंड को सीधा रखें और पेट ख़ाली रखकर इस अभ्यास को करें। जितनी देर स्वाँस को सहजता से रोक सकें उतना ही रोकें। अनुलोम विलोम करें। खाना अच्छी तरह चबा कर खाएँ, खाने के 1 घंटे बाद पानी पीएँ खाने के बीच में या खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी पीने से खाना हज़म ठीक से नहीं होता है। जानवरों से उपलब्ध होने वाले भोजन से बचें। तेल, मसाला, और (wheat) गेहूँ से परहेज़ करेंगे तो अच्छा होगा सुबह 5 बेल पत्ते को पीस कर 100ml पानी मिला कर पीएँ, 2 घंटे बाद फल खाएँ, दोपहर 12 बजे पालक 10 पत्ते+पुदीना 10 पत्ता पीस कर 100ml पानी मिला कर पीएँ। इसके 1घंटे बाद खाना खाएँ, शाम5 बजे नारियल पानी या सफ़ेद पेठे (ashguard) 20 ग्राम पीस कर 100ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। रात के खाने में सलाद लें और सलाद 8 बजे से पहले लें, सलाद में हरे पत्तेदार सब्ज़ी को डालें। ताज़े नारियल पीस कर मिलाएँ। लाल, हरा, पीला शिमला मिर्च 1/4 हिस्सा हर एक का मिलाएँ। इसे बिना नमक के खाएँ। रात का खाना 8 बजे खाएँ। पृथ्वी तत्व को शरीर में डालने का एक नियम हमेशा याद रखें ठोस (solid) खाने को चबा कर तरल (liquid) बना कर खाएँ। तरल (liquid) को मुँह में घूँट घूँट पीएँ। खाना ज़मीन पर बैठ कर खाएँ। खाते वक़्त ना तो बात करें और ना ही TV और mobile को देखें। ठोस (solid) भोजन के तुरंत बाद या बीच बीच में जूस या पानी ना लें। भोजन हो जाने के एक घंटे बाद तरल पदार्थ (liquid) ले सकते धन्यवाद। रूबी, Ruby
If I do any work total body would be swell and pain also. How to set right my health?
Mohan M
01:30 PM | 05-08-2019
Hello, This may happen due to bad water also called toxin accumulated in various joints in your body. Due to which it happens. Take 200 ml carrot juice, or a combination of carrot juice with beet and cucumber juices. In the case of mixed juices, 50 ml each of beet and cucumber juices should be mixed with 100 ml of carrot juice to prepare 200 ml of mixed juice. Drink for relief Heavy foods including dairy products, fried foods, cold foods, rice, beans and legumes should be avoided. Avoid dairy products and non veg completly. Eat at least 2 hours before going to bed. Yoga and breathing exercises (Pranayama) can be helpful. Squeeze half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water and sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey. Take it once daily first thing in the morning for several months. It flushes the system of toxins. Thanks.
What is the best time and way to consume chia seeds for health benefits and weight loss?
Nikita H Solanki
01:49 PM | 03-08-2019
Chia seeds can be sprinkled on smoothies or salads, you can even make chia pudding once a while. About one tablespoon of these seeds is good to consume everyday It is good form of antioxidant, loaded with protien, stimulates weightloss as it is boosts metabolism, improves disgestion and rich in vitamin E and omega 3. However, be careful that you chew these seeds.
I am taking beta blocker for two months and my health is declining very sharply. Why?
12:20 PM | 31-07-2019
Blood pressure is the pressure with which blood circulates in our body. Blood is the carrier of food nutrients, oxygen, waste material, etc from one part of the body to another. Without proper pressure in the blood, this vital function cannot be carried out & life cannot sustain. Hence, blood pressure is important.High BP indicates that body is out of balance. All we need to do is help body restore this balance & return to normal BP levels by taking actions that are in-sync with nature. Avoid all processed & packaged foods, including white sugar, refined oil, table salt, biscuits, namkeens, ketchups,etc. Eat more of natural foods such as fruits & vegetables, eat more raw. Replace table salt with rock salt which is supposed to be helpful in stabilizing BP levels. But overall, reduce intake of salt. Rest – both physical & mental – is very important in cases of high BP. Try to engage yourself in activities that keep you happy, stay away from stressful activities. Don’t exert physically, listen to your body & be active as per comfort. On medication I cannot comment best to consult expert
Hello i have erectile dysfunction as masturbaion is the main problem how to cure it and make it totally healthy please help me how can i make it healthy...!!
07:27 PM | 26-07-2019
Hi. You may refer to this Q&A thread -
Are probiotic drinks like Yakult good for health?
Anchal Kapur
04:59 PM | 03-06-2019
Dairy + sugar + artificial preservatives + plastic bottle :-) Anything artificial you put in the body, the body wastes its energy & resources to assimilate it. Having it once in a while? - Don't worry about it. Body has great coping abilities. It will deal with it if your overall lifestyle is moderate. Having it regularly to get the right bacteria? - Switch to natural fruits, veggies in daily routine. Your gut flora will flourish. You can also try some natural probiotics instead - kanji - zingy probiotic drink .
Hello everyone! I am new to the world of natural health and living….. Have heard a lot about detox diets. Can someone guide me what exactly are detox diets, is it the same as fasting and are they safe for kids?
Anchal Kapur
06:23 PM | 11-12-2018
Hello hello. A natural diet comprising of whole plant based diet is easy for the body to digest & also gives body the desired nutrients to perform its functions. One of the key functions of the body is eliminating accumulated toxic waste. When body gets rest from digestive work (because you are eating easy to digest foods) & also the right ammunition (because you are eating nutritious food), the body starts eliminating toxic waste efficiently. This process is popularly called 'detox'. To my mind, a detox diet sounds like a 'cool' fad, but is infact the whole plant based diet eaten in everyday routine. Its not the same as fasting - fasting means you are not eating!! Safe for kids - ofcourse!! These are our natural foods, nature designed them for us to eat, why would they not be safe? But always listen to your body, give it time to adjust to any changes you do. Take it slow.
Which natural and healthy snacks one can keep at home to replace the unhealthy ones?
Anchal Kapur
11:22 PM | 07-12-2018
Roasted peanuts are my all time favourite. Also cashews, raisins, dates, apricots, anjeer, murmure. Bhel puri in evening made with lots of tomato, cucumber, onion, dhaniya, imli chutney, salt, green chilli is awesome.
Triple Artery Disease/ 90% blockage? Any cure?
Ashlekha Sharma
07:40 PM | 01-05-2024
Hi Goldy Kakkar, Thank you for sharing your concern with us. Triple artery disease is curable by adopting the laws of nature. We need detailed medical history from your side in order to guide you in the best manner. You can share your further details with us at or you can contact our team 9630162732 (Sanjana), 9548714775 (Neha). Wish you a good health!
How can we Detox Blood Naturally?
Dr.Elanchezhiyan Devar...
06:11 PM | 13-09-2019
Blood is important for transporting oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to tissue, due to this it is very important keep blood pure and toxin free to ensure proper functioning of the body. Detoxifying the blood essentially means to remove waste matter that may be in the blood as a result of biological processes or from disease. Detoxification process starts from liver; it converts toxic substances to highly reactive metabolites and then excretes these toxins. Excretes through kidneys, lungs, Skin and gut and plays important role in detoxification. A healthy diet is the most important way to detoxify. First, remove foods that interfere with detoxification or makes our more toxic. Ex. sugar, soda, maida etc. Drink plenty water: Keeping hydration by drinking water helps to proper function at the cellular level. Helps to carry and transports toxins to the excretory organs Eat the right food: Consuming health foods helps to avoid toxin in our body. Some specific foods that can help your body boost its detoxification process, they are as follows: Cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens leafy veggies include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, spinach, lettuce and cabbage etc. They are rich in fiber, which encourages the excretion of toxins through bile and stool. Add avocados, apples, Beetroot, onions and garlic which are rich in antioxidants helps to detoxify effectively. Adding ginger in food items helps the intestines to perform detoxification work effectively, ginger helps boost body’s ability to process food and eliminate waste. Consume more Citrus fuirts. Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is a mild acid that can create an alkaline environment in your body, altering body pH and helping to eliminate various toxins. Because many waste materials, viruses and other pathogens are unable to live in an alkaline environment. Drinking fresh lemon juice daily contributes to boosting your immune system and helping to remove unwanted materials from your bloodstream. Squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon into a glass of warm water and drink in the morning before breakfast every day. Removes toxins by Sweat: Exercise can help the body to sweat more for better excretion of toxins and burn fat more effectively. Include physical Exercise like, Skipping, Jogging, walking high-intensity workouts and Yoga etc. Regular steam bath/sauna bath/sunbath/ plantain leaf bath (Visit Nature Cure centre/Hospital) Take good sleep: Sleep helps to brain detoxification process called the glymphatic system that occurs when you sleep, insufficient sleep leads to impair your glymphatic system, causing toxin build. To be avoided: Avoid stress Avoid Non vegetarian food items Avoid sugar Maida, fried and fatty food items. Avoid alcohol, tea and coffee Avoid preserved, carbonated aerated beverages.
My son is 6 years old and he plays outdoor a lot. He enjoys playing various sports. Our family is on vegan diet. I am interested to know the good source of protein and good fat for kids as they are in growing age? Thank you.
04:31 PM | 18-06-2019
A common concern about vegan diets is that they might lack sufficient protein however this can be managed by including various protein rich sources. 1) Soyabean is a real golden source of protein and tofu too. 2)Lentil are a good source too they can be used in a variety of dishes, ranging from fresh salads to hearty soups and dahls. 3) Chickpeas and variety of beans. 4)Along with that green peas, amaranth which is good source can be taken also chia seeds can be beneficial. 5)Don't forget to include fruits and vegetables. 6)Nuts and oil seeds are important too 7)Soy milk can be preferred.
I did undergo through right thyrodectomy in the year 2014. Hence I have only left side of thyroid gland. I am on vegan diet since 4 years now and my thyroid secretion is still under control so far. I am interested to know dos/donts to keep thyroid secretion controlled? Thank you.
Anchal Kapur
05:14 PM | 18-06-2019
Hi. Body is tuned to be in a state of balance.....only when we let it be. Actions that interfere in body's default mode - Artificial hormonal intake, i.e. dairy, non veg, medicines Chemicals - personal care & home care products, pollution, packaged foods Increased acidity in the body - diet rich in acidic foods such as grains, tea / coffee, refined foods, junk foods, oily spicy foods, etc, stress, sedentary lifestyle Actions that support body's default mode - Eat whole foods, not refined Lots of raw fruits & veggies. Strive for atleast 50% of your food intake to be raw. Exercise regularly. Spend time in sun every morning 15-20 minutes. Stay happy. Ensure sleep of around 8 hours every night. This may sound very generic. But that's the whole point. Let your body be!! ,
Those who are Diabetec and face craving of Sweets , what all innocent Natural Foods they can have at what time?
Dollie kashvani
06:25 PM | 09-09-2019
They should eat fruit salads with line juice n rock salt that can be helpful to remove craving. they can use honey instead of sugar. they can consume nuts with dates or honey it's beautiful n healthy combination also a good option for sweets.
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