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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

02:33 PM | 18-01-2021

I'm not able to completely evacuate in the morning. Many times I suffer from bloating. Pl suggest remedy.

10:44 AM | 16-11-2020

I have uveitis. Is it curable?

11:01 AM | 26-10-2020

Pls suggest lower back pain remedy.

11:11 AM | 17-08-2020

My back just below the left shoulder is paining. Please can you tell me a remedy for it?

10:04 AM | 27-07-2020

How to fight IBS?

01:16 PM | 13-07-2020

My right nostril gets congested at night when i go for sleep. Please help!

09:43 AM | 17-06-2020

शादी के बाद मेरे पिरीयड्ज़ बहुत इरेग्युलर हो गए है ओर मुझको pcod की प्रॉब्लम भी नहीं है में 27 साल की हूँ मुझको कोई सुझाव दें पिरीयड्ज़ रेगुलर कैसे कर सकती हूँ

12:59 PM | 16-06-2020

My right side of the body is paining,it starts from neck then shoulders ,right chest,hand, stomach. Please suggest some the remedy for it.

12:15 PM | 13-05-2020

I am taking DIP diet of Dr Biswroop roy Chaudhary from last one year, my uric acid increases (8. 0). What to do?

10:54 AM | 07-02-2020

Hello my son's D3 is 20. He is 14 years old. Can I get help on this?

10:06 AM | 08-01-2020

I have been having pain in the chest area since past one week. Can you please suggest a suitable remedy?

10:30 AM | 09-10-2019

My daughter is having frequent cold problem. Looks like sinusitis problem. I have stopped giving milk to her. That took away frequent cold problem. But she still catches cold easily n started developing dust allergy. She experiences irritation in nose n sneezing. Can you help me?

02:48 PM | 25-09-2019

I have anal fissure how to get rid of it naturally? Is there any permanent cure for it?

10:29 AM | 23-09-2019

Due to diabetes i have acute burning sensation in left side of abdomen. How to get it rid of it?

04:25 PM | 12-09-2019

How to grow thick hair on the head?

08:01 AM | 17-08-2019

What I ve to eat for to stop hair fall nd dandrf....

10:34 AM | 02-08-2019

Im a female of 23years suffering from RA disease kindly help me cure im scared to ise steroids now using homeopathy medicine please help me to cure as soon as possible in natural way

09:53 AM | 24-07-2019

I have light white spot on my skin.. How to cure it also I will add here that i am a kidney patient..

10:00 AM | 09-01-2020

Can you suggest a natural cure for endometriosis?

06:11 PM | 04-06-2019

Left leg having zanzanahat from last two months

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