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'healthy cooking' - 2171 Results

11:23 AM | 06-07-2020

How to treat varicose veins?

11:00 AM | 06-07-2020

Tell treatment for insomnia please.

12:53 PM | 03-07-2020

Kumbhak is good in summer or not?

12:23 PM | 03-07-2020

I'm a TB patient. What food should I eat?

12:20 PM | 03-07-2020

Plz tell me how i cure my white hair problem on legs,hand and chest by pranayam and diet? And plz tell which pranayam i do?

12:01 PM | 02-07-2020

I am 35 yr old women. From past 3 months I am having slight discomfort in my left chest. Sometimes its like cramp & sometimes I have dull pain (but the pain is on & off). Due to pandemic situation I am unable to visit cardio dr. No thyriod, hemoglobin level normal. Pls suggest.

03:20 PM | 01-07-2020

I am suffering from chronic constipation from the last three years and I have also taken so many laxatives and misused them as I was habitual of these medicines. Please help!

03:00 PM | 01-07-2020

Hello, my name is pankaj and I am 23 yr old, I gets pain in my eyes easily while I am doing study or watching TV, in a half hour of studying started feeling of stress in my eyes, I checked up of my eyes from doctor and reports came normal. I am preparing for competition exam, but I can't do my study for long time due to this problem, so please suggest me something for rid from this problem.

02:07 PM | 01-07-2020

Hello everyone I am having dark circles. This maybe due to stress and it feels heaviness on my forehead all the day. Can anyone help me to cure this. Thanks

01:51 PM | 01-07-2020

My husband 35 yrs, wt 90 kg, has ulcer in stomach, also having piles problem. He is a field worker, he will not eat outside food, once he comes to home only he will take dinner. Afternoon he will cut his meals. Also he is always passes gas in back with big sound. Please help him to overcome this. Thanks to all.

12:26 PM | 30-06-2020

Sir/ma'am,I have a problem of h. Pylori and am still having issues with my tummy which is now affecting my eyesight seeing is blur sometimes, pls. Help!

10:03 PM | 29-06-2020

Sir my gastric problem is getting more since two weeks I am taking mucaine gel for two times before food but still I am not feeling good so inform what to do to cure gastric problem permanently?

12:09 PM | 29-06-2020

Hi all, I'm suffering with azoospermia and am trying to find if it can healed naturally. I have done the tests as required and the hormonal levels are within the range with no other issues. Please advise if anyone have overcome this situation. TIA

12:59 PM | 24-06-2020

Some people tell me that doing kapalbhati in summer have some side effect for health then please tell me it's beneficial or not? And also tell me how I do kapalbhati to get more benefits?.

10:49 AM | 19-06-2020

What should we eat or not eat in order to cure our tb fast?

12:35 PM | 09-06-2020

First left chest pain from acidity now armpit and shoulder pain. What to do help please?

02:00 PM | 08-06-2020

How much protein is required if you are doing heavy exercise? My brother stared doing workout at home to loose weight during this lockdown. Now after loosing weight he is building muscles. But from watching YouTube videos, he started taking lentils twice a day. Lentils are proteins and I have read its hard to digest. Kindly tell me is it ok to take lentils twice a day for him?

10:41 AM | 08-06-2020

In kumbhak pranayam where do we fill oxygen, in lungs or in stomach and why? And plz tell me is kumbhak is good for white hair problem?

10:40 AM | 08-06-2020

How can we treat a colon suffering from 1 -2 year long constipation. Pls guide me about full treatment.

10:36 AM | 08-06-2020

I have white hair on my body. But in summer my white hair increase fast on my body, legs, arms. Plz give me solution to cure it through diet and pranayam.

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