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'healthy cooking' - 2171 Results

09:47 AM | 05-02-2020

I m 21 years old and suffering from piles... Is there any solution to get rid of that?

10:34 AM | 04-02-2020

Hey.... I m 21 years old and I am suffering from piles.... What can I do to cure..?

09:37 AM | 03-02-2020

I have hair loss from many months... I am observing a white bulb at the end.... What is the reason for it? How to cure and get back my hair?

09:46 AM | 31-01-2020

I am 32 year old, have a knee gaps while practising yoga. It pains a lot and can't stand for a long duration. How to overcome this?

10:31 AM | 30-01-2020

I am a 20 years old. My legs are paining constantly at night whether it is college day or holiday. Even during prolonged standing posture it leads to pain in sole. What should I do?

10:30 AM | 30-01-2020

How to tackle hydronephrosis?

02:09 PM | 29-01-2020

From last few days I'm having this illusion of sitting in a train. I have digestion issues from last one and half year. Is this is happening cause of that? I am fed up of taking medicine for digestion and gas issues. Can you please suggest me a natural way to come out of it?

11:37 AM | 29-01-2020

I have pcod and so I am taking medication also. And this time I got my period but after my 5th day also even I am getting light bleeding for few days. It is normal? Bleeding will get stopped or do I need to do some remedies? Please tell.

03:02 PM | 28-01-2020

I am experiencing pain on the extreme left side of forehead and also the forehead area above left eye from last 1 week. This is making me irritable and lethargic too. Is this beginning of migraine? If yes, what remedies can I do to stop it from increasing? I have a desk job and I cannot stay away from screen a lot. Can you pls tell me some manageable remedies? Not too strict ones!

01:51 PM | 28-01-2020

I have a increase in size of bones on my neck , but it is non painable. It looks and feels like a upper part of mountain. Can you guys tell what is it?

01:51 PM | 28-01-2020

I was thinking I have thyroid or pcod because nearly for last three months I was not getting my monthly periods. Can you pls help me?

01:50 PM | 28-01-2020

I am 21 yrs old and have cervical spondylis. I am a student and suffer from great hand pain after writting. So what should I do for this??

10:23 AM | 27-01-2020

I have small white patch on left corner of mouth over lip. Please guide me in what to do?

11:39 AM | 26-01-2020

I have dark pimple like spots on both of my hands right from upper part of palm to shoulder. It is dry and itchy also. What is this, what's the reason for this and treatment?

11:39 AM | 26-01-2020

I have a lower back pain only on the right side for more than 4 years. I am 40 yrs old male. Can you help me?

09:45 AM | 24-01-2020

Hi, my mom is diagnosed with parkinsons in 2017, because of which she has developed walking issues, feels tired most of the time, wants to lie down or sleeps mostly, at times confusions trigger post she gets up from sleep. We need to give a helping hand for her daily activities since last 3-4months. ,we dont give her allopathy medicines as it hasn't helped her much. My mom has high sugar and BP, at times creatine levels go little high. Any suggestions for my mom's better health?

02:20 PM | 23-01-2020

I am 29 years old man from Jaipur I am getting lots of back pain due from last 2 years almost die to long sitting on laptop for more than 7 hours of 7 years. Please tell me which exercises I need to do and which one to avoid? Also tell me what should be my diet plan for this?

10:15 AM | 23-01-2020

I had tennis elbow few months back and was cured after medication from a doctor. But now again I got the same problem. Should I consult the doctor again or should I try the same medication as before?

09:46 AM | 22-01-2020

My mother has b12 deficiency, she doesn't feel hungry. What can I do? Pls help me.

09:45 AM | 22-01-2020

I have digestive issues due to gastric problem. Even small pieces also not digesting. How to improve this naturally?

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