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'Diabetes' - 420 Results

Natural Cure
11:25 AM | 27-07-2020

10:13 AM | 27-07-2020

Recently I have been diagnosed with auto immune disease (connective tissue disorder) and after that I have completely eradicated dairy products and gluten from my diet. I am completely vegan from one month. But even following 16 hrs fasting, enema, one cooked meal in a day. Still I am not feeling well, low on energy and has also reduced 10 kgs within 6 months and I am loosing lot of body mass. As my bones are clearly visible now. Kindly help to regain my health and eradicate the disease.

10:37 AM | 20-07-2020

I am 30 years old and I am diabetic since 1 1/2 years. How do I cure it naturally? I want to be diabetic free.

Natural Cure
06:00 PM | 20-07-2020

10:46 AM | 15-07-2020

Hi, I’m having a white patch ( vitiligo) on my right cheek from last 9 years, and I’ve been taking treatment from a very long time but there is no quick recovery. May I know how to get rid of it soon? And what may be the major reasons of this disease?

12:36 PM | 13-07-2020

My husband is diabetic for more than 20 years, Lately he is suffering from water retention in stomach due to liver problem, Please suggest!! Some natural remedies for the same

11:06 AM | 06-07-2020

Is there a treatment for macular hole?

10:02 AM | 10-07-2020

What to eat to lower sugar level naturally?

10:05 AM | 10-07-2020

My father is a diabetic since 20 years now. We have tried many medicines. His reports are normal but want to try alternative therapy. Any suggestions?

10:45 AM | 29-04-2019

I have blood pressure 160 by 100 how to get rid off

11:16 AM | 06-07-2020

What is remedy for puss and abscess formation in thighs area?

Natural Cure
10:00 AM | 08-07-2020

01:51 PM | 01-07-2020

My husband 35 yrs, wt 90 kg, has ulcer in stomach, also having piles problem. He is a field worker, he will not eat outside food, once he comes to home only he will take dinner. Afternoon he will cut his meals. Also he is always passes gas in back with big sound. Please help him to overcome this. Thanks to all.

11:50 AM | 16-06-2020

Hi please advice me. I am diabetic since 11 years, had severe hormonal imbalance and because of that I had multiple endometriosis cysts. Underwent 3 surgery in 4 years. Last one had on 20th March. I had to remove entire gynea function. I am very active, disciplined and hard working person, always love to be in routine. But because of surgery and lockdown my entire life style got changed. Going through tremendous stress and Please advice

01:23 PM | 16-06-2020

Hi I am suffering from bloating,excessive burping ,indigestion and feeling hungry after early morning completion of washroom. I am having bacterial infection ,doctor suggested me medication course hp kit for it I completed it I am fine some days and again I am facing same meanwhile I am diabetic patient? How can I cure permanently without antibiotic? It will cure by natural remedies? Please suggest!

08:54 PM | 24-02-2019

For diabetic patients or borderline diabetic patients, why do sugar levels shoot up during times of infection or fever? How can this be explained with natural healing principles? Want to explain this in a simple way to a friend who is experiencing this presently.

01:22 PM | 02-06-2020

10:39 AM | 11-03-2020

I am obese and diabetic. How to treat this?

Natural Cure
04:10 PM | 05-06-2020

12:17 PM | 01-06-2020

My father has an age of 55,present he is under allopathy, to avoid in future what are the best tips to follow and How to get rid of pemphigus Vulgaris??

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