
06:46 PM | 30-10-2021

I am 29 years old male. I had panic attacks for 6 months and was under psychiatric medication. Now I am only on propranolol beta blocker 10mg. I experience bloating/acidity everyday which triggers my heart rate and inturn increase health anxiety and i get relief only after gas goes completely. Please suggest diet considering I have kidneystone/sinusitis. Some days I also get insomnia due to bloating on upper abdomen. Heart pounding is the main symptom which increases my anxiety. Please Help.

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1 Answer

03:02 PM | 10-11-2021

Hello User,

The best advice for suffering from anxiety and panic attacks is to take a natural way to treat it. Going the natural way will only help in treating the episode but will also help in preventing it. As the stressors in today's lifestyle have increased be it for a student, a person working at home, or a corporate lifestyle everything needs to be tackled in a healthy manner. A lifestyle filled with green vegetables, fruits, exercise, and meditation is what is needed.


Start the day with two-three glasses of warm water, this will help in flushing out the toxins and improving the state of metabolism by increasing it.

  • The inclusion of vegetable juice in your breakfast will help in giving the right amount of energy for the day.
  • The next thing is going for a head massage, daily at night massage the head with coconut oil and aloe vera gel, this will help in soothing the nerves and reduce the episode of anxiety.
  • Increasing Vitamin B12 and minerals in the diet will help in treating mood disorders. Chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds are a good sources of vitamin B 12.


Taking a brisk walk in the early morning sun rays helps in treating all the problems, as the sun helps in treating the mood and freshen us for the whole day. Early morning walk is recommendable.

Even Suryanamaskar will help in treating the mental issues and will help in dealing with all problems, 12 sets a day is recommendable. If you are a beginner start with 6 and increase it.


Stop using the gadget an hour before sleep, you can use a fragrant diffuser where you can use essential oils, and then with the smell itself, you will start feeling calm. The next thing is to take 10 long deep breaths, and allow your body to relax, any thought which comes let it go do not resist.

Saying the affirmation, I am healthy and happy" release each breath. This will help a lot in calming you.


Sleep is a very important part of treating any mental symptom, a sleep cycle of 90 minutes should be completed in order to get a sound body. This sleep cycle should be repeated 5 times. This makes 7-8 hours of healthy sleep. This will make your body and mind strong and refreshing.

Hopefully, these suggestions will help.

Thank you.


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