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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

05:02 PM | 03-09-2019

After losing weight , major people gains weight again in few months , what all care he/she should take for Healthy weight Management?

09:44 AM | 24-01-2020

Hello, I am 39 yrs male, 85 kg weight and 165 cms height. I am type 2 diabetic for last 9 yrs but currently well controlled. I have lost around 13 kg weight in last 4 months but now it's stuck up and nothing going to work on this. If I lose some pounds it bounces back again despite of controlled diet. Please suggest any detox manner to push to weight loss again. Currently, I have set the target of 75 kg in next 3 months. Can you help?

12:35 PM | 13-07-2020

Hi! I want to know weight loss diet and detox process. Pls suggest.

08:29 PM | 20-08-2019

Hi Everyone pls can you advise diet for a 69 yrs old male suffering from bones tb as per the tests done at artemis? The person is having real pain as side effect of medicine is vomit and loss of apetite. Need it for someone very close.

04:48 PM | 11-09-2019

How can we Detox Blood Naturally?

07:07 PM | 08-08-2019

Hi , Please suggest me as I have been detected recently with PCOD. How to reduce PCOD and weight as I have increased 10 kgs of weight in most few months despite of going for gym and yoga from 5 months?

10:46 AM | 10-09-2020

How to make detox drinks for reducing fat?

04:05 PM | 12-08-2019

Hello Everyone!.. I am an 18 year old boy My Name is Jatin.. I have some digestive issues.. The bowel movements are not regular.. And I feel some food still inside my stomach or the intestines. A bit of gas... Please help me by suggesting a natural way to flush out all the waste from the body.. Or a natural powerful detox. And as I am a college student my eating habits are horrible. So from where should I start?

07:37 PM | 16-04-2020

Hi, I am 38 years old male I had been diagnosed with hypertension in June 2019. Feeling sensation throughout the body specially tingling and trembling in both hands. My weight is 80 kg and height is 175 cm. I am taking medications from last 10 months. What are the things that I can do to control my blood pressure ,tingling and trembling of hands naturally? So that I can get off the medications. Also, would love some weight loss tips too.

05:53 PM | 09-11-2019

I have a gastric problem and excessive fat body. I need some diet tips for weight loss. My weight is 84 kg and height is 168 cm. I need a weight loss of 16-17 kgs. Can you please help me?

03:17 PM | 12-04-2024

How to handle flu-like seasonal detoxifications, that happen during the transition from one season to other or the abrupt weather changes, calmly?

11:58 AM | 24-08-2020

I am 42 kgs, age 30 years, I have gluten sensitivity and acidity issue. Trying to gain weight but it's not possible, my sleep is also not deep may be it affects my weight gain. I have one son, at the time of his birth my weight went to 53 but now back to same 42. I can't eat lot of food at a time it gives me bloating and is difficult to digest. I take less quantity with frequent intervals. What should I do to gain weight without having digestion issues?

10:23 AM | 31-08-2020

I'm Rashida. My age is 35 and my weight is 84 kg I want to lose weight. My periods are irregular and I have hair fall problem as well. Pls guide me.

09:29 AM | 04-11-2019

Can we lose weight by yoga, my height and weight match now but yet again, I want to reduce some weight. What to do?

11:27 AM | 18-08-2019

I want to detoxify my body And want to reduce my weight naturally. Gym Trainer suggested to go for protein diet which will help me to loose weight but i dont want artifical things to loose weight?

08:58 AM | 29-07-2019

Hi, how to use apple cider vinegar for weight loss

11:24 AM | 07-01-2020

I have acidity problem. How to detox body and clear toxins?

10:10 AM | 14-07-2020

Hi. How to reduce the thighs weight and hand weight. And share recipe of detox drink.

10:37 AM | 09-09-2019

How to come out from worse side effects of Allopathy and Antibiotic Medicines? Side effects like Acidity , Indigestion, constipation, Loss of Appetite and many more.

10:07 AM | 19-07-2021

What diet should be followed at the age of 23 for weight loss, glowing skin and growth of hair?

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