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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

10:05 AM | 11-12-2019

Whenever I don't eat for more than 4 hours, apart from basic hunger I start getting a feeling of burning in my chest, which also turns a bit painful at times. What could be the possible reason for this?

05:04 PM | 21-08-2020

I'm having stomach burning how to cure it please suggest!

10:44 AM | 02-08-2019

What is to done for lungs cancer with food and/or medicine

02:19 PM | 14-07-2021

How to cure acidity naturally?

10:18 AM | 23-01-2020

I have upper and lower foot pain in my left leg from 1 month and taking medicines from orthopedic doctor. But pain is still in same area. Can any body tell me how to get from it?

09:58 AM | 20-01-2020

I have external piles from 19 years. I have taken many medicines but no result. Can you pls advise something natural?

11:24 AM | 07-01-2020

I have acidity problem. How to detox body and clear toxins?

10:06 AM | 19-12-2019

I am suffering from lean pcos. My sugar levels are unstable. What can I do?

09:33 AM | 04-08-2020

How to cure Hyperacidity

03:03 PM | 14-02-2020

I am diabetic since 15 yrs and having swelling knees with pain. Can you suggest me a natural diet?

10:30 AM | 30-01-2020

How to tackle hydronephrosis?

01:57 PM | 19-11-2019

My mother is undergoing a treatment of breast cancer. Her chemotherapy and surgery is done and right now undergoing radiation. Somebody told me that taking tulsi leaves in curd will never allow cancer to come back. Is it true? If yes how many leaves daily or how to take it. Also suggest some ways so that it ends completely and never return back. Pls advise

11:05 AM | 16-11-2019

Hii. I have an ache in the ear continuously for the last 3 months. My delivery has time above 6 month. I take a pill to stop aching. At that time i can feel better, but again it starts paining. And i feel extreme fatigue and stress. I sometimes overthink and make my mood worse. Please help.

10:27 AM | 09-10-2019

Is Cancer really curable? By this naturopathic lifestyle? If yes then how and Why? And What all to do? I have heard about a new treatment called water fasting in which you don't drink water the whole day to increase the amount of T cells in your body. Is this true? Are there any other forms of non-drug cancer therapies which can dissolve the cancer cells in 3-4 months?

02:02 PM | 13-08-2019

Hi my mom is suffering from ILD, artharitis, gastric problem and recently she has went through 2 major operation- thrombectomy and total abdomenal hystectomy Please suggest me something for her good health

10:22 AM | 02-08-2019

Hi, my uncle has been detected with lung cancer. Does Nature cure work for that too? Plzz reply and tell me that ,can a 4th stage lung cancer patient be treated through nature cure??

07:02 PM | 31-08-2020

Namaskar every one, my daughter aged 16 has developed a lump in her left breast with irregular borders is their any natural treatment for this?

09:54 AM | 14-02-2020

I'm suffering from acidity. Sometimes when acidity is higher then I get big pimples on my body. Can you pls give me suggestion for handling my acidity problem?

10:31 AM | 30-01-2020

I am a 20 years old. My legs are paining constantly at night whether it is college day or holiday. Even during prolonged standing posture it leads to pain in sole. What should I do?

10:02 AM | 20-01-2020

Can anyone help me with rehabilitation after acl surgery. It's been 6 months. I can walk and do swimming. But as I was on bed rest for 3 months, now I have really bad pain and body stiffness. What can be done?

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