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'healthy cooking' - 2171 Results

11:31 AM | 18-08-2019

Hello, My wife (29yrs) is having upper back swelling and a bump emerge at her upper back from last 3 yrs. We already visited all kind of doctors, physiotherapist. Doctors are saying she is having swelling due to muscles swelling. She is having extreme pain since then. From last 2 months she is visiting yoga practitioner but there is no as such effect. Please advise us what should we do now??

07:54 AM | 17-08-2019

I am type 1 diabetes and ckd stage 3 creatine is 2 urea is 41 hbaic 6. 8 can it be cured no appetite age is 48 since 30 years diabetes. I have digestion problem.

03:55 PM | 14-08-2019

I am feeling tired so much and cant do work or study, what can I do?

10:07 AM | 10-08-2019

What is the reason for swelling in legs and how to treat it naturally?

07:30 PM | 08-08-2019

I have regular ulcer in mouth. Every 15 days later i have ulcer ij mouth since 4 years? What can i do

07:27 PM | 08-08-2019

I have thyroid how can cure my age is 20 I take tablet of 75 mg

06:42 PM | 15-07-2019

What are some natural treatments for hypothyroid? The patient is also taking medicine for thyroid regularly but is there any treatment that can treat it completely?

06:42 PM | 15-07-2019

Hello Everyone, What diet should I have to heal Duodenitis. What are the foods you suggest to have in this case or any natural remedies?

08:10 AM | 09-07-2019

Hi all.. Asking on a behalf of friend. She has a 3 yr old son who is very active but got lead test as positive. What are the precautions to be taken care??

10:20 AM | 29-06-2019

Life nowadays is quite exhausting,suggest some ways to connect to nature inspite of hectic schedules for all working people.

10:45 AM | 07-06-2019

My wife is suffering from low hemoglobin. Please let me know what diet is recommended.

07:47 PM | 01-05-2024

What we can apply on psorasis skin and scalp psorasis??

04:02 PM | 25-04-2024

What are the natural ways to heal Psoriasis?

03:34 PM | 03-03-2022

I am a 25 year old female. I am following a plant based diet for a couple of months (detox juice in the morning, fruits breakfast, grain meal lunch and soup or salad for dinner). I do yoga everyday. Have seen a lot of reduction in my allergy levels. However I am experiencing irregular periods. I am trying to conceive and have mild PCOD. My cycles came once in 50 days for past 2 months. Now it's more than 60 days and I have not got my periods. Facing hairfall and constipation too.

02:58 PM | 26-10-2021

I am 30 years old & post 3 years my delivery, I am suffering from gastric problem and back bone pain problem. When gastric reflux starts, I face breathing and skin rash related problems. Is there any way to treat this issue?

09:00 PM | 31-07-2021

I am having pimples like balls all over my face from a year what to do?

04:31 PM | 07-06-2021

Hello, I had covid 2 mnths back. During this time I suffered from insomnia, hypertension, weakness, nose block issues, I had mild infection, severity was 0, low hemoglobin. Now again did full body check up, my hemoglobin is 9. 7 and sugar is on boundry line like fasting is 105, hba1c is 5. 77. I dont want to take any medicine for this if possible. Before this I never had sugar but yes hemoglobin was always low. Plz suggest what to eat, how much to eat, & what exercise to do?

04:26 PM | 07-06-2021

My father takes medicine for tension, whenever he skip dose he feels headache, I want instead taking medicine he takes natural nutritious things which will improve his mental and physical health. Please tell me

12:32 PM | 13-07-2020

I am suffering from Fatty liver and enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) from last two years. Please help me!

11:15 AM | 06-07-2020

How to reduce pcos (water bubbles)???

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