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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

05:35 PM | 17-08-2020

Loosing lots of hair, on raw plant based diet. Kindly suggest some best foods for hair and iron rich foods. Thanks

03:18 PM | 01-12-2021

Hello, I am asking this question on behalf of my father. My father is 67 years old, He doesn’t have any complain like BP, diabetes. But since 4 months he is getting white patches on his tongue on the edge and he is taking allopathy medicine but these patches keep coming again. Along with this, he experiences kind of pain below his chest and at naval area due to acidity. Also since 2-3 months he developed constipation too. I want to help my father and need your guidance on the same.

02:49 PM | 02-11-2020

Hi. I am 41 yrs old and have thyroid and recently got to know of galactorrhea , and high prolactin level. Got mRI done which indicated hormonal imbalance and I started my medicine for galactorrhea. Today level of prolctin is 4. 41 but T 4 is 11 despite taking medicine. I have got dyspepsia too during last month. Got worst side effects of hormones like depression, sad mood, and anxiety too. Can anyone help how to heal self. I don't want medicine anymore

10:25 AM | 28-08-2020

Hi, I'm 30 years old and since I'm 25, whenever i swallow or yawn I hear crackling noises in my ears which is constant and makes me feel disturbed. My vit b 12 is low since 5 years and vit d too. I have started a few supplements for same and I am told that it could be anxiety. I dont feel fresh for the whole day at a stretch. All my personal and professional matters have been affected. I constantly panic all the time or feel uncomfortable while even speaking to someone. What should I do?

08:43 AM | 30-07-2019

M 24 years old. I had pcos. But after medication this problem has been solved. I have done USG also. According to my age how much carbs I can consume? And my weight is now 58 my height 5'1"is it appropriate or not?

05:41 PM | 02-08-2019

How to gain weight naturally and in short time?

10:05 AM | 18-09-2019

I'm 21 year I have height and low weight problem , my family height is fine but I'm short. My height is 5"5. Can you plz tell me how my height can increase and my weight become normal too?

12:48 PM | 17-07-2020

Hi. I am 26 year old woman. I face issues of excess body heat from time to time. I also sweat much lesser than people who are my age or height and weight. What should I do?

06:05 PM | 12-02-2024

Hi, I suffer from a lot of bloating issues indigestion along with pcos. One of the doctors it was ibs but unsure of it? What should I do to reverse it? What foods to take and what to avoid? I am underweight also so really not knowing how to gain weight as well reverse all issues? What to eat to gain weight? And also should we avoid spices? Are the diet changes lifelong?

11:40 AM | 12-08-2019

Namashkar My sister (29) is specially abled with cerebral palsy. Is there any way to improve her muscles coordinations and also would like to know how could she loose her weight?

09:42 AM | 27-08-2019

I was suffering from colitis 2 years ago. I recovered it completely on my diet. But now whenever I am going to gym and lifting the weights my stomach starts paining. Is there are cure for this?

02:16 PM | 13-09-2019

I am very thin and want to gain healthy weight. How to do that?

02:00 PM | 13-08-2019

Sir I am 45 yr old. My ht is 5. 8 feet and weight only 63 kg. From the last 20 yrs i m not able to gain weightafter all my efforts. What should i do

09:03 AM | 29-07-2019

I am suffering from chronic urticaria and I am under steroidal medication due to which my weight is increasing. If I stop my medicines I get back them very severe. What can be done to get rid of allergy without any medication.

04:27 PM | 12-09-2019

How to gain weight? I am 24 years and my height is 5 ft. 6 inch.

02:34 PM | 18-01-2021

Hi! My sister's optic nerve has been hit due to blood clot. She has lost vision. Please advise if any cure.

04:51 PM | 18-10-2022

Hello, my daughter who is 12 years old. Can someone guide for healthy hair? Thank you

04:47 PM | 05-08-2019

I want to gain weight. My weight is only 53 kg and I am 21 years old. I look too thin.

04:39 PM | 16-10-2019

I want to Increase my weight. I really am very skinny. I am not ashamed of it but still I need to be at the optimum weight. I find it quite impossible to gain muscle and healthy mass if we follow the raw food diet. Please can anyone suggest a FULL DIET PLAN for muscle growth?

12:19 PM | 14-11-2019

I'm suffering from itchy scalp and dandruff gone through all doctors and home remedies but still no result and my hairs are falling and became very thin. Looking for solution. What to do?

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