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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

06:04 PM | 10-10-2019

I have ulcerative colitis what should i eat and what should I avoid?

09:48 AM | 10-10-2019

I have allergic rhinitis. Allopathy doesn't treat permanently. I have tried many times. I tried homeopathy but I m not so disciplined that I can follow the routine of taking medicine four times a day. Anything triggers allergy from dust to clothes fibre, from temperature difference to putting my hands in water. Now started taking septilin and bresol tablets but still facing the same problem. Can you please help me?

09:55 AM | 03-10-2019

How to cure asthma naturally?

09:54 AM | 03-10-2019

I have combination skin and in rainy season i got huge amount of pimples but in winter feel some dry and also in summer i feel so hydrated and good so my question is can i use wow alovera gel. Please suggest me is it good or bad for me? And one question is after threading i got irritation and got acne and pimples. So what can i do please suggest me?

10:07 PM | 30-08-2019

Hello. I am 24 year old. From last 10 years I have skin problem, pimple like things appear on all over body and sometime i feel itching but no liquid discharge. And also after few days it turns into brown and dry out on their own and leave black spot on skin. I have visited so many specialist but they did not recognise and also in winter my skin get so dry that no lotion works on that and having white dandruff type things come out of my skin. Could someone please help me. I am really tired.

10:09 AM | 28-02-2020

I am 32, I have anxiety and sometimes get panic attack, please suggest whether I should take medication and counselling or can I cure it in natural way?

09:46 AM | 31-01-2020

I am 32 year old, have a knee gaps while practising yoga. It pains a lot and can't stand for a long duration. How to overcome this?

04:01 PM | 13-01-2020

I have problem of insomnia, asthma and schizophrenia. How to cure these diseases naturally?

09:52 AM | 28-08-2019

Im having patches on fingers and knees and elbow and having itching on it

10:21 AM | 02-08-2019

I am suffering from TAMARA how to cure this?

01:49 PM | 20-04-2019

How to cure hyperacidity? Keep in mind that I am from a normal family and can only afford commonly available indian recipes. The acidity is causing sore throat and also pain in lower right abdomen area.

06:35 PM | 28-08-2018

Can someone please share the reason for having dandruff? What is the body indicating? What natural remedies can i do?

07:05 PM | 02-05-2024

I have skin problem my body is white but my face is dull and dark compared to body. My skin is becoming oily after the face wash. How to get natural glow

05:04 PM | 15-04-2024

Hi my husband having stomach burning sensation even he had little amount of chilli powder or any kind of chilli.

03:44 PM | 15-04-2024

Any solution for SELENBP1 mutation that causes severe halitosis. The person brushes like 3 times a day but she's frustrated and about losing it

03:19 PM | 15-04-2024

Sir/mam my mother is house wife she is suffering from COPD from last 4 years. Please suggest me a best remedy

12:45 PM | 11-04-2024

I am taking medicines for depression and anxiety. I have thyroid problem too. I want to loose 15 kg weight also. Help me

12:11 PM | 11-04-2024

Hi , I need to know about Posture Correction classes as I am suffering from ankylosing spondylitis

05:34 PM | 10-04-2024

Hello,I have Autoimmune hemolytic anemia and treated with steroids. Now side effects hypothyroidism, PCOS and hormonal fluctuations and weight gain. Weight is stuck, How can I get help?

12:23 PM | 22-11-2021

My friends mom got her cataract eye operation done in both eyes. She often gets eye redness plus pain in both the eyes. She is taking proper medication from hospital. She also takes steriods for this reason in the form or eyes drops. Eye redishess and pain is often repeated , can you tell the causes and remedies and by when it will be resolved?

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