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'Diabetes' - 420 Results

12:18 PM | 26-05-2020

My age is 23. I am suffering from Arthritis and too much burping. Please help?

12:52 PM | 18-05-2020

Hi everyone, I'm Shivani Bansal, I have severe pain in my left knee. As in my left knee there is some confusion or little injury type and early stage of arthritis. I have so much pain that I am unable to walk, not even for a minute till now. Dr asked me to reduce weight. My current weight is 85. 5 kg and my height is 5fit 3". I tried a lot to reduce weight but without workout I m not able to reduce weight. And because of medicine I m gaining more weight

05:24 PM | 18-05-2020

I feel pain in lower (right side) back, a problem similar to sinusitis on left ear-side and left side of the head. It happens frequently. Please help me to get back to normal life. I really beg for normal life which I had a year ago.

02:21 PM | 13-05-2020

Hi to all, I am Monica. Married. I am a housewife. I do all my household work. I am 29 yrs old. Weight 85kg. I have 3 daughters, who are 8 and 2 yrs old twins. I delivered normally followed by pph. I have severe neck pain radiating to left hand. My vitamin d level is 12 as per blood test. Also I have been suspected C6 radiculopathy and got an MRI done, the diagnosis was degenerative changes more at C3 and C4, cervical spine. When I wake up I get pain all over my body. Please help!

02:17 PM | 14-05-2020

I am a 47 year old,suffering with Arthritis ,having severe pain in the hands n legs ,I need to know what is the reason for this disease? I want to know what is the relief from this disease? As I need to go to work ,being a widower, all alone fighting with life.

Natural Cure
08:14 AM | 11-05-2020

11:58 AM | 06-05-2020

I am 20 years old. I have arthritis below waist from last 3 months. I can't even walk without help of others. I tried all medications but no effect what should I do?

02:49 PM | 04-05-2020

I am SLE patient, what do I need to do? I have shown to the doctor, and taken medicines. Please tell me how can I heal it naturally? Also please give some health tips to deal with this problem.

04:34 PM | 01-05-2020

Hi! My name is Mithun. I have burning sensation in my body for 3 months now and lower back pain for 2 years. I got complete check up one. My cholesterol is 198 and vitamin d is deficient. Rest all is normal. Please help me out.

04:04 PM | 28-04-2020

Can living on natural health principles save a lot of medical expenses in life? Also, are there any costs of natural living too? Like too much of raw fruits and veggies consumption will be more expensive than regular meals so can everyone bear that expenditure?

12:59 PM | 30-04-2020

Hi, My mother's age is 50 years, she is suffering from osteoarthritis from past 5 years, is there any solution for this?

01:18 PM | 27-04-2020

I am 53. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in 2011 for which I am taking 25 mcg. Presently,I suffer also from Constipation, forgetfulness,almost no urge of hunger & thirst, shortness of breath,drowsiness, gradually decreasing eye-vision,(recently diagnosed with black cataract and glaucoma),thinness of hair,and issues associated with Hypothyroidism having a bearing on family-life (low-libido,etc) Pl. Suggest remedial method to reverse my condition to normal through natural hygiene/Naturopathy.

01:31 PM | 27-04-2020

How to cure sugar in starting?

11:04 AM | 22-04-2020

Hi! This is Samyukta, I am 28. I have been suffering with SLE from past 10 yrs. Presently my DSDNA report is 250. I am using HCQ’s -200mg , MTX-20mg , Daas-200mg regularly. Can you please help me to get my dsdna report below 25 in natural way and reduce the join paints also? I have arthritis also and getting swellings at fingers and small joints. Could you Please suggest me the best optimal solution.

02:11 PM | 06-04-2020

I am 79. I am diabetic, but with tablets under control. I have been having digestion problem for past 5 years. Allopathic medicines could not cure the defect in the digestive system. I have abdominal pain and gas problem. Take food supplement for gut health , digestion, constipation etc. But the suffering remains. Homely jeera water, ajwain, etc give relief but I want nature cure, living style guidance for taming my stomach. Pl help.

07:49 PM | 16-03-2020


01:11 PM | 16-03-2020

I have Protein S deficiency and also elevated levels of ACA and ANA. I have been told that Protein S indicates a blood clotting disorder hence I need to take blood thinners. ACA and ANA are autoimmune markers, haven't done further testing. Please advise on natural ways to reverse these conditions. I am 39 years old with no physical health issues except occasional bruising.

Natural Cure
03:46 PM | 16-03-2020

01:41 PM | 20-02-2020

My name is Lakshmi Narayanan, age 60. I have back pain, knee pain from last 22 years. I am a type 2 diabetic and have BP issues also. Can it be cured naturally?

05:05 PM | 21-02-2020

My husband is 56 years, He is a diabetic as well as suffers from high BP from last 10 years. From last one year, he is suffering from frequent stomach disorder. What can be the problem and treatment?

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