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'healthy cooking' - 2171 Results

11:19 AM | 17-01-2022

Hi, I have a gerd, my whole day time goes all good, but when I sleep at night, coughing starts & it’s very irritating,is there anything which can help? Cough syrups upsets my stomach, so please help?

11:28 AM | 29-12-2019

Is ok to use whole spices like cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaves, jeera, cloves and other whole spices while healing ( In moderation)?

09:41 AM | 10-10-2019

One of my friend's mother is facing mood swings, her age is 49 years. Is it due to Menopause? How to come out from this Naturally?

04:34 PM | 07-06-2021

Hi! My husband is geting trouble due to gas and having burning sensation in stomach. When he wakes up he also has burning sensation. Plz suggest.

10:13 PM | 17-04-2024

Hi, my I kid stomach is weak whatever we give she vomit nothing extra she can eat. Why?

05:16 PM | 13-04-2024

I have a tendency to form kidney stones. Analysed as calcium oxalate. Any remedies?

10:56 AM | 25-07-2019

Is microwaved food unsafe?

06:46 PM | 30-10-2021

I am 29 years old male. I had panic attacks for 6 months and was under psychiatric medication. Now I am only on propranolol beta blocker 10mg. I experience bloating/acidity everyday which triggers my heart rate and inturn increase health anxiety and i get relief only after gas goes completely. Please suggest diet considering I have kidneystone/sinusitis. Some days I also get insomnia due to bloating on upper abdomen. Heart pounding is the main symptom which increases my anxiety. Please Help.

05:44 PM | 13-04-2024

Irrıtable bowel syndrome cure?

09:33 PM | 24-06-2021

I am 63 years old and a CKD patient also with hypothyroidism and BP. I have frequent night fall, which happens very frequently. Is there any solution for this?

09:58 AM | 14-10-2019

How to overcome anxiety?

06:04 PM | 10-10-2019

I have ulcerative colitis what should i eat and what should I avoid?

12:34 PM | 22-05-2020

I want you to solve my problem, I have cough from past 1 year and along with that I am having vomiting and loose motion and tiredness and sometimes fever also. When I vomit it comes along with clear mucus(balgam) with lather( jhaag) the only condition when I vomit first breathless and cough occur then after vomiting occurs in regular period of 15 to 20. When vomit occurs loose motion also occurs although all my blood test and tb test are done due to this I have lost weigh. Please help!

02:16 PM | 14-07-2021

Hi Sir, I am 21 years old I am suffering from dark circles, dark inner thighs and over active bladder. Please suggest me any remedies to get rid of them naturally

04:27 PM | 10-09-2019

How to come out from Habit and Addiction of Tea / Coffee... Naturally?

05:38 PM | 31-03-2020

How to get deep sleep?

10:43 AM | 02-08-2019

Blood comes in stool. When stool takes place after that continuous blood comes for 5 to 10 minutes without any pain. Now a days it occurs daily. Please provide cure for the illness.

12:41 PM | 07-05-2021

Hi! My father is suffering from chronic kidney disease. We are trying to give him proper nutritious food but his health condition is not improving and his haemoglobin level is low and he was good with other health issues few months back but now his health getting deteriorated. Please tell me what to do?

02:46 PM | 16-10-2019

I have blood in my stool. What to do?

10:13 AM | 13-02-2020

Hi. I am suffering from sudden panic, anxiety, lot of fear. Sometimes cannot control it. It started 4 years after delivery of my child. Can you please give any suggestions?

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