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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

11:09 AM | 01-08-2019

I m 28yrs old and suffering from pcos. I trying to conceive from the past 3years. My periods are not regular and i dont ovaluate,i have tried ayurveda but it didnt regularise my periods so i stopped. Currently i m taking allopathy and doctor suggested me metformin,ovaluation induction drugs. This month have done iui,which is also unsuccessful. My weight is 50kg and height is 5'1 feet. Please suggest me what should i do. I m so tensed and not finding a way out. I want to heal pcos. Please help

09:51 AM | 17-02-2020

I am suffering from too much overthinking which interferes with my day to day work as well as in my studies. From the last 3-4 years I am continuously having gas build up in stomach but no pain yet, no loss of appetite. The only thing i get is gas & burping. I have done almost all test including sonography, all tests are normal and nothing serious in the report. And my muscles are weak too,body twitches,numbness in arms and legs. What should i do?

03:21 PM | 03-03-2022

I want to know about weight loss program. Can anyone please reply to this?

06:11 PM | 17-08-2019

I am under weight since my birth and due to which I suffer from social issues people make fun of my slim physique

09:59 AM | 24-02-2020

I'm 58+ years with 58 Kgs weight. Now I am having low BP which is around 100/70. And I am a frequent traveler. Please guide me how to come out of low BP issue?

12:42 PM | 05-09-2019

Those who are obessed and have a luxurious lifestyle of either eat or does desk work or journey through car or sleep , not ready to change in activities... How to lose their weight Naturally?

12:40 PM | 04-08-2020

I dont feel fresh in the mornings. Body pains and feels stiff, only after bath feels somewhat better. Uric acid is normal, borderline diabetic taking metformin 1 mg weight is 80 kg. Pls suggest what to do.

01:32 PM | 28-09-2019

I have myeshenia gravis, I have been treated and after doing some tests, I feel good right now but I am running steroid. So if I am gaining weight, give me some advice. Can you help me?

10:20 AM | 01-11-2019

Hello! I m 39 yrs old boy having a weight of 98kgs and Severe deficiency of VITAMIN D, what should be done to rectify it naturally as I m taking Vitamin D homeopathic pills?

09:50 AM | 28-12-2019

I want increase my weight

12:34 PM | 22-05-2020

I want you to solve my problem, I have cough from past 1 year and along with that I am having vomiting and loose motion and tiredness and sometimes fever also. When I vomit it comes along with clear mucus(balgam) with lather( jhaag) the only condition when I vomit first breathless and cough occur then after vomiting occurs in regular period of 15 to 20. When vomit occurs loose motion also occurs although all my blood test and tb test are done due to this I have lost weigh. Please help!

09:48 AM | 25-05-2020

I have been suffering from fibromyalgia since 2015 which puts me in chronic fatigue and pain 24*7 with IBS and low energy. In 2018, I got to know that I am HLA b27 postive and I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. Immunity is going very low day by day. Also suffering with straightening of cervical lordosis and maxillary sinusitis. Partail bifid spine at L5 and osteophytes are seen in D12 and L1 vertebra. Please suggest me what to do as I have taken so many treatments but nothing worked.

03:12 PM | 18-04-2020

Hi! I am Monica. I am 28 years old. I have 3 daughters who are 8 and 2 year old twins. My weight is 85 kgs. I wake up with pain in bones and muscles in my body. Also, when I sleep after eating at night, I get pain in left breast bone and I also have gastric pain. Also, I have a lot of pain in the upper back heavily for the last one month. I sleep on floor. Sometimes i breathe very fast. I have rib pain too. I think negative and am always scared.

05:00 PM | 10-02-2020

I'm suffering from hair loss, because of increase in DHT. Is there anything solution to remove dht and regenerate the new hair in bald areas?

09:04 PM | 31-07-2021

I am 48 years old. I took covid vaccine before 45-50 days, I am having a hair fall now since 30-35 days,and their is red spot on my head which seems to be fungus,I am applying zole-f for that since 20 days but it's not much effective,plz suggest me how to prevent my hair loss,I am taking tablet follihair for that

05:30 PM | 06-08-2019

Hi i m mohan and i m suffering from severe hair loss with thining of hairs, can you suggest me any cure for the same pls

12:53 PM | 13-08-2019

I am facing a very serious hair loss... What precautions and treatment should I take??

09:59 AM | 18-09-2019

Im suffering from hair loss plz suggest me something? My age is jst 22

02:00 PM | 11-01-2020

I want to gain weight. What should I do?

10:03 AM | 21-01-2020

How to gain body weight through plant based diet?

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