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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

01:50 PM | 22-10-2019

I am suffering from kidney stone problem since 3 years. Please help me, how can i disolve Kidney stone?

12:43 PM | 23-04-2021

Having 6 mm gall stone, kidney infection and also pcod. Plz suggest any natural way.... Naturopathy Or yoga?

10:10 AM | 06-01-2020

My 28 yrs sister is suffering from autoimmune kidney disease, going on dialysis twice a week. She feels weakness, tiredness, hypertension due to high creatinine level, now we unable to do kidney transplant. How can we reduce creatinine and how to start her urination?

10:38 AM | 09-09-2019

In which Natural Foods We can easily absorb required Natural Sodium for our Health and Prevention?

12:37 PM | 22-11-2021

My 25-year-old friend suffered from an epileptic stroke 2 years back, Since then she is on constant medication for which the doctor has advised lifelong. She used to get minor jerks during her menstrual cycles, but it was the first time she got an epileptic fit. After that, she never got it again. But sometimes the jerks do happen. Can she be fully cured? Please advise what is best for her. She has a 1-year-old kid too and she has developed the fear of an attack.

10:31 AM | 14-09-2020

Hi! I am 34 years. I am facing pitta dosha related health issues. There is heat in my blood and dryness in skin. Kindly suggest ways to improve health. Thanks.

09:53 AM | 06-12-2019

What can be done for kidney stone problem?

12:00 PM | 19-03-2019

Hi! My sister has a tendency to develop stones in her kidney. She has already had 3 re-occurrences. We were able to get rid of the stones through the urinary passage. However, it’s a very painful process. Recently, she started developing similar symptoms again! It’s very scary. I am wondering why stones happen and is there any way to stop them from forming again and again!! Plz help.

10:03 AM | 31-10-2019

I am very much worried about my health. I always google symptoms of various diseases, obsessed about my health. I get muscle twitching, chest pain, severe headache, sharp pains in the muscles. I have done each n every test but all the tests came negative. I did my ecg, vitamin d, calcium test,h pylori test, rheumatoid arthritis test, electrolytes test, blood test, typhoid test almost every test but don't understand what's wrong with me. I am also suffering from acidity. Can you help please?

03:47 PM | 02-02-2019

10:13 PM | 17-04-2024

Hi, my I kid stomach is weak whatever we give she vomit nothing extra she can eat. Why?

10:01 AM | 06-01-2020

Hello. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes, thyroid and kidney stone. She is 43 yrs old. The sugar level sometimes touches 400 and sometimes it goes to 80-90. Will it be ok to do operation of kidney stone of a diabetic patient? And what will be the best diet and solution overall?

06:00 PM | 23-11-2019

One my cousin brother ,age 35yr was damaged 2 kidney,now on dialysis, what is the Naturopathy Treatment in kidney damage?

11:20 AM | 12-03-2019

Dear all! I am a resident of Delhi. Now that summers are approaching and considering the Delhi heat, I am dreading my kids asking for cold-drinks and packaged juices as soon as they are back from school. I really don’t want them to consume these. What are some other interesting options to offer, especially for kids?

10:03 AM | 30-10-2019

Both my kids are having eye power. How to reduce the power? How can they be without glasses please tell me?

05:55 PM | 05-08-2020

I am a housewife with 3 small kids, I have severe headache backside, nausea, Giddiness for past 1 week, bp checked 144/96. Want to weight loss. Having cervical disc degeneration. My wt 85, my age 28 yrs. Having fear and anxiety,palpitations sometimes. Pricking sensation in palms and feet past 2 days. I am worried,please help me to overcome all this naturally.

04:51 PM | 18-10-2022

Hello, my daughter who is 12 years old. Can someone guide for healthy hair? Thank you

10:52 AM | 02-12-2020

Hey! I have pcod and irregular period, from last 3 years. Plz suggest which oil is best for cooking Indian recipes? Coconut oil? Olive oil? Sesame oil? I have heard that these oils are healthy but on heating on a very high temperature they become toxic plz suggest which oil should I use for Indian recipes? Also its very hard for me to loose weight after walking and workouts also + skin problems (facial hair,acne,oily skin,dark spots,pigmentation) hair issue (hairfall). Pls guide

03:35 PM | 27-11-2019

I am having very regular north Indian diet and don't have any major health issue. But I am constantly gaining weight. My typical day have 4-5 km of walking. Suggest some tips please. I am 110 kg now. Can you help?

09:54 AM | 05-08-2019

Hey I am 24 years old. Professionally I am a software engineer. Also I am pursuing higher studies. So how to manage my daily life routine for my health and my work. Plz suggest me. I want to maintain a healthy and good life style.

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