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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

09:50 AM | 05-11-2019

My lower back side of brain feels jammed, as if going to be choked;particularly while feeling hungry. Dizziness, sometime unstable, head heaviness also experienced. When in cold areas or in loud noise or in crowded places it increases a lot. Heart beat increases rapidly, my condition gets very critical.. My legs also start shivering and it gets difficult for me to walk. What can I do?

10:20 AM | 02-08-2019

When I breath I feel like heavy in heart side I don't understand what the problem is breathing is not normal I want to know the cure.

10:17 AM | 03-08-2020

Good Morning.. I underwent coronary angiography and angioplasty one month back.. My query is How many days the heart will take to recovery and pump the blood?

11:10 AM | 21-01-2021

Hi. I'm 37 years old and I have dilated cardiomyopathy. 4 years ago my heart almost went back to normal size. Recently, I'm experiencing bad headaches, and behind the ear pain, and like pressure from my left jaw. What could this be? Thank you so much in advance.

10:30 AM | 09-07-2020

Severe gas problems including belching and farting. Motion is normal. Pls help!

10:45 AM | 10-09-2020

How to reduce pimples?

10:53 AM | 09-02-2021

My name is Venkat. I am suffering from gastritis, IBS, gut issues and obesity problem. Please suggest me diet. I am 37 years old, my weight is 82 kg and height is 5. 5.

12:32 PM | 16-04-2020

Hi! I have anxiety issues. Some days it's totally fine and some days it makes me very dull,not able to do anything. I try to think positive but I can't meditate. Please suggest a way to make me more disciplined and make it vanish from my life.

01:51 PM | 19-04-2021

I am anxiety patient and taking treatment from phychiatrist. I take duzella ,etilaam,betacap ,veniz. I do yoga, I had stomach issues like constipation. In MRI doctor said due to pressure exerted their is descent in rectum and said do kegel exercise. Suffering from shortness of breadth though my oxygen level is normal and no wheezing, is it hyperventilation, and with it fear comes. Got MRI of chest and PFT test done in Januar, its normal. Pls suggest.

09:49 AM | 28-12-2019

My mom is 74 year old. She's having lot of gastric issues recently. She's little motions frequently, that gastric noices in stomach also. Specially after eating certain foods like Chick peas, guava etc. She has issue of hands trembling, joints pain in left leg, sinus. She lives active lifestyle, besides housework like cooking also goes to Brahma kumaris ashram daily. Please advise suitable remedies. We eat satvic food. Mom has problem digesting raw vegetables, so she blends salads I prepare.

09:45 AM | 22-01-2020

I have digestive issues due to gastric problem. Even small pieces also not digesting. How to improve this naturally?

10:39 AM | 11-03-2020

Can you please tell me solution for gastric pain and gastric issues and general weakness? Please tell me how to be strong in any situation?

05:10 PM | 03-06-2021

Hello, I m 32 year old. I have anxiety issues. I suffered from covid 2 mnths back, now I'm ok but still somewhere I have fear about it, about my kid and that makes me crazy. I didnt want any medicine for anxiety and depression, so i started moring walk yoga and exercise. But I have muscular pain after exercise what to do, I have suffered from sever gastritis, now I m not taking any medicine for any thing and I dont even want to take any medicine, need some tips for it.

10:09 AM | 14-10-2020

Which fruit, vegetable, grain should be avoided in hypothyroidism. I'm 31 yr old female and have many health issues.

12:53 PM | 13-08-2019

Hi,I am suffering from stomach issues since 1 and half month. Initial it just started as burning throat pain at the back of throat and now wanting to eat anything after breakfast. Gradually it getting worse. Went to gastroenterologist he suggested few medications,but it's been since 15 days I m on medications. I m feeling lot of regurgitation and belching. And feels heaviness,slight abdominal pain. I started to eat plain food,I don't eat outside or junk food now. Its pathetic pls help me

02:47 PM | 14-07-2020

I want to reduce 10 kgs of weight. I have severe acidity issues due to which I tried intermittent fasting but failed. Kindly guide me to help achieve my goal

03:34 PM | 13-09-2022

I have post covid issues where immune system is over sensitive, have food sensitivities, acid reflux and breathing issues. I did not have these issues before. Will nature cure work for me? I am already eating home cooked bland food

12:41 PM | 07-05-2021

Hi! My father is suffering from chronic kidney disease. We are trying to give him proper nutritious food but his health condition is not improving and his haemoglobin level is low and he was good with other health issues few months back but now his health getting deteriorated. Please tell me what to do?

12:26 PM | 30-06-2020

Sir/ma'am,I have a problem of h. Pylori and am still having issues with my tummy which is now affecting my eyesight seeing is blur sometimes, pls. Help!

12:22 PM | 26-06-2020

Hi, I have query regarding my health issues. I have stone in my gall bladder 18 mm but I don’t have any problem due to stone like pain, nausea etc. I had PCOS now it’s cured and don’t have any problem in periods. Now my concern is mostly in evening I feel empty under my sternum in between the ribs and feel heavy( no pain and other symptoms) if I have antacid or sugar it stops hurting me. Please suggest me what can I do?

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