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'healthy cooking' - 2171 Results

10:33 AM | 30-03-2020

In my right testicle, the veins of testicle is larger and can seen from outside, the testicle size is also larger than my left testicle. How to cure?

10:31 AM | 30-03-2020

I am suffering from high cholesterol. Is there any diet plan to control cholesterol?

10:23 AM | 30-03-2020

Hi! I am getting bad and painful boils on my body. Now it has started coming up 2-3 at a time. I tried antibiotics but that is temporary effect. Once the antibiotics course is over, it will come up again in 2 weeks. Can anyone suggests better treatment in this lock down?

04:50 PM | 15-03-2020

I am 48 year old. Since 4-5 months my smelling power has decreased tremendously,now I am unable to smell anything. Why is it so and any treatment for this,plzz

04:50 PM | 15-03-2020

How to increase the stamina power?

06:52 PM | 14-03-2020

How can i take care of personal hygiene?

12:19 PM | 14-03-2020

A very close family member is suffering from neoendocrine cancer. Chemotherapy is going on, but are they are any natural treatments which can be followed?

12:32 PM | 24-02-2020

I am 32 yrs old. I had c-sec before two years. From that time I am suffering with constipation and hard stool.. Although I drink water at least 10 to 12 glass per day. Can you pls help?

09:58 AM | 24-02-2020

I am 26yr old female suffering from anemia, hypothyroidism and low vit D levels. Kindly guide me. What to do?

10:07 AM | 18-02-2020

I am dust allergic from last three years, now it's become chronic. I feel itch in eyes , nose, tongue with running nose and breathing issue. What to do?

09:50 AM | 17-02-2020

Can you give a cough remedy please?

09:49 AM | 17-02-2020

I am 37 year old and suffering from high bp from last few years.. I started gym workout from last 4 month my BP mostly stay between 130-140/90-100... Can i lift weight in gym? And i am taking bp medicine and anxiety medicine too... How to manage bp and anxiety and can i lift weight?

09:59 AM | 12-02-2020

Why am I facing breathing problem during feb month?

09:58 AM | 12-02-2020

I was diagnosed with Gastritis and ibs 2 years ago. From then I went to various doctors but none helped. Now recently from 2 months I started developing lumps on back of throat and pharynx,doctors said its pharyngitis granulation and I have cough as well from 2 months, No tablets are working. Some doctor said your entire esophagus might got ulcers due to reflux and that's the reason behind your cough and pharyngitis. I am really so depressed with my life. Can you pls help?

10:06 AM | 11-02-2020

I am suffering from itching like Ringworm at one point since two months. Applied Itch guard but not useful. Please advice remedy. What to do?

10:06 AM | 11-02-2020

I am suffering from indigestion from last 4 5 months. I don't have complete bowel evacuation and have partial block nose. I am frequently thirsty. Again I am deficient of Vit b12 and D3. What should I do to have complete bowel evacuation?

10:05 AM | 10-02-2020

How to overcome from knee pain?

10:01 AM | 10-02-2020

Is there cure for piles?

12:02 PM | 06-02-2020

How do I know that my h pylori has gone?

09:49 AM | 05-02-2020

I have mild urinary tract infections and I want to treat it naturally. Can you pls help?

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