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'healthy cooking' - 2171 Results

10:02 AM | 30-10-2019

Hi I am constipated & tried and tested all home remedies. I feel bloated and suffering from gastric issues too. What do you suggest?

10:00 AM | 30-10-2019

Every year i suffer from breathing problem and chest infection in this climate change. Any home remedy you can suggest which can help?

03:37 PM | 29-10-2019

Hi. I am 22 years old and i had floaters in my eyes from the past 3 months. Is there any natural remedy to treat it?

03:42 PM | 26-10-2019

Is writer's cramp disease is curable by any exercise or natural therapy? I am a patient. Is anything I can do?

10:05 AM | 25-10-2019

I have itching on my skin & also have watery moles on face. Tried a lot of allopathic treatment but all in vain. What to do?

09:44 AM | 23-10-2019

Any cure for ankylosing spondylitis?

07:18 PM | 22-10-2019

My brother is suffering from cold and cough from last 15 years. He has sometimes also breathing problem. It is something like asthma. What r the precaution and how to cure it.

01:50 PM | 22-10-2019

Can you give some natural ways to whiten my teeth along with remedy for facial hairs?

01:50 PM | 22-10-2019

My uric acid and sgpt level are little high, how I lower my uric acid and sgpt level?

05:08 PM | 21-10-2019

What is the natural diet for muscle building?

09:40 PM | 19-10-2019

I have taken antidepressants for 6 month because I had no idea to come out from depression and anxiety but now I tapered off medication and feelings good to some extent but now I am suffering from sexual dysfunction as a side effect of antidepressants. I am worried about it. Does sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are reversible by natural treatment please guide me. Thanks.

01:19 PM | 18-10-2019

I am having tennis elbow from the last two weeks. How it can be cured?

10:30 AM | 17-10-2019

Multiple cysts in body. I don't know what is it. But it is there in my body. How to finish them all? Please suggest me something.

09:56 AM | 17-10-2019

I have very thin hair. Please can you tell any remedy to get thick hair?

09:53 AM | 17-10-2019

How to get rid of dandruff?

10:04 AM | 16-10-2019

I am not able to concentrate on what others are saying my age is 40. What should I do?

11:41 AM | 15-10-2019

From last fifteen days my scalp is itching very badly even though my hair is clean, there is nothing. Is this any skin related issue?

10:13 AM | 14-10-2019

I'm a 26 years old have pain in my chest when touched no cough and frequent burping. What to do?

10:13 AM | 14-10-2019

As I commute daily Delhi to Gurgaon, and due to standing long hours in the buses and metros, I am feeling pain in my lower legs and ankles. So can you kindly suggest some natural remedies?

10:12 AM | 14-10-2019

I have bone problem at the age of 27. Can u help me with natural ways to heal myself?

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