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'Diabetes' - 420 Results

05:15 PM | 20-01-2020

I am diabetic as well as have high blood pressure. My age is 35 and from few months I am facing problem of premature ejaculation. What can I do?

10:03 AM | 21-01-2020

How to gain body weight through plant based diet?

09:55 AM | 20-01-2020

How to cure high BP by home remedies?

10:10 AM | 15-01-2020

My mother is facing peripheral neuropathy due to being diabetic. Allopathy medicine not satisfactory. Request any natural simple remedies. Can you pls help?

09:46 AM | 14-01-2020

I have high diabetic range 300-400. Can you please guide me?

10:25 AM | 08-01-2020

I want to loose weight. However, even after many attempts, I am still gaining weight instead of loosing it. Can you suggest a suitable solution?

10:10 AM | 06-01-2020

My 28 yrs sister is suffering from autoimmune kidney disease, going on dialysis twice a week. She feels weakness, tiredness, hypertension due to high creatinine level, now we unable to do kidney transplant. How can we reduce creatinine and how to start her urination?

09:59 AM | 06-01-2020

Scalp itching due to dandruff and my hairs become so thin and hairline is receding, went with dermatologist also but no result. What to do?

09:59 AM | 06-01-2020

How to lose weight?

09:55 AM | 06-01-2020

How to reverse high bp naturally?

10:08 AM | 03-01-2020

A medical student suffering from chronic pancreatitis for 5 years not relieved by enzymes supplement and other medication. No stones found in mrcp, neither raised amylase or lipase levels. What remedies to do and what food to be taken by him?

09:34 PM | 31-12-2019

How to reduce potbelly, I have a very small bit of constipation and gastric problem. Is there any home remedy for this?

09:24 PM | 31-12-2019

How to get rid of hypertension naturally?

09:34 PM | 31-12-2019

I have bad breath problem i want permanent solution

10:00 AM | 01-11-2019

09:50 AM | 28-12-2019

Can mental illness like anxiety, paranoia curable without allopathic medicine? If yes, how?

09:50 AM | 26-12-2019

I have bad breath and coated tongue from 3 years. I daily clean my tongue but it get coated again. I had teeth scaling and used chlorhexidine mouthwash. I did salt water rinse, coconut oil pulling, neem but nothing helped me. There is no nasal problem. What to do?

09:57 AM | 23-12-2019

I m diabetic since 5 years, taking daily 3 times insulin of 10 units, physically and mentally I'm disturbed. Is there any remedy to get rid of insulin?

05:40 PM | 20-12-2019

My weight is 70 kg and I want to reduce my weight. I am working so don't have time for exercise or workout. On the other hand I can't keep myself away from food also. What else can I do to reduce weight?

04:28 PM | 10-09-2019

What foods have to be taken and avoided for Kidney stones?

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