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'Millets' - 423 Results

10:26 AM | 22-10-2019

Hello ma'am. I m 27 years old. But my weight is 43 kg and also suffering from liver disease. How can I gain weight?

10:45 AM | 22-10-2019

I have been diagnosed with grade 2 fatty liver disease. I am very scared. Can you please help?

02:00 PM | 25-10-2019

08:49 AM | 23-07-2019

I live in a hostel. And the food is very oily and spicy. How can i keep my body healthy with such diet?

09:01 AM | 21-10-2019

Iam taking nexito 20mg daily for anxiety. How can I stop the medicine is there any side effects?

09:39 PM | 19-10-2019

I am suffering from Negative Thoughts, Vivid Dreams, Insomnia, Generalised Anxiety from years. I am 22 years old. Please Help.

09:40 PM | 19-10-2019

I get very little sleep at night. By 10 pm I feel very sleepy and I go to sleep then I get up 2 / 3 times at night and wide awake by 4 4. 30am

04:07 PM | 17-10-2019

How to get rid of haliotosis,bad breath?

10:04 AM | 16-10-2019

My nerves get swollen and lot of pain during that period and fear thereafter. What are reasons and remedies for this?

09:56 AM | 17-10-2019

What is the cure for lower back pain? I am continuously on high potency antibiotics for respiratory problems. Is this a reason for weakness and back pain?

10:12 AM | 14-10-2019

I have bone problem at the age of 27. Can u help me with natural ways to heal myself?

02:46 PM | 16-10-2019

I always have a cold, persistently since a couple of months. I eat healthy and do yoga everyday. What can be the problem?

12:15 PM | 17-10-2019

10:04 AM | 16-10-2019

I am not able to concentrate on what others are saying my age is 40. What should I do?

10:50 AM | 16-10-2019

02:03 PM | 15-10-2019

I've been suffering from insomnia from last two months and not been able to sleep. Trying to sleep but brain gets active and I end up staying awake. What to do?

09:43 AM | 10-10-2019

Since last 8/9 months, I am feeling extremely sick. Always a health anxiety, panic, nervousness, uneasiness, apprehension surrounding me. Which is affecting my daily work. I am always thinking about my problem. Very uncomfortable in head. Can you help me please?

09:58 AM | 14-10-2019

How to overcome anxiety?

10:01 AM | 14-10-2019

Hello. I m suffering from Nasal blockage due to DNS and polyps in left nose. Feeling obstruction due to which not able to breathe properly. What to do?

09:56 AM | 14-10-2019

Can arthritis be cured naturally or by doing any exercises?

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