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'Heart health' - 4032 Results

08:25 AM | 30-01-2019

Natural Cure
08:20 AM | 30-01-2019

10:57 AM | 28-01-2019

What is the reason behind having sudden migraine attacks? Also how much advisable is it to control the pain by having medicines like disprin or crocin?

11:54 AM | 28-01-2019

11:59 AM | 28-01-2019

Natural Cure
01:45 PM | 25-01-2019

12:55 PM | 23-01-2019

I tired of my Insomnia? Is there anything in nature remedies I can try to take care of this?

03:51 PM | 23-01-2019

Why do kids catch a cold on season change? How is this linked? My child has been running around with minimal woolens in peak winters. But just when it became rainy after the bright winter spell, he fell sick. Why does this happen?

12:38 PM | 14-12-2018

05:54 AM | 19-01-2019

Can my diet have an impact on my Virtigo episodes?

10:25 AM | 17-01-2019

My 4 year old son is snoring a lot at night. There is no congestion or nose block. He also tends to breathe from mouth. Overall he is sleeping fine and no obvious change in day time activities; at times gets restless at night. Should I be worried?

04:43 PM | 16-01-2019

Hi everyone! My husband is taking some medicine for his eye problem and as a known side effect his potassium levels drop. As result he gets numbness in his limbs. Can someone suggest how to handle this?

10:53 AM | 17-01-2019

10:40 AM | 17-01-2019

08:35 AM | 16-01-2019

10:10 PM | 08-01-2019

Hi when i am on a raw diet of fruits and vegetables. My stool comes out with difficulty. Is this constipation? And what is the remedy for same.. When i eat a diet made with cooked vegetables with rice or wheat i never face any difficulty. Why is it so?

09:05 AM | 02-01-2019

Hi, I am a father of two. My son who studies in class 10 has a hectic study schedule. He studies till late in the night and hence ends up munching on knick-knacks mostly junk. Can anyone suggest some healthy alternatives?

12:16 PM | 11-01-2019

Hi Friends! I am trying to make lifestyle changes bit by bit. Had a confusion regarding cookware. I have completely removed all aluminium cookware from my kitchen. But am not sure if anodized cookware (I am using Hawkins) is safe or not. Please suggest!

09:44 AM | 11-01-2019

Pls suggest any home remedy for dry coughing... Running 8th month of pregnancy n have gestational diabetes.

12:05 PM | 10-01-2019

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