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'Diabetes' - 420 Results

09:02 AM | 12-10-2020

My father in law, 82, has UTI and diabetes. He's under treatment but his pus cells are still increasing. What can be done? Please suggest.

02:07 PM | 06-04-2020

Is diabetes reversible. I am 29 and have diabetes. I am not taking any medicine as I don't wanna ruin my system even more and become dependent on medicines. But that might be putting my body at more risk. I want to explore how I can reverse diabetes and inflammation in body naturally. My HBA1C is 13 and my High Sensitivity C reactive protein marker is 14. 5. So I guess there is lots of inflammation in my body. I believe veganism or LCHF diet can heal but they r opposite diets. Help.

09:51 PM | 17-05-2019

Hi, am looking for a way to remove diabetes of my father. Is there any way?

Natural Cure
10:35 AM | 24-09-2020

10:38 PM | 22-09-2020

Hello my mother in law is 54 and she has thyroid thelesemia and Gastric issues too. Now she is having problem like anxiety, stomach issues, headaches, some time cholesterol, borderline diabetes, body pain. Please help

10:18 AM | 31-08-2020

How to reverse diabetes?

Natural Cure
09:55 AM | 03-09-2020

07:27 PM | 18-08-2020

I'm a 49 year old diabetic patient, diabetes since last 7 years. I suffer from itching sensation. What is homemade treatment for this problem. Using skin ointments gives temporary relief. Please help!

09:27 AM | 27-07-2020

I heard sometime back there is a possibility of doing reverse diabetes, is that true? Need true answer.

09:35 AM | 14-08-2019

01:36 PM | 21-05-2020

Type 1 diabetes and ckd stage 3 creatinine is 2 digestion problem emptying of bowel no energy no sleep please help with the treatment.

07:37 PM | 22-04-2020

Hi , to reverse diabetes is it good to go on a high protein , zero or less carb diet? Would high protein intake have any longterm effects on the body? Also please advise better ways to reverse or cure diabetes

05:23 PM | 23-04-2020

Hi! I have a couple of queries. First question is, If milk is not recommended, what would be the best plant source of probiotics and calcium? Next question is, if we follow this routine, can we reverse any issue that are in the kidneys that originated because of diabetes?

06:20 PM | 07-06-2019

09:50 AM | 17-02-2020

My son 10 year old suffering from diabetes taking 4 time insulin. What to do?

09:50 AM | 17-02-2020

I am having diabetes from very young age. How can i control it without medicines?

12:01 PM | 06-02-2020

I have been diagnosed with pcos... And have irregular periods. How can I over come it? I also heard that it can cause diabetes. Can you pls help me over come it?

10:04 AM | 20-01-2020

My husband is suffering from autoimmune pancytopenia for past 20 years. He is on steroids on and off whenever disease flares up. He has seen so many side-effects because of the medicine in which he had to undergo hip replacement operation in left leg. Now right hip also in 4th stage. Moreover, frequent infection like brain fever, swine flu and diabetes keeps troubling him. We are devastated to the core. Whenever doctor tapers steroids he has high fever. What can be done now?

10:01 AM | 06-01-2020

Hello. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes, thyroid and kidney stone. She is 43 yrs old. The sugar level sometimes touches 400 and sometimes it goes to 80-90. Will it be ok to do operation of kidney stone of a diabetic patient? And what will be the best diet and solution overall?

09:51 AM | 02-01-2020

How to treat diabetes naturally?

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