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'Gut Health' - 3126 Results

05:35 PM | 06-08-2019

I am suffering from hydronephrotics and hudrouretics.. Please give me some good medical advice to cure this.

05:34 PM | 06-08-2019

I am 28 yrs old women I get fungal infection quite often. I go for medication it goes for sometimes and then again it's the same thing. I am tried medicines, home remedies but failed..

05:33 PM | 06-08-2019

My sister in law , a 50 year old lady is suffering from severe leg pain. Any home remedies please. She teaches in a college and is on her feet for 6-8 hours everyday.

05:31 PM | 06-08-2019

Can I get any suggestion to get rid of head and neck tremors... The person is 25 yrs male. No genetic heredity. How to control it... And what should be the diet plans... What shall be done for complete recovery of tremors?

05:28 PM | 06-08-2019

I am 24 year old,my weight is 65 kg. Plz give me instructions for weight loss rapidly

05:24 PM | 06-08-2019

I've been suffering from pcos since last 2 years. And I'm gaining excessive weight.. So what's the natural cure treatment to be followed?

05:21 PM | 06-08-2019

I am 18 and i am only 4'9".. How can i increase my height?

09:56 AM | 06-08-2019

Hi, My 5 years daughter has a habit of bedwetting in the night. How can it be solved.

09:55 AM | 05-08-2019

I am suffering from pain in right side chest wall please advise what can I do?

09:52 AM | 05-08-2019

Is there any natural remedy for cervical spondylitis?

09:49 AM | 05-08-2019

How to stop yourself from biting the nails?

09:48 AM | 05-08-2019

I m 34 yrs old I have 2 c section delivery. Now from last 2 months I have some noise coming from knees. And some pain also. Please tell me what it is?

09:46 AM | 05-08-2019

I am a chronic constipation patient since my childhood. In the meantime this problem was solved in some extent. I had undergone colonscopy in 2006. No abnormality was detected at that time. Now I havebeen facing acute problem for last two months. Pressure does not come on stomach and anus for latrine though I drink one litre of warm water. Even I take petasapha medicine. Inspite of that pressure does not come. My stomach always sounds. Acidity and gastritis problem is a regular problem for me.

09:45 AM | 05-08-2019

Hi i have blessed with baby boy on November 26 2018 which was premature. Got BP so doctors did C-section. From that day i am suffering from phobia of BP and anxiety. And every three weeks and month consulting doctors about BP. It has gone. But its there in mind. I am unable to remove it from mind. And lot of anxiety. Don't know suddenly i feel fast heart beats and fear of death. I am trying a lot to be stronger. For one month i will be fine and happy and sometimes feel too terrible.

09:42 AM | 05-08-2019

Hi I am 50years old women,I suffer from allergy for the past six months, I am taking heomeopathy medecine, but I am not getting rid of this problem, this allergy suddenly comes and goes of at its own,I have severe itching all over my body,how to get rid of this problem

06:50 PM | 04-08-2019

I am suffering from dry cough.. It increases in mid night. Could not sleep due to long coughing.. Please suggest

06:45 PM | 04-08-2019

I am suffering from eyesight weakness I m can't see properly and sometimes I get headache so please give our suggestions to sharp your eyes

06:45 PM | 04-08-2019

I am 36 years old,i have hypothyroid for past 8 yrs. Taking 100 mcg thyroixe 6 days per week. Any natural remedy is there?

01:23 PM | 03-08-2019

I have sleep problem in the night. What should I do?

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